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Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) has been enabled for your database instance. The initialization parameters for the components that are managed by ASMM are not set. After observing the effectsof ASMM, you executed the following command: SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_SIZE = 100M; Which statement is true in this scenario( )

  • A、The minimum memory size for the database buffer cache is set to 100 mb.
  • B、The maximum memory size that can be obtained by the database buffer cache during ASMM is set to 100mb
  • C、The minimum memory size allocated for a server process in the database buffer cache in dedicated modeis set to 100 mb.
  • D、The maximum memory size from the database buffer cache that can be released for dynamic distributionduring ASMM is set to 100 mb


更多 “ Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) has been enabled for your database instance. The initialization parameters for the components that are managed by ASMM are not set. After observing the effectsof ASMM, you executed the following command: SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_SIZE = 100M; Which statement is true in this scenario( )A、The minimum memory size for the database buffer cache is set to 100 mb.B、The maximum memory size that can be obtained by the database buffer cache during ASMM is set to 100mbC、The minimum memory size allocated for a server process in the database buffer cache in dedicated modeis set to 100 mb.D、The maximum memory size from the database buffer cache that can be released for dynamic distributionduring ASMM is set to 100 mb” 相关考题
考题 Which two initialization parameters would you set to enable Automatic Shared Memory Management?() A. set SHARED_POOL_SIZE to zeroB. set STATISTICS_LEVEL to BASICC. set SGA_TARGET to a non-zero valueD. set DB_CACHE_SIZE to a non-zero valueE. set STATISTICS_LEVEL to TYPICAL or ALL

考题 You are upgrading to the Oracle 10g Database and will use the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature of the Oracle 10g Database. Which background process serves as the SGA memory broker that  coordinates the sizing of the memory components?()  A、 MMANB、 PMONC、 MMOND、 MMNL

考题 术语翻译:Weight memo()

考题 下面对Memo组件Memo1操作正确的语句是()A、Memo1.Clear"";B、Memo1.Lines := ’ Test ’;C、Memo1.Lines.Add(123456)D、Memo1.Lines.Delete(1);


考题 Which background process does Automatic Shared Memory Management use to coordinate the sizing of memory components?()A、PMONB、SMONC、MMNLD、MMANE、MMON

考题 Which statement is true about the Manageability Monitor (MMON) background proces()A、It transfers statistics from memory to disk at regular intervals.B、It coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups when ASM is used.C、It communicates with the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance on behalf of the databaseinstance.D、It performs dynamic memory management when Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabledfor the database instance.

考题 Which two initialization parameters would you set to enable Automatic Shared Memory Management?()A、 set SHARED_POOL_SIZE to zeroB、 set STATISTICS_LEVEL to BASICC、 set SGA_TARGET to a non-zero valueD、 set DB_CACHE_SIZE to a non-zero valueE、 set STATISTICS_LEVEL to TYPICAL or ALL

考题 SORT_AREA SIZE and HASH_AREA_SIZE parameters are ignored in some of the user sessions. What could be the reason?()A、The User Global Area (UGA) is not configured.B、The sessions were started using the login name SYS.C、The sessions are running in the Automatic Shared Memory Management mode.D、The sessions are running in the automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management mode.

考题 You are enabling the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature in the Oracle Database 10g to ensure that the important memory structures of the System Global Area (SGA) are automatically adjusted depending on the database workload. You are using Enterprise Manager 10g to enable this feature. You are currently on the Administration tab page.  Which two links should you click to go to the Memory Advisor page?() A、 Advisor CentralB、 Global AttributesC、 Resource MonitorsD、 Memory ParametersE、 Database Usage StatisticsF、 All Initialization ParametersG、 Automatic Workload Repository

考题 A senior DBA asked you to execute the following command to improve performance: SQL ALTER TABLE subscribe log STORAGE (BUFFER_POOL recycle); You checked the data in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table and found that it is a large table containing one million rows. What could be a reason for this recommendation?()A、The keep pool is not configured.B、Automatic Workarea Management is not configured.C、Automatic Shared Memory Management is not enabled.D、The data blocks in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rarely accessed.E、All the queries on the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rewritten to a materialized view

考题 The Automatic Shared Memory Management feature is enabled for the PROD database. Currently, a lot of insert activity is taking place in the database, and the memory structures are allocated according to the database workload. As the workload reduces, you decide to perform batch jobs in the database. Which of the following initialization parameters are NOT automatically resized according to the new workload and continue to remain unchanged?()A、 LOG_BUFFERB、 DB_CACHE_SIZEC、 JAVA_POOL_SIZED、 LARGE_POOL_SIZEE、 SHARED_POOL_SIZEF、 STREAMS_POOL_SIZE

考题 For Oracle 11g, Oracle strongly recommends that you configure your database to use which of the following memory-management features?()  A、 Automatic PGA Memory ManagementB、 Automatic SGA Memory ManagementC、 Automatic Shared Memory ManagementD、 Automatic Memory ManagementE、 Manual SGA Memory ManagementF、 None of the above

