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更多 “英译汉:brake” 相关考题
考题 Drive brake

考题 brake()A、锚闸B、打碎C、破裂D、刹车

考题 凉闸站 station for cool brake

考题 铁鞋 brake shoe

考题 英译汉:gearbox ratio

考题 英译汉:production

考题 Open in TRC brake main relay circuit的中文意思是()。

考题 设置停留刹车手柄,如果液压压力小于1075PSI,则()A、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯和PARK BRAKE SET灯亮B、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯亮C、没有指示D、以上全不正确

考题 设置停留刹车手柄,如果液压压力小于1075PSI,则()A、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯和PARK BRAKE SET灯亮B、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯亮C、没有指示

考题 自动刹车时,什么时候“DECEL”灯亮?()A、当按入AUTO BRAKE按钮时。B、当AUTO BRAKE按钮为“OFF”时。C、当飞机达到所需的减速度时。D、自动刹车失效时。

考题 单选题When the power is shut off, the wire()A becomes slackB can not be paid out unless the brake is overhauled or recover wire unless manually operatedC will be let out because the brake is out of workD may be pay out due to no power

考题 单选题After-cooling of a turbocharged diesel engine will result in ()A higher torque but lower brake horsepowerB lower torque but higher brake horsepowerC higher torque and lower brake horsepowerD lower torque and higher brake horsepower

考题 名词解释题英译汉:brake

考题 名词解释题铁鞋 brake shoe

考题 名词解释题凉闸站 station for cool brake