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His_____in alcohol ruined his whole life.









更多 “单选题His_____in alcohol ruined his whole life.A indulgenceB habitC engagementD addiction” 相关考题
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考题 共用题干 第一篇The Culture of Campus DrinkingDrinking on college campuses in the United States is more pervasive and destructive than many people realize.Studies show that alcohol consumption is linked to at least 1,400 student deaths and 500,000 unintentional injuries annually.Alcohol consumption by college students is associated with drinking and driving,diminished academic performance,and medical and legal problems.Nondrinking students also may experience alcohol-related consequences,such as increased rates of crime,traffic crashes,rapes and assaults,and property damage.Traditions and beliefs handed down through generations of college drinkers serve to reinforce students' expectations that alcohol is a necessary component of social success.The role of alcohol in college life is evident in the advertising and sale of alcoholic beverages on or near campuses.This combination of social and environmental influences creates a culture of drinking that passively or actively promotes the use of alcohol.Yet efforts to reduce student drinking have largely been unsuccessful,in part because proven, research-based prevention strategies have not been consistently applied.It is first necessary to change the culture of college drinking if prevention strategies are to be effective.The analysis strongly supports the use of a"3-in-1 Framework"to target three primary audiences simultaneously:individual students,including high-risk drinkers;the student body as a whole;and the surrounding community.The leadership of college presidents and school administrators is crucial to develop appropriate plans,supervise the integration of policies pertaining to different aspects of student life,and ensure consistent enforcement of drinking-related policies.Alcohol consumption may lead to__________.A:good academic performanceB:traffic jamsC:unintentional injuriesD:less crimes

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考题 单选题He kept the light in his room()the whole night.A burntB burningC burnD to burn