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英译汉We feel more accomplished personally in some way.

A. 用一些方法,我们感觉更有成就。

B. 在某个方面,我们感觉更有自我成就感。

C. 在某种意义上,我们感觉更有个人成就感。


更多 “ 英译汉We feel more accomplished personally in some way.A. 用一些方法,我们感觉更有成就。B. 在某个方面,我们感觉更有自我成就感。C. 在某种意义上,我们感觉更有个人成就感。 ” 相关考题
考题 我们按照重要人物保卫的要求,对工作人员逐一甄别A.We’ll check all the employees in addition to the requirements of common peopleB.We’ll raise the demands for VIP protectionC.VIP protection is so important that we have to screen employeesD.We’ll screen all the employees according to the requirements of VIP protection

考题 我们从特供商场购买食品,并加强对所购食品的检查A.We’ll buy all the food from supermarket and check all the food we buy carefullyB.We’ll buy all the food from foreign countries and check all the food we buy carefullyC.We’ll import all the food and check all the food we buy carefullyD.We’ll buy all the food from exclusive shops and check all the food we buy carefully

考题 我们定点从绿色食品基地进货并进行特别检查A.We’ll buy commodity from designated places and conduct a special test of the purchaseB.Even though we buy food from designated green food bases, still we take a test of the purchaseC.We’ll buy goods from designated green food bases and conduct a special test of the purchaseD.The food we buy are from designated green bases and we still conduct a test of the purchase

考题 We () this item in lot.我们打包出售。

考题 试述我国梨育种的主要方法及已取得的一些成就。

考题 请向我们提供一些有关网上购物的信息。Please________ us________ some________ ________shopping online.

考题 The committee __________ a conclusion only after days of discussion. A.released B.achieved C.reached D.accomplished

考题 2.我们开始建造我们自己的房子 We ________ ________ ________ our house.

考题 英译汉中,一些由名词派生而来的动词在翻译时往往转换为名词。