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死后分娩(postmortem delivery)


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考题 【名词解释】死后分娩(postmortemdelivery)

考题 跟单托收的交单条件有:() A.D/P or D/P at xx days after sightB.Delivery of documents against letters of undertaking to payC.Delivery of documents against promissory noteD.Delivery of documents against a signed trust receiptE.Delivery of documents against part of collection to be paid at sight and the balance by way of the acceptance of a separate draft payable at a future date.F.D/A

考题 A (An) __ is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A.engine logbookB.delivery docketC.store bookletD.maintenance book

考题 Whatarethefoursteps,intheircorrectorder,tomitigateawormattack?() A.contain,inoculate,quarantine,andtreatB.inoculate,contain,quarantine,andtreatC.quarantine,contain,inoculate,andtreatD.preparation,identification,traceback,andpostmortemE.preparation,classification,reaction,andtreatF.identification,inoculation,postmortem,andreaction

考题 When the Vessel is at the place of delivery and in every respect physically ready for delivery in accordance with this Agreement,the Sellers shall give the Buyers a written ______ for delivery.A.information of the of the vesselB.Notice of ReadinessC.Declaration of the Condition of the VesselD.Declaration of DWT or Net DWT

考题 The Charterers to _______ a surveyor on behalf of both parties at the port of delivery and re-delivery,who shall inspect the cargo holds and ascertain bunkers remaining on board.A.InstructB.DecideC.SightD.Appoint

考题 尸体现象(postmortem phenomena)

考题 死后分娩

考题 What are the four steps, in their correct order, to mitigate a worm attack?()A、contain,inoculate,quarantine,and treatB、inoculate,contain,quarantine,and treatC、quarantine,contain,inoculate,and treatD、preparation,identification,traceback,and postmortemE、preparation,classification,reaction,and treatF、identification,inoculation,postmortem,and reaction

考题 What are two considerations to using IP Multicast delivery? ()A、no congestion avoidanceB、not for bandwidth intensive applicationsC、no guaranteed delivery mechanismD、source sends multiple data streams out each interface

考题 We look forward to()the goods in the fourth quarter.A、the delivery ofB、your deliveryC、deliverD、delivery

考题 术语翻译:Symbolic delivery()

考题 翻译:Physical Delivery()

考题 翻译:Delivery()

考题 下列哪些表现属于尸体腐败:()A、死后分娩B、尸绿C、干尸D、泡沫脏器

考题 尸体角膜混浊(postmortem turbidity of cornea)

考题 死后分娩(postmortem delivery)

考题 分娩(delivery)

考题 单选题If the Vendor is unable to make delivery,or to make delivery in good time,owing to force majeure then the Vendor’s obligation to deliver shall().A ceaseB stopC suspendD delete

考题 单选题When will Premier make their first payment?A Upon delivery of the computers.B Thirty days after delivery.C Two months after delivery.

考题 名词解释题分娩(delivery)

考题 多选题下列哪些表现属于尸体腐败:()A死后分娩B尸绿C干尸D泡沫脏器

考题 单选题What are the four steps, in their correct order, to mitigate a worm attack?()A contain,inoculate,quarantine,and treatB inoculate,contain,quarantine,and treatC quarantine,contain,inoculate,and treatD preparation,identification,traceback,and postmortemE preparation,classification,reaction,and treatF identification,inoculation,postmortem,and reaction

考题 名词解释题尸体现象(postmortem phenomena)

考题 单选题If the Sellers anticipate that,notwithstanding the exercise of due diligence by them,the Vessel will not be ready for delivery by the canceling date they may notify the Buyers in writing()stating the date when they anticipate that the Vessel will be ready for delivery.A the date of declarationB date of Notice of ReadinessC the canceling dateD the date of delivery

考题 名词解释题尸体角膜混浊(postmortem turbidity of cornea)

考题 单选题When the Vessel is at the place of delivery and in every respect physically ready for delivery in accordance with this Agreement,the Sellers shall give the Buyers a written()for delivery.A information of the of the vesselB Notice of ReadinessC Declaration of the Condition of the VesselD Declaration of DWT or Net DWT