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[A] before

[B] by

[C] with

[D] round


更多 “ [A] before[B] by[C] with[D] round ” 相关考题
考题 比较MAX(2,4,6,8,10)、ROUND(8.5,0)、INT(8.5)、ABS(-11)的大小,正确顺序为( )。A.ABS(-11)<ROUND(8.5,0)<INT(8.5)<MAX(2,4,6,8,10)B.ABS(-11)<INT(8.5)<ROUND(8.5,0)<<MAX(2,4,6,8,10)C.INT(8.5)<ROUND(8.5,0)<MAX(2,4,6,8,10)<ABS(-11)D.ROUND(8.5,0)<INT(8.5)<MAX(2,4,6,8,10)<ABS(-11)

考题 He bought a( an ) ( ) table from an old lady the other day. A、round/ old/ rosewoodB、rosewood/ old/ roundC、old/ round/ rosewoodD、old/ rosewood/ round

考题 在Excel中,在单元格中输入函数(),则该单元格显示30。 A.ROUND( 34.563,-1)B.ROUND( 34.563,0)C.ROUND( 34.563,1)D.ROUND( 34.563,2)

考题 The______tool is used in precision work to smooth or enlarge a slightly undersized holeA.round outB.round fileC.reamerD.hole driller

考题 执行下列命令后显示的结果是( )。?ROUND(15.3215,2),ROUND(15.3215,-l)A.15.3200 15.3B.15.3220 20.0000C.15.32 20D.15.3200 20.0000

考题 [A] sound[B] all-round[C] entire[D] whole

考题 A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ______.A.all-round yellow light onlyB.all-round white light onlyC.all-round blue light onlyD.alternating red and yellow light

考题 Safety shackles are fitted with ______.A.a threaded boltB.a round pin,with a cotter pinC.a threaded bolt,locknuts,and cotter pinsD.round pins and locknuts

考题 The earth moves around the sun.A:before B:round C:after D:over

考题 语句 select round(13.4321,2), round(13.4567,3)的执行结果是:()。

考题 变量v_time=’23-MAY-00’, 如下那条语句返回值为’01-JAN-00’?()A、select round(v_time,’DAY’) from dualB、select round(v_time,’YEAR’) from dualC、select round(v_time,’MONTH’) from dualD、A select round(to_char(v_time,’yyyy’)) from dual

考题 如何把 7.25 四舍五入为最接近的整数?()A、 round(7.25) B、 rnd(7.25) C、 Math.rnd(7.25) D、 Math.round(7.25)

考题 函数ROUND(568.4586,3)和ROUND(8955.436,-3)的值分别是()和()。

考题 运行以下代码后,变量C、D、E、F的值分别是() A=1.25  B=1.52  C=CINT(A)  D=CINT(B)  E=ROUND(A)  F=ROUND(B)

考题 表达式Round(7.8)+Round(-7.6)的结果是()。A、15B、-1C、1D、0

考题 Excel中,若要对B2中的数据保留两位小数四舍五入,应该使用的公式是()A、=ROUND(B2,0)B、=ROUND(B2,1)C、=ROUND(B2,2)D、=ROUND(B2,-2)

考题 在拳击比赛中常看到的“Round1”,Round的中文意思是()。

考题 Modified deficit round robin supports which of these functionalities?()A、priority queueB、weighted fair queuesC、round-robin service of output queuesD、LLQ

考题 关于ROUND()函数,下列计算那个是不正确的()。A、Round(103.456,2)的返回值为103.46B、Round(3274.56,-1)的返回值为3270C、Round(3274.56,-2)的返回值为3300D、round(1256.233,2)的返回值为1256.24

考题 填空题运行以下代码后,变量C、D、E、F的值分别是() A=1.25  B=1.52  C=CINT(A)  D=CINT(B)  E=ROUND(A)  F=ROUND(B)

考题 单选题Excel中,若要对B2中的数据保留两位小数四舍五入,应该使用的公式是()A =ROUND(B2,0)B =ROUND(B2,1)C =ROUND(B2,2)D =ROUND(B2,-2)

考题 单选题表达式Round(7.8)+Round(-7.6)的结果是()。A 15B -1C 1D 0

考题 单选题Which method should be used to secure a manila line to bitts().A A round turn on the bitt farthest from the strain and then figure eightsB A round turn on the bitt closest to the strain and then figure eightsC Figure eights and then a round turn at the top of both bittsD Only figure eights are necessary on both bitts

考题 单选题Math.round(11.5)等于多少().Math.round(-11.5)等于多少()。A 11.-11B 11.-12C 12.-11D 12.-12

考题 填空题语句 select round(13.4321,2), round(13.4567,3)的执行结果是:()。

考题 单选题变量v_time=’23-MAY-00’, 如下那条语句返回值为’01-JAN-00’?()A select round(v_time,’DAY’) from dualB select round(v_time,’YEAR’) from dualC select round(v_time,’MONTH’) from dualD A select round(to_char(v_time,’yyyy’)) from dual

考题 单选题A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ().A all-round yellow light onlyB all-round white light onlyC all-round blue light onlyD alternating red and yellow light