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At the end of the financial year, an accounts accumulation batch is run. This batch updates the company’s accounting records. During the batch run process, some incorrect entries were inserted into the ACCOUNT table. You identified the bug and immediately stopped the batch run process, but 3000 incorrect records were inserted into the ACCOUNT table before the batch process was stopped. You want to recover the table to the state it was at 11:50 P.M. Which flashback feature will you use?()

  • A、 Flashback Drop
  • B、 Flashback Database
  • C、 Flashback Table
  • D、 Flashback Version Query


更多 “At the end of the financial year, an accounts accumulation batch is run. This batch updates the company’s accounting records. During the batch run process, some incorrect entries were inserted into the ACCOUNT table. You identified the bug and immediately stopped the batch run process, but 3000 incorrect records were inserted into the ACCOUNT table before the batch process was stopped. You want to recover the table to the state it was at 11:50 P.M. Which flashback feature will you use?()A、 Flashback DropB、 Flashback DatabaseC、 Flashback TableD、 Flashback Version Query” 相关考题
考题 下列不是分支结构的语句是( )。A.If…Then…End IfB.While…WendC.If…Then…Else…End IfD.Select…Case…End Select

考题 下列不是分支结构的语句是( )。A)If…Then…End IfB)If…Then…Else…End IfC)While…WendD)Select…Case…End Select

考题 在汇编语言程序中,对END语句的叙述正确的是()。 A.END语句是一可执行语句B.END语句表示程序执行到此结束D.END语句在汇编后要产生机器码C.END语句表示源程序到此结束

考题 The conclusion of the dealing is certainly not the (). It is only the ().A、end,beginB、ending,startC、end,beginningD、ending,beginning

考题 如下图所示的两个窗体:要使其中第一个窗体中的第一个命令按钮来控制显示第二个窗体,第二个命令按钮用来结束程序的运行(两个按钮名称为Command1和Command2)。则以下选项中,对这两个命令按钮编写的事件过程正确的是A.Private Sub Command1 Click() Form2.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click()End End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Conunand2_Click() End End SubC.Private Sub Conmmand1_Click() Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click()Show 1, Form2 End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub

考题 下列不是分支结构的语句是( )。A. If.··Then··End IFB. While…EndC. If...Then...Else…End IfD. Select…Case…End Select

考题 以下语句错误的是A.If a=1 And b=2 Then C=3 End IfB.If a=1 Then C=2 Else If a=2 Then C=2 End IfC.If a=1 Then C=3 End IfD.If a=1 Then C=2 Else If a=2 Then C=2 End If End If

考题 下面4个CT函数中是用来判断用户输入的数是否为奇数的,是奇数的返回1,否则返回0,其中正确的是A.Function CT(ByVal a As Integer) If a Mod 2=0 Then Return 0 ElSe Return 1 End if End FunctionB.Function CT(ByVal a As Integer) If a Mod 2=0 Then CT=0 Else CT=1 End if End FunctionC.Function CT(ByVal a As Integer) If a Mod 2=0 Then CT=1 Else CT=0 End if End FunctionD.Function CT(ByVal a As Integer) If a Mod 2=0 Then Return 1 Else Return 0 End if End Function

考题 WhichtwostatementsaretrueabouttheapplicationofQoSinaconvergednetwork?() A.end-to-endnetworkdelaytimesthatexceed50msforreal-timetrafficareconsideredunacceptableB.end-to-endnetworkdelaytimesthatexceed250msforreal-timetrafficareconsideredunacceptableC.end-to-endnetworkdelayisnotafactoraslongasthedelayisconsistentD.somepacketlosscanbecorrectedbycodecalgorithmsE.RSVPhandlesvoicepacketretransmissionF.fragmentationisaresultofpacketloss

考题 请看代码,回答下面的问题。TypeTMammal=ClassProcedure Walk;…..end;{end of TManmml}procedure TMammal.Walk;beginShowMessage(‘Result is Mammal Walk’);end;TDog=Class(TMammal)Procedure Walk;end;procedure TDog.Walk;beginShowMessage(‘Result is Dog Walk’);end;varMammal:TMammal;dog:TDog;beginMammal:=TDog.Create;Mammal.Walk;Mammal.Free;end;上面代码中,最后的输出结果是:( )A.‘Result is Dog Walk’B.‘Result ia Mannal Walk’

考题 Decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to the question: Where did he go next? _______A.He turned to the left at the end of the street. B.He turned to the left at the end of the street. C.He turned to the left at the end of the street. D.He turned to the left at the end of the street.

