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Squeaky Beans Inc. hired an outside consultant to develop their web application. To finish the job quickly,the consultant created several dozen JSP pages that directly communicate with the database. The Squeakybusiness team has since purchased a set of business objects to model their system, and the Squeaky developer charged with maintaining the web application must now refactor all the JSPs to work with the newsystem. Which pattern can the developer use to solve this problem?()

  • A、Transfer Object
  • B、Service Locator
  • C、Intercepting Filter
  • D、Business Delegate


更多 “ Squeaky Beans Inc. hired an outside consultant to develop their web application. To finish the job quickly,the consultant created several dozen JSP pages that directly communicate with the database. The Squeakybusiness team has since purchased a set of business objects to model their system, and the Squeaky developer charged with maintaining the web application must now refactor all the JSPs to work with the newsystem. Which pattern can the developer use to solve this problem?()A、Transfer ObjectB、Service LocatorC、Intercepting FilterD、Business Delegate” 相关考题
考题 No sooner had the man departed than the tree began dropping coffee beans (). A.by the thousandB.by a thousandC.by thousandsD.by thousand

考题 I took only a _________ of beans with me and left. A.handB.handfulC.handyD.handed

考题 在J2EE中,对于我们自己设计的Bean,应该()。 A.一定要继承java.beans.Beans;B.一定要实Runnable接口C.一定要继承java.lang.Thead类D.可以不继承java.beans.Beans;

考题 (45) 属于Web 客户端脚本语言。(45)A. JavaScript.B. RSSC. JSPD. Java Beans

考题 Section B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail (小径). This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest. My 36 , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently. Normally, Beans sniffs alongside the trail to follow the smell of a deer track or 37 some cause known only to him.Beans is a white dog, quite handsome and very 38 . He not only understands whatwe tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to 39 back.One morning, we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail. I was sure this trail would eventually lead us to our familiar 40 . But, no. We seemed to be far off course. After two hours, I suddenly realized that Beans probably 41 the way home. So I urged, "Beans, take me home." He ran down a new trail. But it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.Soon it became 42 that we were getting nowhere. I began to picture the rest of the day in the 43 , without food or drink. We had walked about ten miles. But Beans seemed totally 44 . The sniffing and exploring was going well for him.Finally, we 45 a crossroad near a highway. Lady Luck suggested I should turn left. We did and 46 reached a cottage beside a field. I knocked on the door and explained my situation to an old man. He laughed and then drove us home.Since our adventure, I 47 that Beans probably knew all along how to get home.He was just having too much fan exploring new trails.36______A. deerB. dogC. ladyD. man

考题 菠菜泥的英文是( )。A.Mashed PotatoesB.Boiled SpinachC.MashedspinachD.Boiled beans

考题 My I have two ______ instead of beans, please?A、corn's earB、corn earsC、ear of cornsD、ears of corn

考题 属于Web客户端脚本语言。A.JavaScriptB.RSSC.JSPD.Java Beans

考题 What is NOT mentioned as a part of the chocolate production process in Valbonne? A.Cocoa beans are ground B.Chocolate is packaged C.Chocolate is pressed D.Cocoa beans are roasted

考题 关于servlet,下面那句话是错误的()A、不要使用java.beans.Beans.instantiate()方法。B、不再使用HttpSession时,应该尽早使用invalidate()方法释放。C、任何时候都不能使用Servlet的SingleThreadModel。D、不再使用JDBC资源时,应该尽早使用close()方法释放。

考题 在J2EE中,对于我们自己设计的Bean,应该()。  A、一定要继承java.beans.Beans;B、一定要实Runnable接口C、一定要继承java.lang.Thead类D、可以不继承java.beans.Beans;

考题 Squeaky Beans Inc. hired an outside consultant to develop their web application. To finish the job quickly, the consultant created several dozen JSP pages that directly communicate with the database. The Squeaky business team has since purchased a set of business objects to model their system, and the Squeaky developer charged with maintaining the web application must now refactor all the JSPs to work with the new system.  Which pattern can the developer use to solve this problem?()A、 Transfer ObjectB、 Service LocatorC、 Intercepting FilterD、 Business Delegate

