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()ready for mooring.

  • A、Do
  • B、Have
  • C、Get
  • D、Give


更多 “()ready for mooring.A、DoB、HaveC、GetD、Give” 相关考题
考题 My typist has not returned my paper yet, but she promised ()tomorrow. A、for me to have it readyB、it was ready for meC、me it was readyD、to have it ready for me

考题 He stopped () TV when dinner was ready. A、watchingB、to watchC、watch

考题 Waiter: Hello, sir. ?Customer: Could you give us a second, please?Waiter: Sure.A. Are you ready to orderB. How can I help youC. Ready to take my orderD. Can I do you a favor

考题 Pocahontas and her tribemen are ready to launch a war with the English.()

考题 当手机的Ready Timer过期时,手机将从Ready状态转向Idle状态。() A.错误B.正确

考题 It should be noted that laydays do not begin to run ______ the ship is,so far as she is concerned,ready to receive or discharge cargo,unless she would have been ready except for the Charterer's default.A.whenB.at the time thatC.untilD.as soon as

考题 在jQuery中,下列关于文档页面初始化函数的写法正确的是()。A、$(document)(function(){})B、$(document).ready(function(){})C、$(function(){})D、$().ready(function(){})

考题 下面哪些线程状态事务是正确的()。A、从ready到runningB、从running到readyC、从running到waitingD、从waiting到runningE、从waiting到ready

考题 备锚,摇“备车”钟。()A、Get anchor ready and ring “Stand by engine”.B、Get anchor ready and ring “Finished with engine”.C、Get mooring ready and ring “Stand by engine”.D、Get mooring ready and ring “Finished with engine”.

考题 The linesmen will use shackles for securing mooring.()A、带缆工将用锚链加固锚泊!B、带缆工将用卸扣系固锚链!C、要用卸扣加固锚泊!D、要用锚链加固锚泊!

考题 8086的准备就绪信号READY是()。A、输入信号,当READY=L(低电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TWB、输入信号,当READY=H(高电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TWC、输出信号,当READY=H(高电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TWD、输出信号,当READY=L(低电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW

考题 PLC正常工作时,主PLC机架热备模块CHS-110-00的模板上的那几个灯显示为绿色。()A、RunLinkStandbyB、Ready、ComAct、StandbyC、Active、Ready、Run、LinkD、Ready、ComAct、Primary

考题 关于页面初始化以下选项正确的是()。A、$(document).ready(function(){})B、$().ready(function(){})C、$(function(){})D、$.ready(function(){})

考题 ready没有简写,onload有简写。()

考题 当手机的Ready Timer过期时,手机将从Ready状态转向Idle状态。()

考题 只有在READY时限超时的情况下,MS会从READY状态到()状态;只有在GPRS去激活的情况下或者位置取消,MS会从READY状态到()状态.

考题 单选题A flashing red light displayed at a single lock means that the lock().A is ready to use but vessels must stand clearB is ready to use and vessels may approachC cannot be made ready immediately and vessels shall stand clearD cannot be made ready immediately but vessels may approach

考题 单选题A flashing green light displayed at a single lock means that the lock is().A ready for entranceB ready for entrance,but gates cannot be closed completelyC being made ready for entranceD not ready for entrance

考题 多选题在jQuery中,下列关于文档页面初始化函数的写法正确的是()。A$(document)(function(){})B$(document).ready(function(){})C$(function(){})D$().ready(function(){})

考题 单选题The linesmen will use shackles for securing mooring.()A 带缆工将用锚链加固锚泊!B 带缆工将用卸扣系固锚链!C 要用卸扣加固锚泊!D 要用锚链加固锚泊!

考题 单选题If the Sellers anticipate that,notwithstanding the exercise of due diligence by them,the Vessel will not be ready for delivery by the canceling date they may notify the Buyers in writing()stating the date when they anticipate that the Vessel will be ready for delivery.A the date of declarationB date of Notice of ReadinessC the canceling dateD the date of delivery

考题 单选题船前后备好撇缆!()A Have the heaving line ready fore and aft.B Have the head line ready fore and aft.C Have the breast line ready fore and aft.D Have the light rope ready fore and aft.

考题 单选题The Master of a vessel may tender a Notice of Readiness to the charterer when the vessel ().A has completed the terms of the charter partyB is in all respects ready to loadC is in all respects ready to sailD is safely moored or at a suitable anchorage

考题 判断题当手机的Ready Timer过期时,手机将从Ready状态转向Idle状态。()A 对B 错

考题 多选题关于页面初始化以下选项正确的是()。A$(document).ready(function(){})B$().ready(function(){})C$(function(){})D$.ready(function(){})

考题 单选题The fire-fighting ()is ready.A partyB partC crewD members

考题 单选题Ready for ()the boat.A lowerB loweringC loweredD topped

考题 填空题只有在READY时限超时的情况下,MS会从READY状态到()状态;只有在GPRS去激活的情况下或者位置取消,MS会从READY状态到()状态.