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The problem threatening big corporations and independents is that _____.

they are criticized for high prices


cremations are gradually replacing burials


the average costs of cremations are growing


they are suffering from a shortage of manpower


推断题。文章第六段首句提到,大公司和独立公司都会因为火葬的逐渐普及而遇到困难;接下来又具体谈到火葬的普及是如何对这些公司造成影响的。由此可见,大公司和独立公司所面临的共同威胁就是B项(火葬正在逐渐取代土葬)。选项A利用第五段第一句中的high prices设置干扰,但criticized在文中没有提及,纯属无中生有,故排除;文中也没有提到“火葬的平均成本在增加”这一观点,故C项错误;选项D“它们遭受劳动力短缺”是最后一段谈到的家庭式经营所面临的问题,故也应排除。综上所述,本题答案为B项。
更多 “单选题The problem threatening big corporations and independents is that _____.A they are criticized for high pricesB cremations are gradually replacing burialsC the average costs of cremations are growingD they are suffering from a shortage of manpower” 相关考题
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