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负荷丧失事故 loss of electrical load accident


更多 “负荷丧失事故 loss of electrical load accident” 相关考题
考题 为了使小区A到小区B的负荷均衡很难触发,可以调整哪些参数() A.增大UTRAN Downlink Load Balance Threshold(Power)(系统内下行负荷均衡门限(功率))B.减小UTRAN Downlink Load Balance Threshold(CodE.(系统内下行负荷均衡门限(码字))C.增大PermittedPayload Difference Downlink Load ThresholdinInter-frequency Cells(Power)(异频小区许可下行负荷差门限(功率))D.减小Permitted Payload Difference Downlink Load ThresholdinInter-frequency Cells(CodE.(异频小区许可下行负荷差门限(码字))

考题 多载波小区间的负荷均衡最初只考虑了小区下行功率,后因小区码资源拥塞严重,此时需要打开基于码资源的负荷均衡,下面参数中需要调整的是() A.Load Balance Switchfor Code(基于码资源负荷均衡开关)B.Code Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡码资源权重)C.Downlink Power Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡下行功率权重)D.Uplink Interference Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡上行干扰权重)

考题 2002年急性透析质量建议组将急性肾损伤分为 A、危险(risk)B、损伤(injury)C、衰竭(failure)D、丧失(loss)E、终末期肾病(ESRD)

考题 AV_Traffic_Load_GPRS体现了小区信道占用情况,以实现动态调节PDCH信道资源,它表示() A.TCH平均占用负荷B.PDCH信道平均占用负荷C.TCH和PDCH全部的平均占用负荷

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考题 AV_Traffic_Load_GPRS体现了小区信道占用情况,以实现动态调节PDCH信道资源,它表示()A、TCH平均占用负荷B、PDCH信道平均占用负荷C、TCH和PDCH全部的平均占用负荷

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考题 LTE上行实现半静态或动态频率重用方案的指示:A、HII (High Interference Indicator高抗干扰指标)B、TLI (Traffic Load Indicator交通负荷指示器)C、LB (Load Blance负载平衡)D、OI (Overload Indicator过载指示器)

考题 Alcatel话务负荷计算方法中,短期话务负荷评估为间隔()秒,BSC统计小区的空闲TCH信道数。 A、TCH_Info_PeriodB、Load_Ev_Period*TCH_Info_PeriodC、A_Traffic_Load*TCH_Info_PeriodD、A_Traffic_Load*Load_Ev_Period*TCH_Info_Period

考题 多载波小区间的负荷均衡最初只考虑了小区下行功率,后因小区码资源拥塞严重,此时需要打开基于码资源的负荷均衡,下面参数中需要调整的是()A、Load Balance Switchfor Code(基于码资源负荷均衡开关)B、Code Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡码资源权重)C、Downlink Power Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡下行功率权重)D、Uplink Interference Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡上行干扰权重)

考题 What are two characteristics of OER? ()A、 It can take on HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP as clients.B、 It provides automatic inbound route optimization.C、 Path selection may be based on delay, loss, or jitter.D、 The border router makes decisions about which outbound path to use.E、 Automatic load distribution is provided for multiple connections.

考题 流量丧失事故失流事故 loss of flow accident 〔LOFA〕

考题 直流负荷的分类()A、经常负荷B、事故负荷C、冲击负荷D、均匀负荷

考题 单选题When a rescuer finds an electrical burn victim in the vicinity of live electrical equipment or wiring,his first step is to().A flush water over any burned area of the patientB apply ointment to the burned areas on the patientC get assistance to shut down electrical power in the areaD remove the patient from the vicinity of the live electrical equipment or wiring

考题 单选题AV_Traffic_Load_GPRS体现了小区信道占用情况,以实现动态调节PDCH信道资源,它表示()A TCH平均占用负荷B PDCH信道平均占用负荷C TCH和PDCH全部的平均占用负荷

考题 单选题The operator of electrical motors should keep a constant check on the loads they carry because ()A low loads necessitate frequent insulation cleaningB exceeding nameplate values shortens useful lifeC energy is wasted if full loading is not utilizedD power factor correction methods are load dependent

考题 名词解释题遗传负荷(genetic load)

考题 多选题What are two characteristics of OER? ()AIt can take on HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP as clients.BIt provides automatic inbound route optimization.CPath selection may be based on delay, loss, or jitter.DThe border router makes decisions about which outbound path to use.EAutomatic load distribution is provided for multiple connections.

考题 单选题Alcatel话务负荷计算方法中,短期话务负荷评估为间隔()秒,BSC统计小区的空闲TCH信道数。A TCH_Info_PeriodB Load_Ev_Period*TCH_Info_PeriodC A_Traffic_Load*TCH_Info_PeriodD A_Traffic_Load*Load_Ev_Period*TCH_Info_Period

考题 单选题The most inefficient method of voltage reduction from the stand point of power loss, is a/an ()A capacitor in series with the loadB inductor in series with the loadC capacitor and inductor in series with the loadD resistor in series with the load

考题 单选题Which of the following should be the FIRST step in removing a generator from parallel operation?()A Trip the generator off the switchboardB Turn off all electrical equipmentC Remove the load from the off going generatorD Increase the cycles of the generator staying on the line

考题 名词解释题容量负荷过度(excessive volume load)

考题 多选题多载波小区间的负荷均衡最初只考虑了小区下行功率,后因小区码资源拥塞严重,此时需要打开基于码资源的负荷均衡,下面参数中需要调整的是()ALoad Balance Switchfor Code(基于码资源负荷均衡开关)BCode Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡码资源权重)CDownlink Power Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡下行功率权重)DUplink Interference Weightfor Load Balance(负荷均衡上行干扰权重)