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Netscape ommunicator4、6进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。

  • A、Edit→Preference
  • B、File→Preference
  • C、View→Character
  • D、Edit→Character


更多 “Netscape ommunicator4、6进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。A、Edit→PreferenceB、File→PreferenceC、View→CharacterD、Edit→Character” 相关考题
考题 Netscape ommunicator4、6进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。 A.EditPreferenceB.FilePreferenceC.ViewCharacterD.EditCharacter

考题 在IE5.0中,进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。 A.“编辑”“编码”B.“工具”“编码”C.“查看”“编码”D.“文件”“编码”

考题 How should a DNS client be configured?() A.Edit the /etc/netsvc.conf file to have a nameserver and a domain search order.B.Edit the /etc/resolv.conf file to have a nameserver and a domain search order.C.Edit the /etc/resolv.conf file to have a nameserver, domain, and domain search order.D.Edit the /etc/netsvc.conf file to have a nameserver, domain, and domain search order.

考题 要将音频信号采集为Windows波形文件,选择菜单命令为()A、File>Capture>AudioB、File>Impore>AudioC、Edit>Ladel>AudioD、Cilp>Audio Option>Audio

考题 机床的回零操作应在()模式下进行。A、JOGB、ZRNC、MDID、EDIT

考题 下面哪个编辑修改器可以将NURBS转换成网格(Mesh)?()A、Edit MeshB、Edit PatchC、Edit SplineD、Edit Poly

考题 在轨迹视图中有5种动画编辑模式分别是:()、()、()、Position Renges和()。A、Edit Keys,Edit Time,Edit Ranges,Function CaseB、Edit Key,Edit Time,Edit Ranges,Function CuresC、Edit Keys,Edit Time,Edit Ran,Function CuresD、Edit Keys,Edit Time,Edi Ranges,Function Cures

考题 果希望得到当前层的完全相同的副本文件,则应执行的操作为?()A、“Edit”“Duplicate”B、“Edit”“Copy”C、“Edit”“Paste”D、“Edit”“Cut”

考题 如果要设置指定模型元素的字体,可以选择的操作菜单是()。A、File菜单B、Edit菜单C、Format菜单D、View菜单

考题 文件管理,ProtelDXP的各菜单主要是进行各种文件命令操作,设置视图的显示方式以及编辑操作。系统包括File,Edit,(),()和Help共5个下拉菜单。

考题 在Windows环境下,想在某个应用程序中把选定的文本或图形复制到剪贴板,应该进行的操作是()。A、可在EDIT菜单中选择Cut命令B、可在EDIT菜单中选择Paste命令C、可在EDIT菜单中选择Copyto命令D、可在EDIT菜单中选择Copy命令

考题 How should an administrator change the order in which host name lookup is performed so that it reads the host file before using DNS?()  A、Edit the /etc/inetd.conf file so that it reads ’local, bind’.B、Edit the /etc/resolv.conf file so that it reads ’local, bind’.C、Edit the /etc/netsvc.conf file so that it reads ’local, bind’.D、Edit the /etc/nslookup.conf file so that it reads ’local, bind’.

考题 An administrator needs to configure a server ( as a temporary solution for an NTP master that has stopped working. What is the process for configuring the NTP master?()A、Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file changing the server line to 'server' and add the line 'fudge stratum 0', and then refresh the daemon.B、Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file changing the server line to 'server' and add the line 'master stratum 0', and then refresh the daemon.C、Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file changing the server line to 'server' and add the line 'fudge stratum 0', and then refresh the daemon.D、Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file changing the server line to 'server' and add the line 'master stratum 0', and then refresh the daemon.

考题 An administrator needs to change a system’s run level from level 2 to level 3. What is the appropriate  method to accomplish this()A、Use the reboot command.B、Edit the /etc/reboot file and reboot the system.C、Edit /etc/.init.state file and reboot the system.D、Use the telinit command

考题 使用NetscapeMessenger发送邮件时,要想延迟发信应如何操作()。A、View→SentlaterB、Edit→SentlaterC、File→SentlaterD、File→Sent

考题 NetscapeCommunicator4.6中设置电子邮件的步骤是()。A、Edit→Preferences→MailGroupsB、File→Preferences→MailGroupsC、Edit→Preferences→BrowserD、File→Preferences→Browser

考题 在IE5.0中,进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。A、“编辑”→“编码”B、“工具”→“编码”C、“查看”→“编码”D、“文件”→“编码”

考题 You are implementing an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web application that allows users to view and edit data. You need to ensure that only logged-in users can access the Edit action of the controller. What are two possible attributes that you can add to the Edit action to achieve this goal? ()A、[Authorize(Users = "")]B、[Authorize(Roles = "")]C、[Authorize(Users = "*")]D、[Authorize(Roles = "*")]

考题 Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. All client computers run Windows 7. You are deploying Microsoft Office 2007 and an Office plug - in as virtua l applications by using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App - V) 4.6. You have sequenced Office and the plug - in separately.You need to ensure that the plug - in interacts with Office correctly. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and declare the plug - in as a dependency.B、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug - in and declare Office as a dependency.C、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.D、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug - in and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.

考题 单选题在IE5.0中,进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。A “编辑”→“编码”B “工具”→“编码”C “查看”→“编码”D “文件”→“编码”

考题 单选题果希望得到当前层的完全相同的副本文件,则应执行的操作为?()A “Edit”“Duplicate”B “Edit”“Copy”C “Edit”“Paste”D “Edit”“Cut”

考题 单选题在ASP.NETMVC中,URL模式为“admin/{controller}/{action}/{id}”,使用下述代码产生的URL为()。A /Book/Edit/111?cid=2Url.Action(Edit,Book,new{id=111,cid=2})B /Edit/Book/111/2Url.Action(Edit,Book,new{id=111,cid=2})C /admin/Edit/Book/111/2Url.Action(Edit,Book,new{id=111,cid=2})D /admin/Book/Edit/111?cid=2Url.Action(Edit,Book,new{id=111,cid=2})

考题 多选题You are implementing an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web application that allows users to view and edit data. You need to ensure that only logged-in users can access the Edit action of the controller. What are two possible attributes that you can add to the Edit action to achieve this goal? ()A[Authorize(Users = )]B[Authorize(Roles = )]C[Authorize(Users = *)]D[Authorize(Roles = *)]

考题 单选题在Windows环境下,想在某个应用程序中把选定的文本或图形复制到剪贴板,应该进行的操作是()。A 可在EDIT菜单中选择Cut命令B 可在EDIT菜单中选择Paste命令C 可在EDIT菜单中选择Copyto命令D 可在EDIT菜单中选择Copy命令

考题 单选题Netscape ommunicator4、6进行编码转换时,操作顺序为()。A Edit→PreferenceB File→PreferenceC View→CharacterD Edit→Character

考题 填空题文件管理,ProtelDXP的各菜单主要是进行各种文件命令操作,设置视图的显示方式以及编辑操作。系统包括File,Edit,(),()和Help共5个下拉菜单。

考题 单选题窗体上放置有一个TEdit类的控件Edit1,并定义了Edit1的OnEnter事件,下面说法正确的是()A 当鼠标在窗体上移动时产生Edit1OnEnter事件B 其他三项都不对C 当Edit1获得焦点时产生Edit10Enter事件D 当鼠标移动到Edit1的上面时产生Edit1OnEnter事件