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The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to().









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更多 “单选题The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to().A ShippersB CharterersC ConsignersD Consignees” 相关考题
考题 As a widely-adopted speech making device, the elevator pitch may benefit a variety of people EXCEPT ________.A.politiciansB.insurance agentsC.project managersD.doctors

考题 9.—Does Tom ________to do?—No, he doesn’t.A. have some homeworkB. has any homeworkC. have any homeworkD. have any homeworks

考题 According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to __________,hire will not cease.A.detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against,or breach of regulations by the Owners,Master,Officers or CrewB.stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the OwnersC.deviation,putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purposeD.reasonable deviation

考题 The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to __________.A.ShippersB.CharterersC.ConsignersD.Consignees

考题 If the carrier is responsible for the damage or loss of the cargo,______ will have to pay to the insurance company.A.the cargo holderB.the ShipownerC.the ship's crewD.the P and I Club

考题 Should the Vessel fail to comply in any respect with the said description,hire to be __________to the extent necessary to indemnify Charterers for such failure.A.changedB.increasedC.reducedD.amended

考题 In accordance with Sinotime,the Charterers will not be responsible for the expenses of __________.A.all lubricating oil and waterB.insurance of the VesselC.losses of and damages to both vessel and cargo due to whatsoever reason occurred during the charter timeD.drydocking,repairs and other maintenance of the Vessel

考题 Charterers to reimburse the extra hull premium to __________ on receipt of supporting vouchers,or copy of Insurance Policy,if required by Charterers.A.ownersB.cargo ownersC.shippersD.the merchant

考题 The ______ to have the option of subletting the Vessel,but the original Charterers always to remain responsible to the Owners for due performance of the Charter.A.CharterersB.OwnersC.Neither Charterers nor OwnersD.Either Charterers or Owners

考题 In any event Owners shall not for any reason or for any purpose send the Vessel to call ports of Taiwan _______ the consent of Charterers be first obtained.A.ExceptB.BesidesC.Rather thanD.Unless

考题 材料:By inserting in bills of lading such clauses as to state that the voyage or time charterer is not a party to the contract of carriage and is thus not a“carrier” within the meaning of the relevant national legislation or international conventions,time and voyage charterers purport to deny any liability under the contract of carriage,despite the reality of their involvement in the loading,discharging and trimming of the cargo,in choosing the ships route,in hiring the stevedores,and in many other facets of the ships operation.Such clauses are effectively non-responsibility clauses which contravene the mandatory nature and public order of the Hague/Visby Rules,the Hamburg Rules,which state that any clauses relieving or excluding the carrier from liability under a contract of carriage shall be null and void and of no effect.This position has been generally accepted by the courts of continental and civilian European countries,which have rightly viewed such clauses with suspicion as illegal attempts by charterers to avoid their liability and evade the mandatory application of the international conventions.问题:The inserted clauses that state the voyage or time charterer is not a party to the contract of carriage are ________.A.effectiveB.within the meaning of Hague/Visby Rules and the Hamburg RulesC.null and void and of no effectD.compulsoryAccording to the passage,the clauses mentioned above are ________.A.against the mandatory nature and public order of the Hague/Visby Rules and the Hamburg RulesB.ineffectively non-responsibility clausesC.prepared by the courts of continental and civilian European countriesD.guidance for the operations of loading,discharging and trimming of the cargo“This position”refers to ________.A.the tendency of the courts of continental and civilian European countries to deny the attempts by charterers to avoid their liability in the carriage of GOODs by seaB.the consideration of the courts of continental and civilian European countries to accept the charterers' liabilityC.the consideration of of the charterers to evade the mandatory application of the international conventionsD.the illegal attempts by charterers to avoid their liability and evade the mandatory application of the international conventionsThe effectively non-responsibility clauses ________.A.are suspected to be illegalB.are mandatory application of the international conventionsC.have many facets of the ship's operationD.have been excluded in continental and civilian European countries请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 翻译:any lightrage at loading and discharging port to be at charterers’ risk and expenses and time used to count as laytime

考题 翻译:any war risk insurance on the ship to be for owner’s account。

考题 Ingeneral,the charterers should pay full hireunder time c/p,without any discount,except、that()A、on strik in loading portB、delay by iced discharging portC、Deficiency of menD、any conditions

考题 A freight forwarder will do the work of preparing shipping documents, arranging for shipping space and insurance and dealing with customs formalities, in return for a fee.

考题 单选题Where a clause in a charter-party stated Charterers to have full use of the ship’s gear as on board,it was held()this did not imply that the Charterers were to be responsible for stowage.A whenB whereC whichD that

考题 单选题According to SINOTIME Charter In the event of loss of time due to(),hire will not cease.A detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against,or breach of regulations by the Owners,Master,Officers or CrewB stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the OwnersC deviation,putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purposeD reasonable deviation

考题 单选题Ingeneral,the charterers should pay full hireunder time c/p,without any discount,except、that()A on strik in loading portB delay by iced discharging portC Deficiency of menD any conditions

考题 单选题The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to().A ShippersB CharterersC ConsignersD Consignees

考题 单选题The Charterers shall have the privilege to ship dangerous cargo in accordance with()Code or any competent authorities’ regulations,as applicable.A IMDGB HagueC SOLASD MARPOL

考题 单选题If the carrier is responsible for the damage or loss of the cargo,()will have to pay to the insurance company.A the cargo holderB the ShipownerC the ship's crewD the P and I Club

考题 单选题()payment of the hire the Owners may withdraw the Vessel from the service of Charterers,without prejudice to any claim Owners may otherwise have on Charterers under this Charter.A In the event ofB In default ofC In spite ofD In respect of

考题 问答题翻译:any lightrage at loading and discharging port to be at charterers’ risk and expenses and time used to count as laytime

考题 填空题Who will benefit from the life insurance upon the death of the insured person?Surviving ____.

考题 单选题According to Gencon,if at any time during the currency of this Charter,both Owners and Charterers are unable to arrange bunkers at the main bunkering ports for the voyage in question,the()to have the privilege of canceling this Charter.A CharterersB OwnersC both Charterers and OwnersD neither Charterers nor Owners

考题 单选题The right to limit liability in connection with the ship()also extended to Charterers and any person interested in or in possession of the vessel and,in particular,any manager or operator of her.A hasB takesC isD makes

考题 单选题The Charterers to have option of using Owners’ bunker contracts. This sentence indicates that().A The Charterers should sing new bunker contract with oil chandlersB The Charterers can use the bunker contracts signed by the Owners with oil chandlersC The Charterers shall not sign bunker contracts with oil chandlersD The Charterers shall sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers

考题 问答题翻译:any war risk insurance on the ship to be for owner’s account。