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In quadrilateral ABCD, ∠A +∠C is 2 times ∠B +∠D. If ∠A = 40, then ∠B = ______.









It cannot be determined from the information given.


You are given that, in quadrilateral ABCD, ∠A+∠C is 2 times ∠XB+∠D, and ∠A = 40, so
40+∠C = 2(∠B+∠D). Since the sum of the degree measures of the four angles of a quadrilateral is 360, 40+∠C+(∠B+∠D) = 360. Substituting 2(∠B+∠D) for 40+∠C gives. 2(∠B+∠D)+(∠B+∠D) = 360. Since the last equation contains two unknowns, the measures of angles B and D, it is not possible to find the measure of ∠B (or ∠D).
更多 “单选题In quadrilateral ABCD, ∠A +∠C is 2 times ∠B +∠D. If ∠A = 40, then ∠B = ______.A 60B 80C 120D 240E It cannot be determined from the information given.” 相关考题
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