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When a job exceeds the date specified in its END_DATE attribute, which of the following will happen?()

  • A、The job will be dropped automatically if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUE
  • B、The job will only be disabled if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSE
  • C、The STATE attribute of the job will be set to COMPLETED if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSE
  • D、All objects referenced by the job will be dropped if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUE and the value of the CASCADE attribute is TRUE
  • E、The STATE column of the job table will be set to COMPLETED for the job


更多 “When a job exceeds the date specified in its END_DATE attribute, which of the following will happen?()A、The job will be dropped automatically if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUEB、The job will only be disabled if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSEC、The STATE attribute of the job will be set to COMPLETED if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSED、All objects referenced by the job will be dropped if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUE and the value of the CASCADE attribute is TRUEE、The STATE column of the job table will be set to COMPLETED for the job” 相关考题
考题 The user SYS creates a job by using the following command:Which two statements are true about the job that was created by the preceding command?() A. The job is enabled by default after creationB. The job is automatically dropped after the end dateC. The job executes with the privileges of the user SYSD.

考题 Considerthefollowingcodesnippet:BEGINDBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE(name=,,lne_job1,attribute=,,job_priority,value=1);END;/Ifthiscodewereexecuted,whichofthefollowingstatementswouldbetrue?() A.Thepriorityofthelne_job1jobwouldbesetto1.B.Thelne_job1jobwouldbeexecutedsynchronously.C.Thelne_job1jobwouldrunimmediatelyintheuserscurrentsession.D.Thelne_job1jobwouldretainitscurrentpriority.E.Thejobwillimmediatelytakepriorityoverallrunningjobs.

考题 When a job exceeds the date specified in its END_DATE attribute, which of the following will happen?() A. The job will be dropped automatically if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUEB. The job will only be disabled if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSEC. The STATE attribute of the job will be set to COMPLETED if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSED. All objects referenced by the job will be dropped if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUE and the value of the CASCADE attribute is TRUEE. The STATE column of the job table will be set to COMPLETED for the job

考题 If a job references a schedule that has been disabled, what will be the result?() A. The job will be automatically disabled.B. The job will never execute.C. The job will attempt to execute but will fail.D. The job will inherit the DEFAULT_SCHEDULE schedule.E. A schedule object cannot be disabled.

考题 Youexecutedthefollowingcode:BEGINDBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE(NAME=’JOB_A’,ATTRIBUTE=’JOB_PRIORITY’,VALUE=7);END;/Afteranalyzingtheabovecode,whatconclusionwillyoudraw?() A.Thecodewillbeexecutedsuccessfully.B.ThecodewillnotbeexecutedsuccessfullybecausethevalueoftheVALUEparametermustbe1,2,or3.C.ThecodewillnotbeexecutedsuccessfullybecausethevalueoftheVALUEparametermustrangebetween1and5.D.ThecodewillnotbeexecutedsuccessfullybecausenoSET_ATTRIBUTEprocedureexistsintheDBMS_SCHDULERpackage.

考题 What is the default value for the ENABLED attribute of a job or program when it is created? () A. TRUEB. FALSEC. There is no default. It must be defined at creation time.D.PENDINGE. NULL

考题 Which DBMS_SCHEDULER procedure(s) can be used to alter an existing job? () A. SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULLB. ALTER_JOBC. ALTER_JOB_PARAMETERSD. ALTERE. SET_ATTRIBUTE

考题 When setting arguments for a job, which procedure do you use for types that cannot be implicitly converted to and from a VARCHAR2 datatype?() A. SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUEB. SET_JOB_VALUE_ANYDATAC. SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUED. SET_SPECIAL_JOB_VALUEE. SET_JOB_ANYTYPE_VALUE

考题 The user SYS creates a job by using the following command:Which two statements are true about the job that was created by the preceding command? ()(Choose two.) A. The job is enabled by default after creationB. The job is automatically dropped after the end dateC. The job executes with the privileges of the user SYSD. The globalization environment that exists at the time of the job creation prevails at the job runs

考题 What is the default value for the ENABLED attribute of a job or program when it is created? ()A、TRUEB、FALSEC、There is no default. It must be defined at creation time.D、PENDINGE、NULL

考题 Consider the following code snippet:   BEGIN  DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE ( name = ,,lne_job1, attribute = ,,job_priority, value = 1);  END;  /   If this code were executed, which of the following statements would be true?()A、 The priority of the lne_job1 job would be set to 1.B、 The lne_job1 job would be executed synchronously.C、 The lne_job1 job would run immediately in the users current session.D、 The lne_job1 job would retain its current priority.E、 The job will immediately take priority over all running jobs.