考题 You have configured Automatic Shared Memory Management. Which four memory structures would be automatically tuned? ()A、 log bufferB、 Java poolC、 Large poolD、 Fixed SGAE、 Shared poolF、 Streams poolG、 Keep buffer cacheH、 Database buffer cache

考题 Which of the following Oracle features is enabled by setting a nonzero value for the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter?()  A、 Automatic PGA Memory ManagementB、 Automatic SGA Memory ManagementC、 Automatic Shared Memory ManagementD、 Automatic Memory ManagementE、 Manual SGA Memory ManagementF、 None of the above

考题 In Oracle 11g,by default which one of the following conditions implicitly enables Automatic PGA Memory Management?()  A、 Setting a nonzero value for SGA_TARGETB、 Configuring Automatic Shared Memory ManagementC、 Configuring Automatic Memory ManagementD、 Setting a nonzero value for SGA_MAX_SIZE and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGETE、 None of the above

考题 单选题Which background process does Automatic Shared Memory Management use to coordinate the sizing of memory components?()A PMONB SMONC MMNLD MMANE MMON

考题 单选题Automatic Shared Memory Management is disabled for your database instance. You realize that thereare cases of SQL statements performing poorly because of repeated parsing activity, resulting indegradation of performance.  What would be your next step to improve performance? ()A Run the SQL Access Advisor.B Run the Memory Advisor for the sga.C Run the Memory Advisor for the pga.D Run the Memory Advisor for the shared pool.E Run the Memory Advisor for the buffer cache.

考题 单选题In Oracle 11g,by default which one of the following conditions implicitly enables Automatic PGA Memory Management?()A  Setting a nonzero value for SGA_TARGETB  Configuring Automatic Shared Memory ManagementC  Configuring Automatic Memory ManagementD  Setting a nonzero value for SGA_MAX_SIZE and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGETE  None of the above

考题 单选题By setting the value of MEMORY_TARGET to zero and setting the value of SGA_TARGET to a nonzero value, you will enable which of the following memory-management options?()A  Automatic PGA Memory ManagementB  Automatic SGA Memory ManagementC  Automatic Shared Memory ManagementD  Automatic Memory ManagementE  Manual SGA Memory ManagementF  None of the above

考题 单选题You are upgrading to the Oracle 10g Database and will use the Automatic Shared Memory Management feature of the Oracle 10g Database. Which background process serves as the SGA memory broker that  coordinates the sizing of the memory components?()A  MMANB  PMONC  MMOND  MMNL

考题 多选题Which two initialization parameters would you set to enable Automatic Shared Memory Management?()Aset SHARED_POOL_SIZE to zeroBset STATISTICS_LEVEL to BASICCset SGA_TARGET to a non-zero valueDset DB_CACHE_SIZE to a non-zero valueEset STATISTICS_LEVEL to TYPICAL or ALL

考题 单选题Automatic Shared Memory Management is disabled for your database instance. You realize that there arecases of SQL statements performing poorly because of repeated parsing activity, resulting in degradation ofperformance.  What would be your next step to improve performance()A Run the SQL Access AdvisorB Run the Memory Advisor for the sga.C Run the Memory Advisor for the pga.D Run the Memory Advisor for the shared pool.E Run the Memory Advisor for the buffer cache

考题 单选题For Oracle 11g, Oracle strongly recommends that you configure your database to use which of the following memory-management features?()A  Automatic PGA Memory ManagementB  Automatic SGA Memory ManagementC  Automatic Shared Memory ManagementD  Automatic Memory ManagementE  Manual SGA Memory ManagementF  None of the above

考题 单选题Which statement is true about the Manageability Monitor (MMON) background process()A It transfers statistics from memory to disk at regular intervals.B It coordinates the rebalance activity for disk groups when ASM is used.C It communicates with the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance on behalf of the database Instance.D It performs dynamic memory management when Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabled for the Database instance

考题 单选题SORT_AREA SIZE and HASH_AREA_SIZE parameters are ignored in some of the user sessions. What could be the reason?()A The User Global Area (UGA) is not configured.B The sessions were started using the login name SYS.C The sessions are running in the Automatic Shared Memory Management mode.D The sessions are running in the automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management mode.

考题 单选题Which of the following Oracle features is enabled by setting a nonzero value for the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter?()A  Automatic PGA Memory ManagementB  Automatic SGA Memory ManagementC  Automatic Shared Memory ManagementD  Automatic Memory ManagementE  Manual SGA Memory ManagementF  None of the above

考题 多选题You have configured Automatic Shared Memory Management. Which four memory structures would be automatically tuned? ()Alog bufferBJava poolCLarge poolDFixed SGAEShared poolFStreams poolGKeep buffer cacheHDatabase buffer cache