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更多 “ 坏事传千里。(spread)(中译英) ” 相关考题
考题 The product is aimed at young people in the 18-25 age (). A、rangeB、spanC、reachD、spread

考题 __________[A] spread [B] interference [C] exclusion [D] influence

考题 They scattered after dinner.A:separated B:fled C:departed D:spread

考题 Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A: send B: hear C: confirm D: spread

考题 The soldiers scattered them and chased them off the field.A:separated B:fled C:departed D:spread

考题 At the first explosion,the crowd scattered.A:separated B:fled C:departed D:spread

考题 The explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees.A:departed B:separated C:fled D:spread

考题 “好事不出门,坏事传千里”体现了购后评价对企业或产品的重要影响?

考题 中译英 千里之行始于足下