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Distilled water is now largely used on board, this may be corrosive (due to presence of dissolves CO2) and () to the taste.









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更多 “单选题Distilled water is now largely used on board, this may be corrosive (due to presence of dissolves CO2) and () to the taste.A flatB slatC sweetD acid” 相关考题
考题 What type of extinguisher should be used for an electric fire? ________A.CO2B.FormC.WaterD.Water and Form

考题 29. The writer thinks that people in large cities should __________ .A. stop the used water from getting into undergroundB. only use the water from the riversC. make their used water clean againD. use as much sea water as possible

考题 The cooling liquid used for the cylinder may be referred to as _____.A.jacket waterB.make-up waterC.boiler waterD.flushing water

考题 At board meetings you have to _____the formality of the language. A.used toB.be used to learnC.get used toD.be used as

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考题 What is the BEST conductor of electricity?A.Carbon dioxideB.Distilled waterC.Fresh waterD.Salt water

考题 The number and position of hydrants arranged on board shall be such that _______,one of which shall be from a single length of hose,may reach any part of the ship normally accessible to the passengers or crew while the ship is being navigated.A.at least two jets of water which shall be from the same length of hoseB.at least two jets of water emanating from the same hydrantC.at least two jets of water not emanating from the same hydrantD.at least two jets of water not emanating from the same hydrant,one of which shall be from a single length of hose

考题 Michael is now merely a good friend,A:largely B:barely C:just D:rarely

考题 The following tells us how to reuse the used water.Which is the right order of the passage A.to have the used water filtered B.to put chemicals in it C.to pipe it to the users D.to pipe the used water to be purified to a factory

考题 水泥涂料用于淡水舱和双层底舱。()A、Primer is used for sea water tanks and double bottom tanks.B、Cement wash is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.C、Varnish is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.D、Bitumen is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.

考题 单选题Which statement concerning the collection of fresh water is FALSE?()A Fresh water may be obtained from fishB lifeboat covers or canopies should be washed with rain before drinking water is collectedC Fresh water may be collected from condensation inside the life-raftD Freshwater cannot be produced from standing seawater

考题 单选题Pipes made of plastic are now widely used in building as they are light and do not become ()in water.A ripeB instantC rottenD mature

考题 单选题On a bulk chemical carrier,water should NOT be used as an extinguishing agent to fight a fire if the water may come into contact with the chemical called().A acrylic acidB benzeneC oleumD vinyl toluene

考题 单选题Water fog from an all-purpose nozzle may be used to().A fight an electrical fireB fight a magnesium fireC eliminate smoke from a compartmentD All of the above

考题 单选题The()enables water to be blow down or emptied from the boilerIt may be used when partially or completely emptying the boiler.A main stem stop valveB auxiliary steam stop valveC feed check or control valveD blow down valve

考题 单选题The cooling liquid used for the cylinder may be referred to as ().A jacket waterB make-up waterC boiler waterD flushing water

考题 单选题The electrolyte in a lead-acid storage battery consists of distilled water and ().A hydrogen chlorideB calcium chlorideC sulfuric acidD muriatic acid

考题 单选题Distilled water from an evaporator may be discharged into a potable water tank ().A through a detachable hose connectionB after passing through an activated charcoal filterC after chemical analysis shows it is fit for consumptionD through a solenoid operated three-way valve

考题 单选题() is used for cylinder and cylinder head, the salt water is used for cooling the lubricating oil, the fresh water in the coolers and the charging air in the air cooler.A The fuel oilB The lube oilC The sea waterD The fresh water

考题 单选题The technology may use a lot of computing power and fancy mathematics, but it also_______ data distilled by humans.A had relied onB relied onC has relied onD relies on

考题 单选题() neutralizes the acid conditions and() cleanses the rings and grooves.A The detergency;the alkalinityB The alkalinity;the detergencyC The inhabitant;the waterD The additives;the distilled water

考题 单选题When water is used to fight a fire on board a ship,the effect of the weight of the water must be taken into account. How much sea water will increase the weight displacement by one ton?()A 64 cubic feetB 35 cubic feetC 100 gallonsD 500 liters

考题 单选题Seawater may be used for drinking water ().A at a maximum rate of two ounces per dayB after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh waterC if gather during or immediately after a hard rainD under no circumstance

考题 单选题Seawater may be used for drinking().A under no conditionsB at a maximum rate of two ounces per dayC if gathered during or immediately after a hard rainD after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh water

考题 单选题Allowance for fresh water refers to().A the provision to be provided when the vessel sails in fresh water areaB the fresh water to be carried by a vesselC the allowance of fresh water for each crew member when in distress at seaD the amount of free board decreased when sailing in fresh water area

考题 单选题Which statement concerning the collection of fresh water is FALSE?()A Fresh water may be obtained from fishB Lifeboat covers or canopies should be washed with rain before drinking water is collectedC Fresh water may be collected from condensation inside the liferaftD Seawater should never be consumed

考题 单选题Spearmint is distilled for flavoring chewing gum and candy and used as a disguise for disagreeable tastes in medicine.A inconsistent B opposing C unpleasant D unbearable