考题 If a job references a schedule that has been disabled, what will be the result?()  A、 The job will be automatically disabled.B、 The job will never execute.C、 The job will attempt to execute but will fail.D、 The job will inherit the DEFAULT_SCHEDULE schedule.E、 A schedule object cannot be disabled.

考题 Which DBMS_SCHEDULER procedure(s) can be used to alter an existing job?()A、 SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULLB、 ALTER_JOBC、 ALTER_JOB_PARAMETERSD、 ALTERE、 SET_ATTRIBUTE

考题 When setting arguments for a job, which procedure do you use for types that cannot be implicitly converted to and from a VARCHAR2 datatype?()A、SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUEB、SET_JOB_VALUE_ANYDATAC、SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUED、SET_SPECIAL_JOB_VALUEE、SET_JOB_ANYTYPE_VALUE

考题 You have created a job class, CUST_JOB_1, with two jobs, CUST_JOB_1_A and CUST_JOB_1_B. Which two statements are true? ()A、 The member jobs would get dropped when the job class is dropped.B、 Both the jobs would be executed concurrently.C、 The member jobs would get disabled when the job class is dropped.D、 The attributes defined at the class level would be applied to both the jobs.E、 Jobs in the job class must have been assigned the same priority.

考题 You executed the following code:   BEGIN   DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE  (  NAME = ’JOB_A’,   ATTRIBUTE = ’JOB_PRIORITY’,   VALUE = 7);   END;  /   After analyzing the above code, what conclusion will you draw?()  A、 The code will be executed successfully.B、 The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must be 1, 2, or 3.C、 The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must range between 1 and 5.D、 The code will not be executed successfully because no SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure exists in the DBMS_SCHDULER package.

考题 Which of the following tasks is not performed by the job coordinator?()A、Update job log when a job completesB、Spawn and remove job slavesC、Write/read job info to/from memory cacheD、Query job tableE、Pass job information to job slaves

考题 单选题When setting arguments for a job, which procedure do you use for types that cannot be implicitly converted to and from a VARCHAR2 datatype?()A SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUEB SET_JOB_VALUE_ANYDATAC SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUED SET_SPECIAL_JOB_VALUEE SET_JOB_ANYTYPE_VALUE

考题 单选题When setting arguments for a job, which procedure do you use for types that cannot be implicitly converted to and from a VARCHAR2 datatype?()A  SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUEB  SET_JOB_VALUE_ANYDATAC  SET_JOB_ANYDATA_VALUED  SET_SPECIAL_JOB_VALUEE  SET_JOB_ANYTYPE_VALUE

考题 单选题Which of the following tasks is not performed by the job coordinator?()A  Update job log when a job completesB  Spawn and remove job slavesC  Write/read job info to/from memory cacheD  Query job tableE  Pass job information to job slaves

考题 单选题Which of the following tasks is not performed by the job coordinator?()A Update job log when a job completesB Spawn and remove job slavesC Write/read job info to/from memory cacheD Query job tableE Pass job information to job slaves

考题 单选题Consider the following code snippet:   BEGIN  DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE ( name = ,,lne_job1, attribute = ,,job_priority, value = 1);  END;  /   If this code were executed, which of the following statements would be true?()A  The priority of the lne_job1 job would be set to 1.B  The lne_job1 job would be executed synchronously.C  The lne_job1 job would run immediately in the users current session.D  The lne_job1 job would retain its current priority.E  The job will immediately take priority over all running jobs.


考题 单选题If a job references a schedule that has been disabled, what will be the result?()A  The job will be automatically disabled.B  The job will never execute.C  The job will attempt to execute but will fail.D  The job will inherit the DEFAULT_SCHEDULE schedule.E  A schedule object cannot be disabled.

考题 多选题When a job exceeds the date specified in its END_DATE attribute, which of the following will happen?()AThe job will be dropped automatically if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUEBThe job will only be disabled if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSECThe STATE attribute of the job will be set to COMPLETED if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSEDAll objects referenced by the job will be dropped if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUE and the value of the CASCADE attribute is TRUEEThe STATE column of the job table will be set to COMPLETED for the job

考题 单选题What is the default value for the ENABLED attribute of a job or program when it is created? ()A TRUEB FALSEC There is no default. It must be defined at creation time.D PENDINGE NULL

考题 单选题You executed the following code:   BEGIN   DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE  (  NAME = ’JOB_A’,   ATTRIBUTE = ’JOB_PRIORITY’,   VALUE = 7);   END;  /   After analyzing the above code, what conclusion will you draw?()A  The code will be executed successfully.B  The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must be 1, 2, or 3.C  The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must range between 1 and 5.D  The code will not be executed successfully because no SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure exists in the DBMS_SCHDULER package.