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更多 “ 振动标定器的频率为159.2Hz。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。 ” 相关考题
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考题 66、在鱼洗实验中,下列哪个说法是正确的? In the fish washing experiment, which of the following statements is true?A.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率越来越接近于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is closer and closer to the natural frequency of the fish washer;###SXB###B.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率大于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is greater than the natural frequency of the fish washer;###SXB###C.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率小于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; When the vibration frequency of the fish

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考题 1、有两个弹簧振子,甲的固有频率为100Hz,乙的固有频率为400Hz,若他们均在频率是300Hz的驱动力的作用下做受迫振动,则()。A.甲的振幅较大,振动频率为100HzB.乙的振幅较大,振动频率为300HzC.甲的振幅较大,振动频率为300HzD.乙的振幅较大,振动频率为400Hz

考题 在鱼洗实验中,下列哪个说法是正确的? In the fish washing experiment, which of the following statements is true?A.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率越来越接近于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is closer and closer to the natural frequency of the fish washer;#B.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率大于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is greater than the natural frequency of the fish washer;#C.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率小于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; When the vibration frequency of the fish