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考题 哈苏(Hasseblad)、玛米亚(Mamiya)、尼康(Nikon)、佳能(Canon)等品牌的相机均有120中型相机。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Canon公司开发出“炫飞”数码像机打印机,进入打印机行业属于()战略。 A、购并B、内部创业C、不相关多元化D、一般竞争战略

考题 请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。 Passage 1 Unless you spend much time sitting in a college classroom or browsing through certain areas of the Internet, it's possible that you had not heard of trigger warnings until a few weeks ago, when they made an appearance in the Times. The newspaper explained that the term refers to preemptive alerts, issued by a professor or an institution at the request of students, indicating that material presented in class might be sufficiently graphic to spark symptoms of post-traumatic-stress disorder. The term seems to have originated in online feminist forums, where trigger warnings have for some years been used to flag discussions of rape or other sexual violence. The Times piece, which was skeptically titled "Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm," suggested that trigger warnings are moving from the online fringes to the classroom, and might be more broadly applied to highlight in advance the distress or offense that a work of literature might cause. "Huckleberry Finn" would come with a warning for those who have experienced racism; "The Merchant of Venice" would have an anti-Semitism warning attached. The call from students for trigger warnings was spreading on campuses such as Oberlin, where a proposal was drafted that would advise professors to"be aware of racism, classism, sexism, and other issues of privilege and oppression" in devising their syllabi; and Rutgers, where a student argued in the campus newspaper that trigger warnings would contribute to preserving the classroom as a"safe space" for students. Online discussion of trigger warnings has sometimes been guardedly sympathetic, sometimes critical. Jessica Valenti has noted on The Nation's website that potential triggers for trauma are so manifold as to be beyond the possibility of cataloguing : "There is no trigger warning for living your life." Some have suggested that a professor's ability to teach would be compromised should it become commonplace for"The Great Gatsby" to bear a trigger warning alerting readers to the disgusting characters and incidents within its pages. Others have worried that trigger-warning advocates, in seeking to protect the vulnerable, run the risk of disempowering them instead. "Bending the world to accommodate our personal frailties does not help us overcome them", Jenny Jarvie wrote on The New Republic's online site. Jarvie's piece, like many others on the subject, cited the University of California, Santa Barbara, as a campus where champions of trigger warnings have made significant progress. Earlier this year, students at U.C.S.B. agreed upon a resolution recommending that such warnings be issued in instances where classroom materials might touch upon "rape, sexual assault, abuse, self-injurious behavior, suicide, and graphic violence". The resolution was brought by a literature student who said that, as a past victim of sexual violence, she had been shocked when a teacher showed a movie in class which depicted rape, without giving advance notice of the content. The student hoped to spare others the possibility of experiencing a post-traumatic-stress reaction. The trigger-warning debate may, by comparison, seem hard to understand; but express a larger cultural preoccupation with achieving safety, and a fear of living in its absence. The hope that safety might be found, as in a therapist's office, in a classroom where literature is being taught is in direct contradiction to one purpose of literature, which is to give expression through art to difficultanduncomfortableideas,andtherebytoenlargethereader'sexperienceand comprehension. The classroom can never be an entirely safe space, nor, probably, should it be. But it's difficult to fault those who hope that it might be, when the outside world constantly proves itself pervasively hostile, as well as, on occasion, horrifically violent. Which of the following groups of people are most in favor of "trigger warnings"? 查看材料 A.Students. B.Reporters. C.Feminists. D.Professors.

考题 请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。 Passage 1 Unless you spend much time sitting in a college classroom or browsing through certain areas of the Internet, it's possible that you had not heard of trigger warnings until a few weeks ago, when they made an appearance in the Times. The newspaper explained that the term refers to preemptive alerts, issued by a professor or an institution at the request of students, indicating that material presented in class might be sufficiently graphic to spark symptoms of post-traumatic-stress disorder. The term seems to have originated in online feminist forums, where trigger warnings have for some years been used to flag discussions of rape or other sexual violence. The Times piece, which was skeptically titled "Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm," suggested that trigger warnings are moving from the online fringes to the classroom, and might be more broadly applied to highlight in advance the distress or offense that a work of literature might cause. "Huckleberry Finn" would come with a warning for those who have experienced racism; "The Merchant of Venice" would have an anti-Semitism warning attached. The call from students for trigger warnings was spreading on campuses such as Oberlin, where a proposal was drafted that would advise professors to"be aware of racism, classism, sexism, and other issues of privilege and oppression" in devising their syllabi; and Rutgers, where a student argued in the campus newspaper that trigger warnings would contribute to preserving the classroom as a"safe space" for students. Online discussion of trigger warnings has sometimes been guardedly sympathetic, sometimes critical. Jessica Valenti has noted on The Nation's website that potential triggers for trauma are so manifold as to be beyond the possibility of cataloguing : "There is no trigger warning for living your life." Some have suggested that a professor's ability to teach would be compromised should it become commonplace for"The Great Gatsby" to bear a trigger warning alerting readers to the disgusting characters and incidents within its pages. Others have worried that trigger-warning advocates, in seeking to protect the vulnerable, run the risk of disempowering them instead. "Bending the world to accommodate our personal frailties does not help us overcome them", Jenny Jarvie wrote on The New Republic's online site. Jarvie's piece, like many others on the subject, cited the University of California, Santa Barbara, as a campus where champions of trigger warnings have made significant progress. Earlier this year, students at U.C.S.B. agreed upon a resolution recommending that such warnings be issued in instances where classroom materials might touch upon "rape, sexual assault, abuse, self-injurious behavior, suicide, and graphic violence". The resolution was brought by a literature student who said that, as a past victim of sexual violence, she had been shocked when a teacher showed a movie in class which depicted rape, without giving advance notice of the content. The student hoped to spare others the possibility of experiencing a post-traumatic-stress reaction. The trigger-warning debate may, by comparison, seem hard to understand; but express a larger cultural preoccupation with achieving safety, and a fear of living in its absence. The hope that safety might be found, as in a therapist's office, in a classroom where literature is being taught is in direct contradiction to one purpose of literature, which is to give expression through art to difficultanduncomfortableideas,andtherebytoenlargethereader'sexperienceand comprehension. The classroom can never be an entirely safe space, nor, probably, should it be. But it's difficult to fault those who hope that it might be, when the outside world constantly proves itself pervasively hostile, as well as, on occasion, horrifically violent. Which of the following can be the negative impact that trigger warning exerts on literature teaching according to the writer? 查看材料 A.It may highlight the purpose of literature teaching. B.It may expose students to the dark side of the world. C.It may deprive students of their intellectual growth. D.It may cause students to experience a post-traumatic-stress disorder.

