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In a sense, tennis and Taijiquan are similar in that they both require your full attention, and if done _____, take your mind off daily problems and preoccupations.









更多 “单选题In a sense, tennis and Taijiquan are similar in that they both require your full attention, and if done _____, take your mind off daily problems and preoccupations.A successfullyB consecutivelyC conscientiouslyD compulsively” 相关考题
考题 I took () of the fine weather today to play tennis. A、chanceB、opportunityC、advantageD、use

考题 She hasn’t () tennis before. A.playB.playedC.playing

考题 _____ time, he’ll make a fist-class tennis player. A、Having givenB、To giveC、GivingD、Given

考题 The international table tennis game will come to us () from Germany. A、livelyB、aliveC、liveD、living

考题 Could you find someone _________?(A) for me to play tennis with(B) play tennis with(C) for me to play tennis(D) playing tennis with

考题 it is suggested that susan __________ part in the activities of the tennis club. A. takesB.takeC. takingD. took

考题 10.—Where are your tennis rackets?—_________A. They are under the bed.B. They are in the pencil case.C. Do you have tennis rackets?D. 1 have a tennis racket.

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考题 tennis is usually regarded as a winter and spring sport. ()

考题 — _________________ — I’m fond of playing table tennis. A.Do you like sports?B.Playing table tennis is fun?C.Which sport do you like best?D.Is playing table tennis your favorite thing to do?

考题 Table tennis is a sport which gains much popularity and praise in China. (翻译)

考题 We want to play tennis after school. But we don't have tennis r______.

考题 Birds have a sharp sense of sight and dogs have a sharp sense of smelling.A:sensitive B:acute C:edgy D:bright

考题 Lawn tennis is a good sport,being based on the ancient game of court tennis,which probably came?up in Egypt or Persia some 2,500 years ago.Major Walter Wingfield thought that.something like court?tennis could be played outdoors on lawns,and in December 1873,he introduced his new game,which he?called Sphairistike,at a lawn party in Wales.The sport became popular very rapidly,but the strange,difficult name disappeared almost at once,being replaced by the very simple and logical term"lawn?tennis". By 1874 the game was being played by British soldiers in Bermuda,and in the early months of that year a young lady named Mary Outerbridge returned from Bermuda to New York,bringing with her the equipment necessary to play the new game.With the help of one of her brothers,she laid out a court on the grounds of the Staten Island Cricket and Baseball Club,and there,in the spring of 1874,Miss Outerbridge and some of her friends played the first game of lawn tennis in the United States.And just two years later,in"1876,the first United States lawn tennis tournament(锦标赛)was held--at Nahant near Boston. The first United States lawn tennis game was playedA.at Nahant B.on the Staten Island C.in Boston D.in New York

考题 Lawn tennis is a good sport,being based on the ancient game of court tennis,which probably came?up in Egypt or Persia some 2,500 years ago.Major Walter Wingfield thought that.something like court?tennis could be played outdoors on lawns,and in December 1873,he introduced his new game,which he?called Sphairistike,at a lawn party in Wales.The sport became popular very rapidly,but the strange,difficult name disappeared almost at once,being replaced by the very simple and logical term"lawn?tennis". By 1874 the game was being played by British soldiers in Bermuda,and in the early months of that year a young lady named Mary Outerbridge returned from Bermuda to New York,bringing with her the equipment necessary to play the new game.With the help of one of her brothers,she laid out a court on the grounds of the Staten Island Cricket and Baseball Club,and there,in the spring of 1874,Miss Outerbridge and some of her friends played the first game of lawn tennis in the United States.And just two years later,in"1876,the first United States lawn tennis tournament(锦标赛)was held--at Nahant near Boston. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Lawn tennis became popular very rapidly in the United States. B.It was Major Walter Wingfield who invented court tennis. C.The sport was called"lawn tennis"shortly after it was invented. D.Miss Outerbridge set up a lawn tennis court with the help of her brother.

