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claim for damage(英译中)


更多 “ claim for damage(英译中) ” 相关考题
考题 Since you break the window, you should pay for the ______ . A.hurtB.harmC.destroyD.damage

考题 Surprisingly, the accident did very little_____to either car. A、harm.B、damage.C、danger.D、injury.

考题 They made a ()on us for the damage.A、communicationB、discountC、referenceD、claim

考题 Flood caused billions of dollars worth of his ______ damage.A、propertyB、treasureC、goodsD、wealth

考题 她声称没有做这件事,可是我不相信她。 (claim)

考题 The cargo must be loaded within the time stipulated by the charter-party,otherwise the Charterer will have to pay ______.A.despatchB.demurrageC.detentionD.damage

考题 Where a vessel is redelivered to the Shipowner and is not in the same good order as when delivered due to the Charterer's fault,and repairs to her have to be effected in order to restore her to that condition,the Shipowner can ______ the cost of repairs and any loss of profit whilst she is being repaired.A.wantB.sendC.deliverD.claim

考题 William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to ___________A.disappear B.fall C.fail D.damage

考题 Think of a dance floor, which is designed to dampen vibrations and limit the ____dancers could do to their limbs.A.problem B.dilemma C.trouble D.damage

考题 请试着用英文解释claim,并写出它的种类