考题 今天是阿美20岁的生日,同学朋友一起为她开了一个热闹的生日派对。大家都为阿美准备了精美的生日礼物,他们一起唱歌、跳舞、说笑,最后一起吃生日蛋糕。阿美非常开心。她看起来兴高采烈,欢乐的笑声时时响起。请分别用以下两个经典的情绪理论来分析解释阿美的快乐心情: (1)James—1ange的情绪理论; (2)Canon-Bard的情绪理论。

考题 佳能(Canon)EOS 700D单反套机(18-55mm)入门级这款相机以下信息正确的是()A、这款是定焦镜头B、这款是变焦镜头C、只有一个镜头D、镜头+机身

考题 以下作品著作权保护期为首次发表后50年的是()。A、××大学教学评估自评报告B、CANON相机附带使用手册C、《汤加丽人像摄影》(单张)D、电影《可可西里》E、《余秋雨散文自选集》

考题 下列属于变焦镜头的是()A、佳能(Canon)EF 50MM f/1.8STMB、佳能(CANON)EF 50MM F/1.8IIC、佳能(Canon)EF 17-40MM f/4L USMD、佳能镜头EF-S 55-250MM F/4-5.6 IS Ⅱ

考题 下列()不属于统一品牌策略A、皮尔·卡丹系列产品都用“皮尔·卡丹”品牌B、佳能公司生产的产品都统一使用“Canon”品牌C、海尔集团的所有产品全部标有“海尔”商标。D、家乐福超市运用的“家乐福”商标

考题 无人机航空摄影测量常使用民用单面阵相机作为摄影测量传感器,以下设备中不属于单面阵相机的设备为:().A、Canon 5D MarkIIB、Sony A7 RC、UltraCamD(UCD)相机

考题 尼康(nikon)、佳能(canon)、宾得(pentax)等是()的常见品牌。A、大型照相机B、中画幅相机C、数码单反相机D、120中型照相机

考题 哈苏(Hasseblad)、玛米亚(Mamiya)、尼康(Nikon)、佳能(Canon)等品牌的照相机均有120中型照相机。

考题 卡农(Canon)

考题 单选题下列()不属于统一品牌策略A 皮尔·卡丹系列产品都用“皮尔·卡丹”品牌B 佳能公司生产的产品都统一使用“Canon”品牌C 海尔集团的所有产品全部标有“海尔”商标。D 家乐福超市运用的“家乐福”商标

考题 单选题以无人机航空摄影测量常用的Canon 5D MarkII为例,其主距为35mm,像元大小为6.4微米,CCD尺寸为5616×3744像素,那么547米相对航高,65%重叠度,短边平行航向时,其对应基线长为()。A 131mB 158mC 197m

考题 名词解释题卡农canon

考题 名词解释题Canon

考题 单选题以无人机航空摄影测量常用的Canon 5D MarkII为例,其主距为35mm,像元大小为6.4微米,CCD尺寸为5616×3744像素,那么547米相对航高,65%重叠度,短边平行航向时,其对应像片基线长为:()A 8.39mmB 10.11mmC 12.58mmD 14.27mm

考题 判断题哈苏(Hasseblad)、玛米亚(Mamiya)、尼康(Nikon)、佳能(Canon)等品牌的照相机均有120中型照相机。A 对B 错

考题 多选题某法院受理了一民事案件,原告为甲,被告为乙,甲诉请乙返还其占有的一部Canon高级相机。审理中已认定,乙并非自甲处取得相机的占有。假设在诉讼中出现下述四种诉讼状况,下列关于法院应如何认定事实的表述中正确的是:()。A若乙主张自己为相机的所有权人,而甲不能提供证据反驳,法院应判决驳回甲的诉讼请求B若乙主张自己为相机的所有权人,而甲不能提供证据反驳,乙有权反诉请求法院作出自己为所有权人的确认判决C若经审理认定甲为相机所有权人,乙为无权占有人,并且认定相机因乙使用2年磨损、折旧,但甲不能证明乙为恶意、他主占有人,甲无权请求乙就相机的磨损、折旧承担赔偿责任D若经审理认定甲为相机所有权人,乙为无权占有人,并且认定乙在占有之初为相机支出修理费500元(非因乙的原因),若甲不能证明乙为恶意占有人,甲须补偿乙500元

考题 问答题什么是卡农曲(canon)?

考题 单选题尼康(nikon)、佳能(canon)、宾得(pentax)等是()的常见品牌。A 大型照相机B 中画幅相机C 数码单反相机D 120中型照相机