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●A small network may only connect two computers inside a home to share a single printer and Internet (74) .

(74) A.connect





更多 “ ●A small network may only connect two computers inside a home to share a single printer and Internet (74) .(74) A.connectB.connectingC.connectionD.connective ” 相关考题
考题 You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 network. Your network includes 75 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers. You are adding 50 new PXE-compliant computers to the network. The hardware on each computer is configured identically.You are using a RIS image to deploy Windows 2000 Professional to the 50 computers. You successfully install Windows 2000 Professional on the first 10 computers. However, you cannot install Windows 2000 Professional on remaining 40 computers.What should you do?A.Configure the DHCP scope to add additional IP addresses.B.Run Rbfg.exe from the RemoteInstall\Admin folder on the RIS server.C.Modify the startup sequence in the CMOS of the remaining computers.D.Create computer accounts on the remaining computers in the Active Directory.

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考题 The ONS 15216 is a 32-channel system. The ONS 15216 OADMs are capable of adding and dropping one, two, or four channels. How are the OADMs provisioned to add and drop specific channels?() A. The ONS 15216 OADM can be provisioned to add/drop one, two, or four channels via Cisco Transport Manager (CTM).B. The ONS 15216 OADM consists only of a four-channel module, and the number of ports utilized determines whether it is a one, two, or four channel OADM.C. Three separate OADM modules are available for one, two, and four channels. The wavelengths to be dropped and added are programmable via Cisco Transport Manager (CTM).D. The ONS 15216 OADM consists only of a single-channel module. Two-channel and four-channel support is available by stacking the single-channel module.E. The ONS 15216 OADM is available in one, two, four channels. There are 32 single-channel OADM modules, 16 two-channel OADM modules, and 8 four-channel OADM modules.

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