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Given: 6. 7. 8. and a custom tag handler for foo which extends TagSupport. Which two are true about thetag handler referenced by foo?()

The doStartTag method is called once.


The doAfterBody method is NOT called.


The EVAL_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doEndTag method.


The SKIP_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.


The EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题Given: 6. 7. 8. and a custom tag handler for foo which extends TagSupport. Which two are true about thetag handler referenced by foo?()AThe doStartTag method is called once.BThe doAfterBody method is NOT called.CThe EVAL_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doEndTag method.DThe SKIP_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.EThe EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.” 相关考题
考题 Given:6.myTag:foobar=’42’7.%=processing%8./myTag:fooandacustomtaghandlerforfoowhichextendsTagSupport.Whichtwoaretrueaboutthetaghandlerreferencedbyfoo?() A.ThedoStartTagmethodiscalledonce.B.ThedoAfterBodymethodisNOTcalled.C.TheEVAL_PAGEconstantisavalidreturnvalueforthedoEndTagmethod.D.TheSKIP_PAGEconstantisavalidreturnvalueforthedoStartTagmethod.E.TheEVAL_BODY_BUFFEREDconstantisavalidreturnvalueforthedoStartTagmethod.

考题 interfaceTestA{StringtoString();}2.publicclassTest{3.publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){4.System.out.println(newTestA(){5.publicStringtoString(){returntest”;}6.}7.}8.}Whatistheresult?() A.testB.nullC.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.D.Compilationfailsbecauseofanerrorinline1.E.Compilationfailsbecauseofanerrorinline4.F.Compilationfailsbecauseofanerrorinline5.

考题 8个月小儿的体重按公式推算应是A. 6. 5㎏ B. 7㎏ C. 7. 5㎏ D. 8㎏ E. 8. 5㎏

考题 检验统计量FA的值=()。 A. 8. 19 B. 7. 49 C, 6. 01 D. 4. 14

考题 我国钢期货的交割月份为( )。A. 1. 3. 5. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12月 B. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11月 C. 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11月 D. 1—12月

考题 You are creating a content management system (CMS) with a web application front-end. The JSP thatdisplays a given document in the CMS has the following general structure: 1. %-- tag declaration --% 2.  ... 11. ...  ... ... 99.  The citation tag must store information in the document tag for the document tag to generate a referencesection at the end of the generated web page. The document tag handler follows the Classic tag model andthe citation tag handler follows the Simple tag model. Furthermore, the citation tag could also be embeddedin other custom tags that could have either the Classic or Simple tag handler model. Which tag handlermethod allows the citation tag to access the document tag?()A、public void doTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}B、public void doStartTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}C、public void doTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }D、public void doStartTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }

考题 A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed.  Which two are true? ()A、 A  element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSPB、 The echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) methodC、 The true element must appear in the echo tag TLDD、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interfaceE、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface

考题 Given: 6. 7.%="processing" % 8. and a custom tag handler for foo which extends TagSupport. Which two are true about thetag handler referenced by foo?()A、The doStartTag method is called once.B、The doAfterBody method is NOT called.C、The EVAL_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doEndTag method.D、The SKIP_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.E、The EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.

考题 Assume a tag handler extends TagSupport. Which is used within the tag handler to get an attribute “foo” that is in the application scope?()A、 pageContext.getAttribute(“foo”);B、 getPageContext().getAttribute(“foo”);C、 pageContext.getApplicationScope(“foo”);D、 pageContext.getAttribute(“foo”,pageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE).getAttribute(“foo”);E、 getPageContext().getScope(pageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE).getAttribute(“foo”);

考题 阀芯螺母;6.卡簧;7.();8.气门芯螺母

考题 Which statement is true if the do Start Tag method returns EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED?()A、 The tag handler must extend body Tag.B、 The do After Body method is NOT called.C、 The set Body Content method is called.D、 It is never legal to return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED from do Start Tag.

考题 You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. You are in the process of creating an application for Certkiller .com’s Human Resources department that tracks employee benefits. You have to store current employee data without recompiling the application. You elect to store this employee data as a custom section in the application configuration file. The relevant portion of the application configuration file is shown in the following exhibit: ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?         You want to use the .NET 2.0 Configuration API to access the custom section. You need to ensure that programmatic access of the EmployeeSection element is enabled. What should you do?()A、 Create a custom section handler class that inherits the ConfigurationSection interface.B、 Add a section element to the EmployeeSection element of the application configuration file.C、 Create a custom section handler class that implements the IConfigurationSectionHandler interface.D、 Add an EmployeeSection element to the configSections element of the application configuration file.E、 Create a custom section handler class that implements the IApplicatioSettingsProvider interface.F、 Add a section element to the configSections element of the application configuration file.

考题 5. String foo = “base”;   6. foo.substring(0,3);   7. foo.concat(“ket”)  8.   Type the value of foo at line 8.()

考题 1. public class A {  2. public String doit(int x, int y) {  3. return “a”;  4. }  5.  6. public String doit(int... vals) {  7. return “b”;  8. } 9. }  Given:  25. A a=new A();  26. System.out.println(a.doit(4, 5));  What is the result?() A、 Line 26 prints “a” to System.out.B、 Line 26 prints „b” to System.out.C、 An exception is thrown at line 26 at runtime.D、 Compilation of class A will fail due to an error in line 6.

