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Send a fire ()(火势探测员) to see the situation .

  • A、detect
  • B、detector
  • C、watch
  • D、inspector


更多 “Send a fire ()(火势探测员) to see the situation .A、detectB、detectorC、watchD、inspector” 相关考题
考题 船长想见引水员。A.The pilot wants to see the captain.B.The captain wants to see the helmsman.C.The chief officer wants to see the pilot.D.The captain wants to see the pilot.

考题 下面哪一个程序可以探测源节点到目标节点之间数据报文所经过的路径?(). A.routeB.netstatC.tracertD.send

考题 If you send your friend a letter, it seems that he ______.A. will be greatly worriedB. will be angry about itC. will award youD. will see you on paper

考题 When inspecting a tank barge to see that it has all the required fire extinguishers and other safety items aboard,which of the following is the best source for determining what is required?A.The supervisor in charge of the dock to which the barge is tied upB.Part 38 of the Rules and Regulations for Tank VesselsC.The Certificate of Inspection of the bargeD.The local fire marshal

考题 If you are on the beach and are signaling to a small boat in distress that your present location is dangerous and they should land to the left,you would ______.A.fire a green star to the leftB.send the letter K by light and point to the leftC.place an orange signal to your left as you signal with a white lightD.send the code signal S followed by L

考题 If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire, you would known that the ______.A.crew was trying to get warmB.vessel required immediate assistanceC.vessel was attempting to attract the attention of a pilot boatD.vessel was being illuminated for identification by aircraft

考题 Where do you post your ()(火势控制图)?A、fire control planB、fire controlC、fire planD、fire-fighting plan

考题 下列关于邮政储汇业务员的礼貌用语中表示道别的是()A、See you later!B、So long!C、See you!D、Have a good day!

考题 fire hose ()A、空气软管B、消防软管C、空滤管D、火势

考题 消防泵()A、fire hose boxB、fire hydrantC、fire axeD、fire pump

考题 船长想见引水员。()A、The pilot wants to see the captain.B、The captain wants to see the helmsman.C、The chief officer wants to see the pilot.D、The captain wants to see the pilot.

考题 The fire is spreading. Do not attempt to extinguish it.()A、火势得到了控制,不要试图扑灭它。B、火势得到了控制,请试图扑灭它。C、火势正在蔓延,不要试图扑灭它。D、火势正在蔓延,请尝试扑灭它。

考题 其他组密切注意火势。()A、Other parties keep a close watch on the fire.B、Other parties watch on the fire.C、Other parties get ready for leaving the boat and boarding the ship.D、Other parties got ready for leaving the boat and boarding the ship.

考题 下面哪一个程序可以探测源节点到目标节点之间数据报文所经过的路径?().A、routeB、netstatC、tracertD、send

考题 ()用于在黑暗、浓烟条件下观察火源及火势蔓延方向,寻找被困人员。A、有毒气体探测仪B、生命探测仪C、热像仪D、蛇眼可视仪

考题 红外线探测仪的作用是()。A、探测疏散物资的位置。B、探测疏散通道的位置C、在浓烟中探测着火源D、在浓烟中探测火势蔓延方向。

考题 火警探测器探测到火焰时()A、标着“NO.1FIRE”或“NO.2FIRE”的相应的发动机扇形座T-手柄警告灯亮B、飞行员和副驾驶的耳机有一个连续的音频信号C、总警告板上相应的“ENG FIRE PRESS-TONE OFF”警告灯亮D、以上三项都是

考题 将发动机和APU火警控制面板上(P8-1)的测试电门扳到OVHT/FIRE位不可以测试:()A、发动机火警过热探测系统B、APU火警探测系统C、轮舱火警探测系统D、机身过热探测系统

考题 单选题船长想见引水员。()A The pilot wants to see the captain.B The captain wants to see the helmsman.C The chief officer wants to see the pilot.D The captain wants to see the pilot.

考题 单选题The fire is spreading. Do not attempt to extinguish it.()A 火势得到了控制,不要试图扑灭它。B 火势得到了控制,请试图扑灭它。C 火势正在蔓延,不要试图扑灭它。D 火势正在蔓延,请尝试扑灭它。

考题 单选题If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire,you would know that the().A crew was trying to get warmB vessel required immediate assistanceC vessel was attempting to attract the attention of a pilot boatD vessel was being illuminated for identification by aircraft

考题 单选题()用于在黑暗、浓烟条件下观察火源及火势蔓延方向,寻找被困人员。A 有毒气体探测仪B 生命探测仪C 热像仪D 蛇眼可视仪

考题 单选题fire hose ()A 空气软管B 消防软管C 空滤管D 火势

考题 单选题某甲厂房易发生火灾事故,火势发展迅速,产生了大量热、烟和火焰,这种情况下不宜推荐采用( )。A 感烟探测器B 感温探测器C 气体探测器D 火焰探测器

考题 单选题红外线探测仪的作用是()。A 探测疏散物资的位置。B 探测疏散通道的位置C 在浓烟中探测着火源D 在浓烟中探测火势蔓延方向。

考题 单选题When inspecting a tank barge to see that it has all the required fire extinguishers and other safety items aboard,which of the following is the best source for determining what is required? ()A The supervisor in charge of the dock to which the barge is tied upB Part 38 of the Rules and Regulations for Tank VesselsC The Certificate of Inspection of the bargeD The local fire marshal

考题 单选题If you see someone fall overboard from a vessel,you should().A immediately jump in the water to help the individualB call for help and keep the individual in sightC run to the radio room to send an emergency messageD go to the control room for the distress flares