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●To determine whether or not the employee correctly understands the message, the project manager needs to(75).

(75) A. reduce the filtering

B. eliminate barriers

C. obtain feedback

D. use more than one medium


更多 “ ●To determine whether or not the employee correctly understands the message, the project manager needs to(75).(75) A. reduce the filteringB. eliminate barriersC. obtain feedbackD. use more than one medium ” 相关考题
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考题 对于场景:一个公司负责多个项目,每个项目(Project)由一个员工(Employee)团队( Team)来开发。下列UML概念图中,(41)最适合描述这一场景。A.图AB.图BC.图CD.图D

考题 Click the Exhibit button to examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table. Evaluate this SQL statement:SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.employee_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name ManagerFROM employees e JOIN employees m ON (e.mgr_id = m.employee_id)AND e.salary 4000;What is its output?()A.AB.BC.CD.DE.E

考题 Click the Exhibit button to examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table.Which statement lists the ID, name, and salary of the employee, and the ID and name of the employee‘s manager, for all the employees who have a manager and earn more than 4000?()A.SELECT employee_id Emp_id, emp_name Employee, salary, employee_id Mgr_id, emp_name Manager FROM employees WHERE salary 4000;B.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.employee_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m WHERE e.mgr_id = m.mgr_id AND e.salary 4000;C.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.employee_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m ON (e.mgr_id = m.employee_id) AND e.salary 4000;D.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.mgr_id Mgr_id, m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e SELF JOIN employees m WHERE e.mgr_id = m.employee_id AND e.salary 4000;E.SELECT e.employee_id Emp_id, e.emp_name Employee, e.salary, m.mgr_id Mgr_id m.emp_name Manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m USING (e.employee_id = m.employee_id) AND e.salary 4000;

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考题 AIDMA法则中的M是指信息(message)。