考题 You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5. You plan to develop a new control for the application.You need to ensure that the control extends the TreeView control by adding a custom node tag and a highlight color.What should you do?()A、Override the OnPaint method.B、Write a code segment in the DrawNode event handler to specify the highlight color.C、Set the DrawMode property of the control to OwnerDrawAll, and then implement a custom DrawNode event handler.D、Set the DrawMode property of the control to OwnerDrawText,and then implement a custom DrawNode event handler.

考题 单选题Assume the tag handler for a st:simple tag extends Simple Tag Support. In what way can scriptlet code beused in the body of st:simple?()A Set the body content type to JSP in the TLDB Scriptlet code is NOT legal in the body of st:simple.C Add scripting-enabled=true to the start tag for the st:simple elementD Add a pass-through Classic tag with a body content type of JSP to the body of st:simple, and place the scriptlet code in the body of that tag

考题 单选题Assume a tag handler extends TagSupport. Which is used within the tag handler to get an attribute “foo” that is in the application scope?()A  pageContext.getAttribute(“foo”);B  getPageContext().getAttribute(“foo”);C  pageContext.getApplicationScope(“foo”);D  pageContext.getAttribute(“foo”,pageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE).getAttribute(“foo”);E  getPageContext().getScope(pageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE).getAttribute(“foo”);

考题 多选题Which two are true about the tag handler referneed by my Tag. ()AThe do Start Tag method is called once.BThe do After Body method is NOT called.CThe EVAL_Page constant is a valid return value for the do End Tag Method.Dthe EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED constant is a valid return value for the do Start Tag method.

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the security-related tags in a valid Java EE deployment descriptor?()AEvery  tag must have at least one  tag.BA  tag can have many  tags.CA given  tag can apply to only one  tag.DA given  tag can contain from zero to many  tags.EIt is possible to construct a valid  tag such that,for a given resource,no user rolescan access that resource.

考题 填空题5. String foo = “base”;  6. foo.substring(0,3);  7. foo.concat(“ket”)  8.     Type the value of foo at line 8.()

考题 单选题The tag handler for n:recurse extends SimpleTagSupport.Assuming an n:recurse tag can either contain an empty body or another n:recurse tag, which strategy allows the tag handler for n:recurse to output the nesting depth of the deepest n:recurse tag?()A  It is impossible to determine the deepest nesting depth because it is impossible for tag handlers that extend SimpleTagSupport to communicate with their parent and child tagsB  Create a private non-static attribute in the tag handler class called count of type int initialized to      oIncrement count in the doTag method. If the tag has a body, invoke the fragment for that body. Otherwise, output the value of countC  Start a counter at 1. Call getChildTags(). If it returns null, output the value of the counter.      Otherwise, increment counter and continue from where getChildTags() is called. Skip      processing of the body.D  If the tag has a body, invoke the fragment for that body. Otherwise, start a counter at 1. Call      getParent(). If it returns null, output the value of the counter. Otherwise, increment the counter      and continue from where getParent() is called.

考题 单选题You are creating a content management system (CMS) with a web application front-end. The JSP thatdisplays a given document in the CMS has the following general structure: 1.  2.  ... 11. ...  ... ... 99.  The citation tag must store information in the document tag for the document tag to generate a referencesection at the end of the generated web page. The document tag handler follows the Classic tag model andthe citation tag handler follows the Simple tag model. Furthermore, the citation tag could also be embeddedin other custom tags that could have either the Classic or Simple tag handler model. Which tag handlermethod allows the citation tag to access the document tag?()A public void doTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}B public void doStartTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}C public void doTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }D public void doStartTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }

考题 多选题A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed.  Which two are true? ()AA  element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSPBThe echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) methodCThe true element must appear in the echo tag TLDDThe class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interfaceEThe class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface

考题 单选题Which statement is true if the do Start Tag method returns EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED?()A  The tag handler must extend body Tag.B  The do After Body method is NOT called.C  The set Body Content method is called.D  It is never legal to return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED from do Start Tag.

考题 多选题Given: 6. 7. 8. and a custom tag handler for foo which extends TagSupport. Which two are true about thetag handler referenced by foo?()AThe doStartTag method is called once.BThe doAfterBody method is NOT called.CThe EVAL_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doEndTag method.DThe SKIP_PAGE constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.EThe EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED constant is a valid return value for the doStartTag method.

考题 单选题Given the JSP code: and the Classic tag handler code: 5. public int doStartTag() throws JspException { 6. // insert code here 7. // return int 8. } Assume there are no other "foo" attributes in the web application. Which invocation on the pageContextobject,inserted at line 6,assigns "bar" to the variable x?()A String x = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(foo)B String x = (String) pageContext.getRequestScope(foo)C It is NOT possible to access the pageContext object from within doStartTagD String x = (String) pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(foo)E String x = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(foo, PageContext.ANY_SCOPE)

考题 单选题Given the JSP code: and the Classic tag handler code: 5. public int doStartTag() throws JspException { 6. // insert code here 7. // return int 8. } Assume there are no other "foo" attributes in the web application. Which invocation on the pageContextobject,inserted at line 6,assigns "bar" to the variable x?()A String x = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(foo)B String x = (String) pageContext.getRequestScope(foo)C It is NOT possible to access the pageContext object from within doStartTagD String x = (String) pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(foo)E String x = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(foo, PageContext.ANY_SCOPE)