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man overboard()









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更多 “单选题man overboard()A 有人落水B 有人上船C 有人上岸D 有人下船” 相关考题
考题 I have lost a man overboard.Please help________search and rescue.A.onB.inC.withD.during

考题 Bilges may be pumped______.A.on the outgoing tideB.overboard after darkC.overboard through an anti-pollution equipmentD.anytime in an emergency, i.e. main engine lube oil failure

考题 If a man falls overboard from a rig under tow,you should FIRST ______.A.notify the tugB.deploy life bouysC.launch a boatD.sound the general alarm

考题 The mere washing overboard of part of the cargo will not ______ rise to a general average contribution; nor will the throwing overboard of cargo by the crew or passengers out of private malice.A.makeB.giveC.haveD.take

考题 As per the standing orders,you should carry out all the following operations except ______ upon having received words that a person has fallen overboard.A.call the Master immediatelyB.stop the enginesC.sound the “Man Overboard” signal of 3 prolonged blasts on the whistle and 3 prolonged blasts on the general alarmD.prepare,as many as possible,rescue facilities,including warm clothes

考题 You are on watch aboard a vessel heading NW,with the wind from dead ahead,in heavy seas.You notice a man fall overboard from the starboard bow.Which action would NOT be appropriate ________.A.Hard right rudderB.Throw a lifebuoy to the man,if possibleC.Send a man aloftD.Get the port boat ready

考题 If you see anybody fall overboard, act as follows except ______.A.tell an officer / crew the person’s position in the water, or telephone the bridge immediatelyB.throw lifebuoys overboardC.call out “ man overboard ” and keep your eyes on the person in the waterD.try to find medicine for the person to use when he is rescued

考题 人员落水()A、man overboardB、man aboardC、overboard manD、man on board

考题 man overboard()A、有人落水B、有人上船C、有人上岸D、有人下船

考题 单选题Besides saving distance along the track line,another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the Williamson Turn in a man overboard situation because().A it is fasterB it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situationsC in fog,if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over,the vessel will be at the point where he went over when the turn is completedD it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course

考题 单选题In a racetrack turn,to recover a man overboard,the vessel is steadied for the SECOND time after a turn of how many degrees from the original heading?()A 60°B 135°C 180°D 360°

考题 单选题If a man falls overboard from a rig under tow,you should FIRST().A notify the tugB deploy life bouysC launch a boatD sound the general alarm

考题 单选题A man was sighted as he fell overboard. After completing a Williamson turn,the man is not sighted. What type of search should be conducted?()A Expanding circleB Sector searchC Parallel track patternD Datum-drift search

考题 单选题As per the standing orders,you should carry out all the following operations except()upon having received words that a person has fallen overboard.A call the Master immediatelyB stop the enginesC sound the “Man Overboard” signal of 3 prolonged blasts on the whistle and 3 prolonged blasts on the general alarmD prepare,as many as possible,rescue facilities,including warm clothes

考题 单选题Which spoken emergency signal would you use to call a boat to come assist a man overboard?()A Distress signalB Urgency signalC Safety signalD None of the above

考题 单选题A racetrack turn would be better than a Williamson turn in recovering a man overboard if ().A the man has been missing for a period of timeB the sea water is very cold and the man is visibleC there is thick fogD the wind was from astern on the original course

考题 单选题When the general alarm is sounded continuously, the engine room personnel should ().A proceed to their man overboard stationsB start the fire pumpC put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsD secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room

考题 单选题While underway in thick fog you are on watch and hear the cry“man overboard”.Which type of maneuver should you make().A Figure eight turnB Round turnC Racetrack turnD Williamson turn

考题 单选题If you hear more than six short blasts and one long blast of the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm,you should().A start the fire pumpB go to your man overboard stationC go to your lifeboat stationD collision station

考题 单选题A marker pole,with a horseshoe buoy and a sea anchor attached,should be used to().A mark the position of a lost mooringB determine your vessel's sideslip underwayC determine your speed through the waterD indicate location of a man overboard

考题 单选题A crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side. Which action should you take?().A Immediately put the rudder over hard rightB Immediately put the rudder over hard leftC Immediately put the engines asternD Wait until the stern is well clear of the man and then put the rudder over hard right

考题 单选题When a man who has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat,the boat should approach with the wind().A astern and the victim just off the bowB ahead and the victim just off the bowC just off the bow and the victim to windwardD just off the bow and the victim to leeward

考题 单选题You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry,“Man overboard starboard side”.You should instinctively().A Give full right rudderB Give full left rudderC Put the rudder amidshipsD Throw a life ring to mark the spot

考题 单选题Man overboard! ().A Release a lifebuoyB Start the pumpC Get a fire extinguisherD Call the captain

考题 单选题man overboard()A 有人落水B 有人上船C 有人上岸D 有人下船

考题 单选题If you see anybody fall overboard,act as follows except().A tell an officer/crew the person's position in the water,or telephone the bridge immediatelyB throw lifebuoys overboardC call out Man overboard and keep your eyes on the person in the waterD try to find medicine for the person to use when he is rescued

考题 单选题The key to rescuing a man overboard is().A Good communicationB A dedicated crewC Good equipmentD Well-conducted drills

考题 单选题You are on watch at sea a man falls overboard on the port side, forward near No. 1 hatch. What of the following should you do first?().A Call the masterB Put the helm hard over toward the port sideC Sound the alarm to arouse all handsD Stop the engines