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Climate change will greatly _____ wheat and rice production if nations don’t take steps now.









更多 “单选题Climate change will greatly _____ wheat and rice production if nations don’t take steps now.A fallB leakC lackD reduce” 相关考题
考题 The purpose of configuration management is to:A.insure drawings are updatedB.control change throughout the projectC.control change during the production onlyD.generate engineering change proposalsE.inform. the project manager of changes

考题 33 The purpose of configuration management is to:A. insure drawings are updatedB. control change throughout the projectC. control change during the production onlyD. generate engineering change proposalsE. inform. the project manager of changes

考题 ● The purpose of configuration management is to:A insure drawings are updatedB control change throughout the projectC control change during the production onlyD generate engineering change proposalsE inform. the project manager of changes

考题 Now a lot of new technology developed by scientists will be_____improving the quality of rice and wheat. A、used to.B、applied to.C、suited to.D、accustomed to.

考题 They also warn that these countries are among the most _________ to climate change.AlaxBvulnerableCaddictiveDnasty

考题 The high prices for corn--while driving hunger in Africa--have encouraged other farmers to__________land from wheat, soybeans, or even pasture to corn production. A.turn over B.turn on C.turn up D.turn around

考题 In June,California department of forestry and fire protection determined that 12 devastating fires that struck Northern California tate last year were the result of trees coming into contact with power lines or other problems tied to the electric utility PG&E.Thanks to a policy known as inverse conclemnation,the utility could be on the hook for those damages,even if ii is not found to be negligeni.In the past,PG&-E has paid the bills when it was blamed for fires and other damages.But the company now says it cannot keep footing the bill so long as climate change continues to increase the likelihood of fires.Millions of trees have died across California after years of intense drought.creating vast quantities of fuel that allow fires to burn faster and over greater clistances-all combined with higher temperatures.It has pushed to raise electricity rates to pay for tlie clamage.Meanwhile.state officials are pushing a change in the law.Governor Jerry Brown proposed a new plan ihat would allow a court to decide whether the utility acted"reasonably"before forcing the company to pay claims."Costly wildfires and natural disasters have the poiential to undermine the sysiem*"Brown told legislators."leaving our energy sector in a state of weakness at a time when it shoulcl be making even greater investments in safety."Within the U.S.,the debate over liability for climate change has taken several forms.On the fecleral level,proactive policymakers have pushed to rework the National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP),which pays people to rebuild their homes after floods-even in areas where damage is likely to strike again.In effect,that program,which is more than$20 billion in clebt,put.s the burden of climate-change-related natural disasters in the hands of the U.S.government ancl the taxpayer.Infrastructure experts have also pushed the government to rethink its post disaster funding to require climate change preparedness measures.A group of pioneering American cities have sought to have the oil-and-gas industry pay for climate-change-relatecl clamages and disaster-prevention measures.A series of lawsuits have blamed the companies for years of polluting the planet while concealing evidence that emissions would contribute to devastaiing climate change.The authorities behind the lawsuits hope that courts will force the industry to pay up.Thus far,U.S.courts have expressed skepticism-not necessarily of the fault of oil and gas but of the ability of the judicial system to address the issue."The problem deserves a solution on a more vast scale than can be supplied by a district judge or jury in a public nuisance case,"wrote William Alsup of the U.S.District Court in Northern California.Elsewhere,a large number of litigants have also looked to the courts.Lacking other avenues for addressing the issue,people feeling the impacts of climate change are increasingly Lurning to courts to help find a global answer to a global problem. To which of the following would William Alsup most probably agree?A.The oil-and-gas industry should pay for climate-change-related damages. B.Climate change should not be viewed as the faulr of oil and gas. C.The problem of a warming planet is too big for the courts to solve. D.The judicial system has the responsibility to settle greenhouse-gas-related disputes.

