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What does Vandergrift's research show?

Learners who adopt specific listening strategies become better listeners.


Learners taught in the traditional way are better at reinforcing what they learn.


Learners are more confident if they make fewer mistakes.


Learners who listen on a regular basis improve faster.


更多 “单选题What does Vandergrift's research show?A Learners who adopt specific listening strategies become better listeners.B Learners taught in the traditional way are better at reinforcing what they learn.C Learners are more confident if they make fewer mistakes.D Learners who listen on a regular basis improve faster.” 相关考题
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考题 单选题Which of the following does NOT show the proper rhythmic pattern of the sentence?A ‘What's the 'matter?B The ‘sweater is’ beautiful.C He ‘started 'counting it.D ‘He usually 'gets up at ‘six O'clock.