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更多 “单选题_____A determinedB discussedC arguedD sold” 相关考题
考题 单选题In the second paragraph, the word “summit” means _____.A highest pointB mountain topC awardD summary

考题 单选题Newly-born babies _____ in hospital.A are taken good careB are taken good care ofC take good care ofD take good care

考题 单选题The chairman requested that _____.A the members studied the problem more carefullyB the problems were more carefully studiedC the problems could be studied with more careD the members study the problem more carefully

考题 单选题One of the guards _____ when the general came in, which made him very angry.A has sleptB were sleepingC sleptD was sleeping

考题 单选题—What _____ the population of China?—One third of population _____ workers here.A is; areB are; areC is; isD are; is

考题 单选题China is _____ in natural resources.A excessiveB adequateC richD enough

考题 单选题_____A orderB demandC requestD inquiry

考题 单选题By no means _____ to our plan for the trip.A will she agreeB she will agreeC agrees sheD will agree she

考题 单选题Sam has been appointed _____ manager of the engineering department to take _____ place of George.A /, /B the, /C the, theD /, the

考题 单选题I’m feeling sick. I _____ so much chocolate.A needn’t have eatenB couldn’t have eatenC mustn’t have eatenD shouldn’t have eaten

考题 单选题As he had heart attack, he was told that he _____ continue the work.A needn’tB may notC mustn’tD can’t

考题 单选题_____A be doneB doneC to doD to doing

考题 单选题It was with great joy _____ he received the news that his long lost son would soon return home.A howB becauseC asD that

考题 单选题I’m going to do all I can to _____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.A moveB removeC shiftD transform

考题 单选题_____A allowB admitC presentD grant

考题 单选题It is _____ he is determined.A buying a new car thatB to buy a new car thatC to buy a new car whatD buying a new car which

考题 单选题_____A sinceB beforeC agoD after

考题 单选题_____A toolB creationC mirrorD decoration

考题 单选题All medicines should be kept out of _____ of children.A touchB reachC getD attain

考题 单选题_____A civilizationB cultureC writingD book

考题 单选题_____A sinceB untilC thoughD but

考题 单选题When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _____.A shoneB shinesC has shoneD was shining

考题 单选题Mr. Green _____ my letter, otherwise he would have replied before now.A must have receivedB must have failed to receiveC must receiveD must fail to receive

考题 单选题_____A recallB understandC realizeD perceive

考题 单选题There are different forms of energy, _____ come from the sun.A thatB most of thatC most of themD most of which

考题 单选题Mother told Rose to buy some sugar in the supermarket and _____.A she did soB so she didC so did sheD she did such

考题 单选题—Is there anything wrong?—No, so far I _____ no trouble.A have hadB hadC haveD had had

考题 单选题Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for services?A To sell a bicycle for $20.B To get some money for old books at a garage sale.C To buy things you need or want.D To get paid for your work.