考题 In June,California department of forestry and fire protection determined that 12 devastating fires that struck Northern California tate last year were the result of trees coming into contact with power lines or other problems tied to the electric utility PG&E.Thanks to a policy known as inverse conclemnation,the utility could be on the hook for those damages,even if ii is not found to be negligeni.In the past,PG&-E has paid the bills when it was blamed for fires and other damages.But the company now says it cannot keep footing the bill so long as climate change continues to increase the likelihood of fires.Millions of trees have died across California after years of intense drought.creating vast quantities of fuel that allow fires to burn faster and over greater clistances-all combined with higher temperatures.It has pushed to raise electricity rates to pay for tlie clamage.Meanwhile.state officials are pushing a change in the law.Governor Jerry Brown proposed a new plan ihat would allow a court to decide whether the utility acted"reasonably"before forcing the company to pay claims."Costly wildfires and natural disasters have the poiential to undermine the sysiem*"Brown told legislators."leaving our energy sector in a state of weakness at a time when it shoulcl be making even greater investments in safety."Within the U.S.,the debate over liability for climate change has taken several forms.On the fecleral level,proactive policymakers have pushed to rework the National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP),which pays people to rebuild their homes after floods-even in areas where damage is likely to strike again.In effect,that program,which is more than$20 billion in clebt,put.s the burden of climate-change-related natural disasters in the hands of the U.S.government ancl the taxpayer.Infrastructure experts have also pushed the government to rethink its post disaster funding to require climate change preparedness measures.A group of pioneering American cities have sought to have the oil-and-gas industry pay for climate-change-relatecl clamages and disaster-prevention measures.A series of lawsuits have blamed the companies for years of polluting the planet while concealing evidence that emissions would contribute to devastaiing climate change.The authorities behind the lawsuits hope that courts will force the industry to pay up.Thus far,U.S.courts have expressed skepticism-not necessarily of the fault of oil and gas but of the ability of the judicial system to address the issue."The problem deserves a solution on a more vast scale than can be supplied by a district judge or jury in a public nuisance case,"wrote William Alsup of the U.S.District Court in Northern California.Elsewhere,a large number of litigants have also looked to the courts.Lacking other avenues for addressing the issue,people feeling the impacts of climate change are increasingly Lurning to courts to help find a global answer to a global problem. According to Paragraphs l and 2,PG&EA.is blamed for multiple intense fires. B.is found guilty of negligence. C.is coniributing to climate change. D.is refusing to pay its current bills.

考题 Text 1 Giant corporations often claim to be"green,"pointing to programs they've undertaken aimed at being environmentally conscious.But sometimes these efforts don't really amount to much.They can be no more than'igrcenwashing,"a public relations effort that doesn't represent any fundamental shift in thinking.But such a change may actually be going on among several of the world's largest fossil fuel companies,namcs such as ExxonMobil,Shell,and BP.One of the biggest reasons:pressure from the companies'sharcholdcrs.Investors arc asking corporations to make more transparent the effects climate change will have on their businesses,as well as explain what they are doing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.While sharcholdcr motivcs are cerlainly aimed at helping in the worldwide fight against global warming,they also represent a practical need to better understand a company's prospects.If the burning of oil and gas is grcaily curtailed as a result of the December 2015 intemational Paris climate agreement,for example,how might that affect the bottom line of a corporation whose chief source of revenue is extracting and selling carbon-emitting oil and gas?Or,conversely,how is a company planning to take advantage of the business opportunities that emerge from a shift away from fossil fuels?Climate Action 100+,for example,is a shareholder action group that is asking corporations to make stronger commitments to meeting the 80 percent cut in carbon emissions proposed by the Paris agreement signed two years ago by nearly 200 nations.Some 225 investment groups who manage more than S26.3 trillion have signed on in support.Last week,intemational energy giant ExxonMobil said it will step up its reporting to shareholders and the public about the impacts climate change will have on its business,including any expected increased risks.The new policy follows a vote by ExxonMobil investors at the company's annual meeting in May that called for a yearly assessment of the effects of climate change on the company.The new position represents a sea change for ExxonMobil,which until the early 2000s had disputed the need to take action on climate change.Around the world national govemments are shaping new policies in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a level that will not allow global temperatures to rise more than 2 degrees Celsius.In the U,S.,individual states and cities are pursuing lawsuits against companies that fail to deal responsibly with greenhouse gas emissions,which they contend harm the public.24.What's ExxonMobil's attitude toward taking action on climate change?A.Biased. B.Objective. C.Indifferent. D.Supportive.

