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Radio Beijing


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “名词解释题Radio Beijing” 相关考题
考题 Everyone is working.Please, ______ a little. A.turn the radio offB.turn the radio upC.turn the radio downD.turn over the radio

考题 How do you like Beijing?(改为同义句)________ do you________ ________Beijing?

考题 The weather in Guangzhou is different from _______. A.Beijing weatherB.that in BeijingC.BeijingD.those in Beijing

考题 GPRS正确的的英文全称描述:() A.Global Packet Radio ServiceB.General Packet Radio ServiceC.General Packet Radio SystemD.Global Packet Radio System

考题 下面的程序段执行后,输出的结果是以下哪个选项( )。StringBuffer buf=new StringBuffer("Beijing2008");buf.insert(7,"@");System.out.println(buf.toString()); A、Beijing@2008B、@Beijing2008C、Beijing2008@D、Beijing#2008

考题 下列选项中正确的语句组是A.char s[8]; s={"Beijing"};B.char s[8]; s="Beijing";C.char *s; s={"Beijing"};D.char *s; s="Beijing";

考题 General average to be __________ in Beijing according to Beijing Adjustment Rules 1996A.arranged and determinedB.adjusted and settledC.handled and treatedD.disposed of and cared for

考题 The portable radio apparatus means ______.A.the radio apparatus fitted on the portside.B.the radio with a portable equipment.C.the radio equipment which is easily movable.D.the portable radio with some apparatus

考题 GPRS的英文全称为()A、Global.Packet.Radio.ServiceB、General.Packet.Radio.SystemC、General.Packet.Radio.ServiceD、Global.Packet.Radio.System

考题 北京电子政务建设中,“首都之窗”的网址是()A、www.beijing.gov.cnB、www.beijing.gov.comC、www.beijing.netD、www.beijing.gov.com.cn

考题 GPRS全称()A、General Standard Radio SystemB、General Packet Radio SystemC、General Packet Radio ServiceD、Global Packet Radio Service

考题 域名ftp.beijing.gov.cn中计算机名是()。A、ftp.beijing.gov.cnB、ftp.beijing.govC、ftp.beijingD、ftp

考题 下列选项中,正确的语句组是()。A、char s[8]; s={“Beijing”};B、char *s; s={“Beijing”};C、char s[8]; s=“Beijing”;D、char *s; s=“Beijing”;

考题 从下列哪条信令中可以解读出业务种类:()A、Radio Access Bearer Assignment RequestB、Radio Link Reconfiguration PrepareC、Radio Link Reconfiguration ReadyD、Radio Link Reconfiguration Commit

考题 GPRS的英文全称为()A、Global Packet Radio ServiceB、General Packet Radio SystemC、General Packet Radio ServiceD、Global Packet Radio System

考题 Radio Beijing

考题 在下列表达式中,结果为真的是()A、“BEI”$“BEIJING”B、“BEI”$“BEFORE”C、“BEFORE”$“E”D、“BEIJING”$“BEI”


考题 以下语句的输出结果是()(<CR>为回车,Δ表示空格)a="Beijing"<CR>b="ShangHai"<CR>Printa;b<CR>A、Beijing<CR>ShangHaiB、<CR>beijing<CR>ShangHaiC、BeijingShangHai<CR>D、ΔBeijingΔ

考题 GPRS正确的的英文全称描述:()A、Global Packet Radio ServiceB、General Packet Radio ServiceC、General Packet Radio SystemD、Global Packet Radio System

考题 单选题下列选项中,正确的语句组是()。A char s[8]; s={“Beijing”};B char *s; s={“Beijing”};C char s[8]; s=“Beijing”;D char *s; s=“Beijing”;

考题 填空题Ms Clark came to Beijing three years ago.→ It has been ____ Ms Clark came to Beijing.

考题 单选题The portable radio apparatus means().A the radio apparatus fitted on the portsideB the radio with a portable equipmentC the radio equipment which is easily movableD the portable radio with some apparatus

考题 单选题有以下程序:#include #include char *a=you;char *b=Welcome you to Beijing!;main(){ char *p; p=b; while(*p != *a)p++; p+=strlen(a)+1; printf(%s,p);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。A Beijing!B you to Beijing!C Welcome you to Beijing!D to Beijing!

考题 单选题General average to be()in Beijing according to Beijing Adjustment Rules 1996.A arranged and determinedB adjusted and settledC handled and treatedD disposed of and cared for

考题 单选题以下语句的输出结果是()(<CR>为回车,Δ表示空格)a="Beijing"<CR>b="ShangHai"<CR>Printa;b<CR>A Beijing<CR>ShangHaiB <CR>beijing<CR>ShangHaiC BeijingShangHai<CR>D ΔBeijingΔ

考题 单选题域名ftp.beijing.gov.cn中计算机名是()。A ftp.beijing.gov.cnB ftp.beijing.govC ftp.beijingD ftp