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All our ()steer the ship well.

  • A、quartermasters
  • B、seamen
  • C、Dockers
  • D、officers


更多 “All our ()steer the ship well.A、quartermastersB、seamenC、DockersD、officers” 相关考题
考题 By no means () their own language well. A.it is true that all English people knowB.is it true that do all English people knowC.it is true that do all English people knowD.is it true that all English people know

考题 () is worth doing at all is worth doing well. A.ThatB.WhateverC.WhicheverD.However

考题 I steer my ship with hope,________ fear ________ . A. leaving⋯awayB. leaving⋯behindC. leave⋯behindD. leave ⋯away

考题 When does a pilot say “ Make all lines fast”? ________A.The ship is about to be in positionB.The ship is very close to the berthC.The ship is on voyageD.The ship is in position

考题 ________the carpenter steer the ship?A.DoB.IsC.DoesD.Are

考题 DSC遇险呼叫时,它的格式符£¯类别是()。 A、Distress/distressB、allship/DistressC、Distress/ALL shipD、All ship/All ship

考题 All the boys study well. A.Right.B.Wrong.

考题 The earth is our home so it _______ well. A.must be protectedB.should protectedC.need protectD.should protect

考题 Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when ______.A.the ship is in a harborB.the ship is at anchorageC.the ship is underwayD.all of the above

考题 Permission is kindly requested to ______ in celebration of our National Day.A.dress my ship overallB.raise my ship overallC.hoist my ship overallD.display my ship from stem to stern

考题 A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel ______.A.by a tow line ahead of the vesselB.forward on either bow of the vesselC.approximately amidships of the vesselD.on the vessel’s quarter

考题 接待来船办理业务的人员。()A、Receive the PSC inspector who wants to see our captain.B、Receive the visitors who come on board to look around the ship.C、Receive the persons who come on board to do their business.D、Receive the ship chandler who wants to come to our ship.

考题 我船配有自动舱盖。()A、Our ship is equipped with automatic hatch covers.B、Our ship is equipped with folding-type hatch covers.C、Our ship is equipped with side-rolling hatch covers.D、Our ship is equipped with rolling-type hatch covers.

考题 单选题Permission is kindly requested to()in celebration of our National Day.A dress my ship overallB raise my ship overallC hoist my ship overallD display my ship from stem to stern

考题 单选题DSC遇险呼叫时,它的格式符/类别是()A Distress/distressB allship/DistressC Distress/ALL shipD All ship/All ship

考题 单选题欢迎你再到我们船上来。()A You are welcome to look around our ship..B You are welcome to have a look our ship.C You are welcome to come on board our ship again.D You are welcome to visit our ship.

考题 单选题All our ()steer the ship well.A quartermastersB seamenC DockersD officers

考题 单选题Our ship has not been to shipyard for a long time, the fouling on the ship’s hull greatly decreases her().A resistanceB weightC speedD displacement

考题 单选题Knowing the compass heading that is 90°to the side of a ship will enable the operator of a survival craft to initially steer().A into the windB away in fire and smokeC directly to the standby boatD directly to the nearest land

考题 单选题A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel().A by a tow line ahead of the vesselB forward on either bow of the vesselC approximately amidships of the vesselD on the vessel's quarter

考题 单选题I don’t know().A when will our ship sailB will when our ship sailC when our ship will sailD will our ship when sail

考题 单选题Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong on Sunday.A inB atC onD to

考题 单选题The displacement of a ship is to the total weight, all told, of the relevant loaded ship()A largerB equalC smallerD equivalent

考题 单选题Our ship is more than 150 meters in().A heightB breadthC depthD length

考题 单选题Your ship’s certificates show that you did not do renewing work for certificate.All certificates have expired a few days before. Thus, your ship is(). It follows therefore that she will()A seaworthy; be fined in our portB un-seaworthy; be disassembled in our portC seaworthy; be assembled in our portD un-seaworthy;be detained in our port

考题 单选题When does a pilot say make all lines fast ? He says it when().A the ship is very close to the pierB the ship is about to be in positionC the ship is in positionD the ship is getting alongside the pier

考题 单选题With reference to rules governing steering gear, which one of the following rules is incorrect? ()A It is required that all ships are provided with two independent steering gear systems that is one main and one auxiliaryB The auxiliary gear could be power operated in passenger shipsC The auxiliary gear must be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer a ship at navigable speedD All moving parts of the steering gear must be guarded against any possible damage

考题 单选题The quartermasters()steer the ship and help the officer keep lookout.A dutyB on dutyC at dutyD in duty