考题 Text 1 Giant corporations often claim to be"green,"pointing to programs they've undertaken aimed at being environmentally conscious.But sometimes these efforts don't really amount to much.They can be no more than'igrcenwashing,"a public relations effort that doesn't represent any fundamental shift in thinking.But such a change may actually be going on among several of the world's largest fossil fuel companies,namcs such as ExxonMobil,Shell,and BP.One of the biggest reasons:pressure from the companies'sharcholdcrs.Investors arc asking corporations to make more transparent the effects climate change will have on their businesses,as well as explain what they are doing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.While sharcholdcr motivcs are cerlainly aimed at helping in the worldwide fight against global warming,they also represent a practical need to better understand a company's prospects.If the burning of oil and gas is grcaily curtailed as a result of the December 2015 intemational Paris climate agreement,for example,how might that affect the bottom line of a corporation whose chief source of revenue is extracting and selling carbon-emitting oil and gas?Or,conversely,how is a company planning to take advantage of the business opportunities that emerge from a shift away from fossil fuels?Climate Action 100+,for example,is a shareholder action group that is asking corporations to make stronger commitments to meeting the 80 percent cut in carbon emissions proposed by the Paris agreement signed two years ago by nearly 200 nations.Some 225 investment groups who manage more than S26.3 trillion have signed on in support.Last week,intemational energy giant ExxonMobil said it will step up its reporting to shareholders and the public about the impacts climate change will have on its business,including any expected increased risks.The new policy follows a vote by ExxonMobil investors at the company's annual meeting in May that called for a yearly assessment of the effects of climate change on the company.The new position represents a sea change for ExxonMobil,which until the early 2000s had disputed the need to take action on climate change.Around the world national govemments are shaping new policies in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a level that will not allow global temperatures to rise more than 2 degrees Celsius.In the U,S.,individual states and cities are pursuing lawsuits against companies that fail to deal responsibly with greenhouse gas emissions,which they contend harm the public.25.The U.S.is quoted to indicateA.its great achievement in dealing with climate change. B.greenhouse gas emissions have been under control. C.countries are striving to cope with climate change. D.it has rules and laws against greenhouse gas emissions

考题 Questions 184-188 refer to the following article. President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international agenda, pledging to push for coordinated action by the world's biggest countries to tackle problem of climate change. In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-pan plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office. He outlined a strategy to cut the US's carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants; to prepare the US for the impact of climate change, such as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate. "While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and White House official said. The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastating-----shares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharply-but Mr. Obama ' s speech was being watched closely around the world. In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr.Obama's speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy.”If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesn't stand up to scrutiny anymore," said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation. The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives,including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries. The Eurozone crisis has caused that_______ A. People believed that dealing with environmental problems is bad for the economy B. There has been more environmental campaigners discussing about the issue C. The climate change agenda was influenced by politics D. The EU was going along with US and China

考题 Questions 184-188 refer to the following article. President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international agenda, pledging to push for coordinated action by the world's biggest countries to tackle problem of climate change. In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-pan plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office. He outlined a strategy to cut the US's carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants; to prepare the US for the impact of climate change, such as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate. "While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and White House official said. The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastating-----shares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharply-but Mr. Obama ' s speech was being watched closely around the world. In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr.Obama's speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy.”If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesn't stand up to scrutiny anymore," said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation. The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives,including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries. According to the passage, it can be implied that the coal industry______ A. was indifferent about the proposal B. agreed with the proposal C. would express opinions after close watching D. disagreed with the proposal

考题 Questions 184-188 refer to the following article. President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international agenda, pledging to push for coordinated action by the world's biggest countries to tackle problem of climate change. In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-pan plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office. He outlined a strategy to cut the US's carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants; to prepare the US for the impact of climate change, such as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate. "While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and White House official said. The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastating-----shares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharply-but Mr. Obama ' s speech was being watched closely around the world. In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr.Obama's speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy.”If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesn't stand up to scrutiny anymore," said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation. The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives,including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries. Which of the following is NOT included in the US president 's strategy? A. to set a good example for the world B. to fight against the super storm in the New Jersey C. to cut emissions from coal-fired power plants D. to prepare the US for the influence of the changing climate

考题 While the reasons for massive,longer-burning wildfires are complex,there is______that wildfires will occur more frequently with climate change。 A.consensus B.conclusion C.recognition D.compromise

考题 资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. On Friday afternoon there was an example of what that might mean Mr Obama’s administration issued an order temporarily blocking construction on a section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The move was a response to local concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe about potential damage to historic sites and the threats of oil spills. But it is the global issue of climate change that had raised the profile of Dakota Access, making it into a cause celebre for US environmental campaigners. Bill McKibben of 350.org, which played a key role in the successful effort to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, has suggested that Mr Obama could block Dakota Access permanently, on the grounds that it would exacerbate the threat of climate change. Last month, the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality issued new guidance for federal agencies, making clear that their decisions should take into account “the potential effects of a proposed action on climate change”, and quantify their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions. Dakota Access is intended to carry crude oil 1,172 miles from North Dakota, a centre of the US shale revolution, to Illinois, en route to refineries around America. The case that it would add to global greenhouse gas emission will be harder to make than for Keystone XL, which would have brought crude from the high-emitting oil sands of western Canada, but the campaigners are certain to try. If Dakota Access is stopped, it will have a significant impact not just on energy Transfer Partners, the company leading the project, but on all North Dakota oil producers and their customers, who will be forced to use more expensive rail transport. Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week, BlackRock, the world’s largest fund manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. It is one thing when a philanthropic fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors’ personal views on climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you. 六If the world is to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming to acceptable levels, there will have to be a huge reallocation of capital away from fossil fuels and toward low-emission energy sources. That shift has begun, but it needs to go much further. The transition is not straightforward: for as long as oil is the lifeblood of the world’s transport, pipelines will be needed. But when investors and boards make decisions about projects like Dakota Access, they will have to consider their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The financial consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored. Which one of the following is not the measure taken by US government to deal with climate change? ( ). A.Stop the Dakota Access permanently B.Join the Paris climate agreement. C.Require federal agencies to take climate change into consideration when making decisions. D.Suspend the construction of Dakota Access.