考题 end-to-end端对瑞

考题 Which router or router combination is used to calculate the MPLS traffic engineering tunnel path?()A、head-end router and tail-end routerB、middle-point routerC、head-end routerD、tart-end routerE、tail-end router

考题 What are some virtues of implementing end-to-end VLANs?()A、End-to-end VLANs are easy to manage.B、Users are grouped into VLANs independent of a physical location.C、Each VLAN has a common set of security and resource requirements for all members.D、Resources are restricted to a single location.

考题 Which of the following are actual varieties of network crosstalk?()A、near-end crosstalk(NEXT)B、middle open-end crosstalk(MOEXT)C、power sum near-end crosstalk(PSNEXT)D、jitterry crosstalk(JEXT)E、far end crosstalk(FEXT)

考题 下面()不是oracle程序设计中的循环语句。A、for…end forB、loop…end loopC、while…end loopD、For…end loop

考题 自循环指令,WHILE……END表示,当条件满足时,就执行()程序段。A、END后B、WHILE之前C、WHILE和END中间D、结尾

考题 下列对条件语句、分支语句、固定循环次数语句、不定循环次数语句关键字排序正确的是()A、if elseend;for end;switch case end;while end;B、if elseend;switch case end;for end;while end;C、for end;if else end;while end;switch case end;D、while end;for end;switch case end;if else end;

考题 在汇编语言程序中,对END语句的叙述正确的是()A、END语句是一可执行语句B、END语句表示程序执行到此结束C、END语句表示源程序到此结束D、END语句在汇编后要产生机器码

考题 Which two statements are true about the application of QoS in a converged network?()A、end-to-end network delay times that exceed 50 ms for real-time traffic are considered unacceptableB、end-to-end network delay times that exceed 250 ms for real-time traffic are considered unacceptableC、end-to-end network delay is not a factor as long as the  delay is consistentD、some packet loss can be corrected by codec algorithmsE、RSVP handles voice packet retransmissionF、fragmentation is a result of packet loss

考题 单选题循环两列放在一维数组A[0…M-1]中,end1指向队头元素,end2指向队尾元素的后一个位置。假设队列两端均可进行入队和出队操作,队列中最多能容纳M-1个元素。初始时为空,下列判断队空和队满的条件中,正确的是()A 队空:end1==end2;队满:end1==(end2+1)modMB 队空:end1==end2;队满:end2==(end1+1)mod(M-1)C 队空:end2==(end1+1)modM;队满:end1==(end2+1)modMD 队空:end1==(end2+1)modM;队满:end2==(end1+1)mod(M-1)

考题 填空题When will the symposium end?It will end on ____.

考题 名词解释题end-to-end端对瑞

考题 单选题A fire hose has a().A male coupling at both endsB female coupling at both endsC female coupling at the nozzle end and a male coupling at the hydrant endD male coupling at the nozzle end and a female coupling at the hydrant end

考题 多选题Which of the following are actual varieties of network crosstalk?()Anear-end crosstalk(NEXT)Bmiddle open-end crosstalk(MOEXT)Cpower sum near-end crosstalk(PSNEXT)Djitterry crosstalk(JEXT)Efar end crosstalk(FEXT)

考题 单选题下列对条件语句、分支语句、固定循环次数语句、不定循环次数语句关键字排序正确的是()A if elseend;for end;switch case end;while end;B if elseend;switch case end;for end;while end;C for end;if else end;while end;switch case end;D while end;for end;switch case end;if else end;

考题 单选题Which router or router combination is used to calculate the MPLS traffic engineering tunnel path?()A head-end router and tail-end routerB middle-point routerC head-end routerD tart-end routerE tail-end router

考题 单选题The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns: STUDENT_ID NUMBER(12) SEMESTER_END DATE GPA NUMBER(4,3) The registrar has asked for a report on the average grade point average (GPA) for students enrolled during semesters that end in the year 2000. Which statement accomplish this? ()A SELECT AVERAGE(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';B SELECT COUNT(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';C SELECT MIN(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';D SELECT AVG(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end BETWEEN '01-JAN-2000' and '31-DEC-2000';E SELECT SUM(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';F SELECT MEDIAN(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';