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题干:Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is certainly truethat worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, ______ backache to severe headaches, oreven more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.Many of us think ______ stress as something that other people impose on us. We oftencomplain about how other people put us ______ pressure. But we should try not to let suchpressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stressourselves. We sometimes take ______ more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. Weshould learn to ______ our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really importantand which are not.(根据文章,将下面五个选项按照正确的顺序填在原文中)A:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:on






更多 “ 题干:Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is certainly truethat worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, ______ backache to severe headaches, oreven more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.Many of us think ______ stress as something that other people impose on us. We oftencomplain about how other people put us ______ pressure. But we should try not to let suchpressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stressourselves. We sometimes take ______ more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. Weshould learn to ______ our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really importantand which are not.(根据文章,将下面五个选项按照正确的顺序填在原文中)A:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:onA.AEBDCB.BDCAEC.DABECD.BEACD ” 相关考题
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考题 The receiving activities conduct analyses of the requirements with the requirements provider to ensure that a compatible, shared understanding is reached on the meaning of the requirements. The result of this analysis and dialog is an(74)set of requirements.A.agreed-toB.agree-toC.agree-to-doD.agree-with

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考题 写出反义词 agree