考题 Nowhere are the realities of______climate change more apparent than at Earth's thawing poles.A.human-driving B.human-drive C.human-driven D.human-drived

考题 Scientists say climate change and human activity have increasingly led to the melting of ______ pieces of Antarctic ice. A.massive B.quantitative C.surplus D.formidable

考题 资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. On Friday afternoon there was an example of what that might mean Mr Obama’s administration issued an order temporarily blocking construction on a section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The move was a response to local concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe about potential damage to historic sites and the threats of oil spills. But it is the global issue of climate change that had raised the profile of Dakota Access, making it into a cause celebre for US environmental campaigners. Bill McKibben of 350.org, which played a key role in the successful effort to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, has suggested that Mr Obama could block Dakota Access permanently, on the grounds that it would exacerbate the threat of climate change. Last month, the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality issued new guidance for federal agencies, making clear that their decisions should take into account “the potential effects of a proposed action on climate change”, and quantify their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions. Dakota Access is intended to carry crude oil 1,172 miles from North Dakota, a centre of the US shale revolution, to Illinois, en route to refineries around America. The case that it would add to global greenhouse gas emission will be harder to make than for Keystone XL, which would have brought crude from the high-emitting oil sands of western Canada, but the campaigners are certain to try. If Dakota Access is stopped, it will have a significant impact not just on energy Transfer Partners, the company leading the project, but on all North Dakota oil producers and their customers, who will be forced to use more expensive rail transport. Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week, BlackRock, the world’s largest fund manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. It is one thing when a philanthropic fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors’ personal views on climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you. 六If the world is to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming to acceptable levels, there will have to be a huge reallocation of capital away from fossil fuels and toward low-emission energy sources. That shift has begun, but it needs to go much further. The transition is not straightforward: for as long as oil is the lifeblood of the world’s transport, pipelines will be needed. But when investors and boards make decisions about projects like Dakota Access, they will have to consider their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The financial consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored. What can we learn from Paragragh 5? ( )A.BlackRock is philanthropic fund that cares about climate change. B.Investors can take the opportunities brought by climate change. C.The threat brought by climate change still needs scientific evidence. D.What investors think of the climate change is very important.

考题 Which of the following concerning natural gas is NOT true?( ) A.It was not favored in the past. B.It is easily affected by the change of the climate. C.People are beginning to realize its value. D.It is increasingly cheaper to be liquefied.

考题 Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, such as iron ore, come from mines. These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods. Some countries produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize. These countries are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate. A cold, dry climate is not suitable for agriculture. A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country. An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs. In this case, it does not export foodstuffs. Instead it has to import them. It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods. The best title of this passage is().A、Agriculture and IndustryB、ExportC、Production

考题 香米(fragrant rice、scented rice)

考题 填空题At the global level, countries around the world have expressed a firm commitment to strengthening international responses to the risks of climate change.____

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A Rising Global TemperaturesB Rainforests Are in DangerC Coral Reefs Face ExtinctionD Global Climate Change

考题 单选题What are the possible results if change isn’t well managed?A Leaders will work under greater pressure.B Leaders won’t get any sense of satisfaction from work.C Leaders feel greatly disappointed to the change.D Leaders feel guilty of the loss of the company.

考题 填空题The world’s most extensive research effort on climate change is now regulated by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.____

考题 单选题A change in the degree of fuel atomization in a diesel engine would most greatly affect ().A air turbulenceB fuel penetrationC fuel spray angleD fuel injection rate

考题 单选题Climate change will greatly ______ wheat and rice production if nations don’t take steps now.A fallB leakC lackD reduce

考题 单选题What is Goce’s ultimate goal?A High-resolution maps of the geoids.B The study of ocean behavior.C A surface of constant gravity.D Forecast climate change.