考题 Lawn tennis is a good sport,being based on the ancient game of court tennis,which probably came?up in Egypt or Persia some 2,500 years ago.Major Walter Wingfield thought that.something like court?tennis could be played outdoors on lawns,and in December 1873,he introduced his new game,which he?called Sphairistike,at a lawn party in Wales.The sport became popular very rapidly,but the strange,difficult name disappeared almost at once,being replaced by the very simple and logical term"lawn?tennis". By 1874 the game was being played by British soldiers in Bermuda,and in the early months of that year a young lady named Mary Outerbridge returned from Bermuda to New York,bringing with her the equipment necessary to play the new game.With the help of one of her brothers,she laid out a court on the grounds of the Staten Island Cricket and Baseball Club,and there,in the spring of 1874,Miss Outerbridge and some of her friends played the first game of lawn tennis in the United States.And just two years later,in"1876,the first United States lawn tennis tournament(锦标赛)was held--at Nahant near Boston. Mary Outerbridge is important in the history of lawn tennis because__________A.she invented it B.she gave it its name C.she introduced it to Bermuda D.she brought it to America

考题 Lawn tennis is a good sport,being based on the ancient game of court tennis,which probably came?up in Egypt or Persia some 2,500 years ago.Major Walter Wingfield thought that.something like court?tennis could be played outdoors on lawns,and in December 1873,he introduced his new game,which he?called Sphairistike,at a lawn party in Wales.The sport became popular very rapidly,but the strange,difficult name disappeared almost at once,being replaced by the very simple and logical term"lawn?tennis". By 1874 the game was being played by British soldiers in Bermuda,and in the early months of that year a young lady named Mary Outerbridge returned from Bermuda to New York,bringing with her the equipment necessary to play the new game.With the help of one of her brothers,she laid out a court on the grounds of the Staten Island Cricket and Baseball Club,and there,in the spring of 1874,Miss Outerbridge and some of her friends played the first game of lawn tennis in the United States.And just two years later,in"1876,the first United States lawn tennis tournament(锦标赛)was held--at Nahant near Boston. The new game called Sphairistike appeared in__________in 1873.A.America B.Europe C.Bermuda D.Egypt

考题 汽车节油效果的好坏一般用()。ε=(Bo-B)/Bo*100%;Bo-油耗定额(kg/h);B-实际油耗(kg/h)。

考题 韶山8型电力机车的轴列式是()。A、Co—CoB、2(Bo—Bo)C、Bo—BoD、Bo—Bo—Bo

考题 韶山8型电力机车的轴式是()。A、Bo—BoB、2(Bo—Bo)C、Bo—Bo—BoD、Co—Co

考题 韶山7E型电力机车采用()转向架。A、Bo—BoB、Bo—Bo—BoC、2(Bo—Bo)D、Co—Co

考题 某饱和油藏原始状态下体积为Boi的原油,当压力降到p时的体积为()。(设压力p时原油体积系数Bo,气体体积系数Bg,气油比Rs;原始气油比Rsi)A、Bo+RsBgB、Bo+(Rsi-Rs)BgC、(Bo-Bio)+(Rsi-Rs)BgD、(Bio-Bo)+(Rsi-Rs)Bg

考题 韶山8型电力机车的轴式是()。A、Bo-BoB、2(Bo-Bo)C、Bo-Bo-BoD、Co一oC

考题 单选题Animals, which are nevertheless displaying some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, are genetically similar.A Animals, which are nevertheless displaying some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, are genetically similar.B Though genetically similar, animals, nevertheless, display some extremely different physiological and behavioral traits.C Some animals that are genetically similar nevertheless display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits.D Some animals display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits, they are genetically similar, nevertheless.E Some animals display extremely different physiological and behavioral traits and are genetically similar.

考题 填空题汽车节油效果的好坏一般用()。ε=(Bo-B)/Bo*100%;Bo-油耗定额(kg/h);B-实际油耗(kg/h)。

考题 单选题Could you find someone _____ ?A for me to play tennis withB play tennis withC for me to play tennisD play tennis

考题 单选题HCl+()→NH4Cl+H3BO3。A NH4BO3B NH4HBO3C NH4H2BO3D NH3BO4

考题 单选题In a sense, tennis and Taijiquan are similar in that they both require your full attention, and if done _____, take your mind off daily problems and preoccupations.A successfullyB consecutivelyC conscientiouslyD compulsively