考题 会话Beans只有无状态一种。

考题 菠菜泥的英文为()A、MashedPotatoesB、Boiled SpinachC、MashedspinachD、Boiled beans

考题 jsp:useBean动作的scope属性设置为()将使同一用户在不同页面共享Beans。A、pageB、sessionC、applicationD、request

考题 在J2EE中,对于我们自己设计的Bean,应该()。 A、一定要继承java.beans.BeansB、一定要实现Runnalbe接口C、一定要继承java.lang.Thread类D、可以不继承java.beans.Beans

考题 The Squeaky Bean company has decided to port their web application to a new J2EE 1.4 container. Whilereviewing the application, a developer realizes that in multiple places within the current application, nearlyduplicate code exists that finds enterprise beans. Which pattern should be used to eliminate this duplicatecode?()A、Transfer ObjectB、Front ControllerC、Service LocatorD、Intercepting FilterE、Business DelegateF、Model-View-Controller

考题 Given the JSP code: 10. 11. 12. 13.Hello, ${customer.title} ${customer.lastName}, welcome 14.to Squeaky Beans, Inc. 15.16.  Which three types of JSP code are used?()A、Java codeB、Template textC、Scripting codeD、Standard actionE、Expression language

考题 多选题Given the JSP code: 10. 11. 12. 13.Hello, ${customer.title} ${customer.lastName}, welcome 14.to Squeaky Beans, Inc. 15.16.  Which three types of JSP code are used?()AJava codeBTemplate textCScripting codeDStandard actionEExpression language

考题 多选题Given the JSP code: 10. 11. 12. 13.Hello, ${customer.title} ${customer.lastName}, welcome 14.to Squeaky Beans, Inc. 15.16.  Which three types of JSP code are used?()AJava codeBTemplate textCScripting codeDStandard actionEExpression language

考题 单选题基于Servlet、JSP和Java Beans的Web应用体系结构中,()从应用服务器取得控制权来执行基本的流程控制。A JSPB HTML页面C ServletD View Beans

考题 单选题For Question 1, select one answer choice.  Which of the following can be inferred from the overall process involved in preparing coffee beans?A Coffee beans must be roasted longer than coffee berries.B Soaking is the lengthiest step in the preparation process.C Consumer preference regarding the final strength and color of coffee varies.D A consumer’s passion for coffee determines exactly how the beans are processed.E The more exotic and unfamiliar the coffee bean, the longer it takes to prepare.

考题 单选题Squeaky Beans Inc. hired an outside consultant to develop their web application. To finish the job quickly, the consultant created several dozen JSP pages that directly communicate with the database. The Squeaky business team has since purchased a set of business objects to model their system, and the Squeaky developer charged with maintaining the web application must now refactor all the JSPs to work with the new system.  Which pattern can the developer use to solve this problem?()A  Transfer ObjectB  Service LocatorC  Intercepting FilterD  Business Delegate

考题 单选题在J2EE中,对于我们自己设计的Bean,应该()。A 一定要继承java.beans.BeansB 一定要实现Runnalbe接口C 一定要继承java.lang.Thread类D 可以不继承java.beans.Beans

考题 单选题The Squeaky Bean company has decided to port their web application to a new J2EE 1.4 container. Whilereviewing the application, a developer realizes that in multiple places within the current application, nearlyduplicate code exists that finds enterprise beans. Which pattern should be used to eliminate this duplicatecode?()A Transfer ObjectB Front ControllerC Service LocatorD Intercepting FilterE Business DelegateF Model-View-Controller

考题 单选题关于servlet,下面那句话是错误的()A 不要使用java.beans.Beans.instantiate()方法。B 不再使用HttpSession时,应该尽早使用invalidate()方法释放。C 任何时候都不能使用Servlet的SingleThreadModel。D 不再使用JDBC资源时,应该尽早使用close()方法释放。

考题 单选题Squeaky Beans Inc. hired an outside consultant to develop their web application. To finish the job quickly,the consultant created several dozen JSP pages that directly communicate with the database. The Squeakybusiness team has since purchased a set of business objects to model their system, and the Squeaky developer charged with maintaining the web application must now refactor all the JSPs to work with the newsystem. Which pattern can the developer use to solve this problem?()A Transfer ObjectB Service LocatorC Intercepting FilterD Business Delegate

考题 单选题()是struts-config.xml文件配置数据源的标签。A data-sourceB data-sourcesC set-propertyD form-beans