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结合上文第二段中的“...lost his hair through chemotherapy”可知,Vincent发现Zac可能会因为化疗而失去头发。故C项符合题意。raise增加,提高。add增加,补充。fall掉下,落下。
更多 “单选题A raiseB addC loseD fall” 相关考题
考题 Arbitration is a _____ approach to conflict management in resolving conflict disputes.A lose-loseB win-winC win-loseD lose-winE closed door

考题 The burning question in this year’s debate is: whose taxes should (). A、raiseB、be raisedC、riseD、be risen

考题 Resentment against your work seems to ________ from the fact that people don’t understand it. A.raiseB.ariseC.occurD.happen

考题 下列指令中()才是减法指令。 A、SUBB、ADDC、DEC

考题 有如下程序,该程序的输出的结果是()intaddc(inta,intb,intc){c=a+b;return(c);}main(){intx=4,y=2,z,r;z=x+y;r=addc(addc(x,y,z),addc(y,z,x),z);printf(“%d\n“,r);}() A、36B、12C、14D、6

考题 Their purpose is to ( ) awareness of public problems that citizens face. A. raiseB. ariseC. arouseD. rise

考题 Not only ______ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.A:we lostB:lost weC:we did loseD:did we lose

考题 If we ___________ these marksup, we'll get a total of 90.A holdB addC turnD make

考题 Don't ____ his tricks. A、fall inB、fall intoC、fall forD、fall out

考题 The incident gave ______ to an endless debate on whether genetically modified food can be consumed A. raiseB. riseC. ariseD. risen

考题 Let’s assume you ______ one of those categories.A: fall downB: fall offC: fall intoD: fall in

考题 下列指令中减法指令是()。 A.SUBB.ADDC.DIVD.MUL

考题 Thegovernmentistryingtodosomethingto________betterunderstandingbetweenthetwocountries.A)raiseB)promoteC)heightenD)increase

考题 If only I ______my car!A. hadn't lostB. wouldn't loseC. didn't loseD. haven't lost

考题 Even the best writers sometimes find themselves__________ for words.A.lose B.lost C.to lose D.having lost

考题 At that time we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.A:give B:attach C:lose D:understand

考题 请选出读音不同的选项。( )A.route B.youth C.lose D.lonely

考题 It is possible to approach the problem in a different way.A:raiseB:poseC:experienceD:handle

考题 Please put up your hands if you have any questions.A: raise B: reach C: wave D: fold

考题 Jack stood there until he finally lost sight of the train.A:couldn't see B:look C:lose D:can't see

考题 Mr. White has a wife and three children to()A、raiseB、keepC、growD、take

考题 下列哪些数据是常量()。A、altB、addC、a+bD、”zhangsan”

考题 ADDC A,R7

考题 ADC0809的ADDC、ADDB、ADDA为通道选择位,若要选择模拟通道5进行A/D转换,则ADDC、ADDB、ADDA的值应该为()。

考题 FX系列PLC中,16位加法指令应用()A、DADDB、ADDC、SUBD、MUL

考题 单选题The month which started with the fall of Rome witnessed also the fall of other cities and the German Fortress was successfully besieged.A suppressedB surveyedC surroundedD surrendered

考题 单选题Pay more attention to () .A the ride and fall of the tideB ride with fall of the tideC riding and falling of the tideD riding with falling of the tide

考题 单选题The cargo fall over the dock is called the().A burton fallB down fallC hatch fallD stay fall