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A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gift.

is offered


has offered


are offered


have offered


句意:一个拥有5000藏书的图书馆被作为礼物送给了这个国家。主语是“a library”,为单数名词,且与“offer”之间为被动关系,故选A。
更多 “单选题A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gift.A is offeredB has offeredC are offeredD have offered” 相关考题
考题 __________ our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library. A.Due toB.ConcerningC.Regardless ofD.According to

考题 Andy began sending weekly letters to attempt to increase the funding of the prison’s library. How long did it take until he got a response?() A.Five yearsB.Six yearsC.Ten yearsD.He never got a response

考题 Our school has a big library.It has many books on different subjects. Students can read books and newspapers in the __21__ room. They can also borrow books from the library. But they the desk when Amy hurried in. She told Miss Susan that she couldn't find the library book " Harry Potter "__24__. At that moment, Lucy came into the library with Amy's book. She found it in the classroom. Amy was very __25__. She thanked Lucy and said that she would be more careful from then on.21.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind22.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind23.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind24.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind25.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind

考题 There are books in our school library than in yours. A.so manyB.much moreC.many moreD.such many

考题 We should consider the students’ requestthe school library provide more books on popular science.A. thatB. whenC. which D. where

考题 30. Stop _________ a noise in the library. The students are reading.books.A.makeB.to makeC.makesD.making

考题 - Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about five thousand dollars over budget. - That's right.__________. A It will cost about eight percent more than initially projected ;B We will need another four thousand dollars to cover the cost ;C It's going to cost about five thousand more to complete the first order

考题 By the time he graduated from high school, he________(learn) five thousand words.

考题 Are you looking for a good book to read? Do you need information about universities in the United States? Do you want to know the correct price of a used car? Would you like to read newspapers and magazines from all over different countries? Do you need a quiet place to study? Did you answer yes to any of these questions? Then you should visit the information placeyour local library.A library is more than just a place where books are stored. A library is a source of information. The information may come from books (fiction , nonfiction, or reference book), from periodicals (newspapers, magazines, and journals), from audio-visual materials (records, cassettes, microfilms, video tapes, etc.), or even from a computer terminal.Students go to libraries to study and write research papers. The periodicals room of a university library is where foreign students often find newspapers and magazines from their countries . In the reference room, they can find catalogs(目录) from many universities in the U.S. and other countries. If you are buying a used car, the reference librarian can show you the Blue Book which lists the prices of new and used cars. People who need information in a hurry can telephone the reference librarian at many libraries.There are as many different library services as there are types of people who use them. Children’s libraries provide materials for young readers. They sometimes have storytellers who read stories to groups of children , and a few have computers for the children to play with. Music lovers can listen to recordings of their favorite musicians in music libraries . Some libraries have painting and sculpture exhibits, and most libraries offer special services for blind people, such as books in Braille, ―talking‖ books , and Kurzweil Reading Machines.Libraries provide entertainment as well as information. Novels and short stories from a library’s fiction collection are a good source of enjoyable reading practice. Public libraries often sponsor lectures on topics of interest to member of the community, and a few even offer concerts and films. No matter what your interests are, you will find that a library can be a great place to enjoy yourself while you learn.1.What is another name for a library?()A.A bookstore.B.The periodicals room.C.A reference librarian.D.The information place2.In the reference room of the library you can find().A. the fiction collectionB. newspapers and magazinesC. university catalogsD. materials for young readers3.Which of the following is NOT an example of a library service?()A. Used cars.B. Art exhibits.C. Children’s storytellers.D. Kurzweil Reading Machines4."A library can be a great place to enjoy yourself while you learn." This means you can()in a library.A. talk and laugh as much as you wantB. find entertainment and informationC. play with computersD. enjoy yourself by doing everything you can5.What is the main idea of the whole text? Choose the BEST answer.()A. There are many kinds of libraries.B. There are many books stored in a library.C. Libraries provide entertainment.D. Libraries offer many different services.

考题 He has__ books in his study. A.several thousandsB.some thousands ofC.some thousandsD.some thousand of

考题 The largest public library in the U. S. is (). A.Library of CongressB.Library of HarvardC.Franklin LibraryD.Roosevelt Library

考题 Student: How long can I have these books?Librarian: This one is on the three-hour-loan; you may have it for only three hours ______.A: The others are due in 30 days, on February 3.B: You may have it longer if you like.C: Drop the books into the RETURN boxes by the library entrance.D: The fine for overdue books is 5 dollars an hour.

考题 In our school,library books ()in two weeks. A.returnB.must returnC.will returnD.must be returned

考题 We should consider the students’ request___the school library provide more books on popular science.A. that B. whenC. which D. where

考题 ( )Enshi is becoming a tourist city.__________ people come here during the holidays every year.A.Thousand ofB.Thousands ofC.Five thousands ofD.Five thousands

考题 根据下面资料,回答 A library is a place which people can find out almost anything. A person just needs library card to borrow a book to be taken home. The person goes to the main desk to have a library helper check the book out. The helper print the card with the date by that the book must be returned back to the library. If the book has returned late, the person must pay money to having broken the rule. Books in a library put in a certain order to help people find what they want. In some libraries, all the books of animals may be put together. In other libraries, all the books writing by the same person may be placed together. 第四处

考题 There are some new books in the school library.They are__books.A.child B.childrens' C.children D.children's

考题 单选题According to the passage, what can we infer to be the central message of Fredric Wertham’s The Seduction of the Innocent?A Adults reading violent comic books were as likely to be corrupted by them as young people were.B The horror comic books of the late 1940s were inferior to the superhero comic books that gained popularity during World War II.C Comic books were leading the nation’s youth into crime, violence, and drug abuse.D Creating a regulatory board to censor the comic book industry would drive the worst offenders out of the business.E Comic books would never be able to convey stories of any serious literary merit.

考题 单选题根据下列的汇票记载,可判定记载为()的汇票为有效汇票。A Pay to Tom Co. or order the sum of two thousand US dollars.B Pay to Tom Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of five hundred US dollars.C Pay to Tom Co. out of the proceeds in applicant’s No.3 account with us the sum of three thousand US dollars.D Pay to Tom Co. the sum of four thousand US dollars upon receipt of Bill of Lading No.1235.

考题 单选题A The science students think they are disappointing.B The students were only allowed to borrow five books.C The students want to keep the books for two weeks.D The woman agrees to try to improve the borrowing facilities.

考题 单选题A Most of them have a long history.B Many of them are specialized libraries.C They house more books than any other university library.D They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.

考题 单选题Not one of the many books that Emmy checked out of the library about American quilting and domestic arts include the myths found in quilting history.A checked out of the library about American quilting and domestic arts include the myths found inB checked out of the library of American quilting and domestic arts include myths found inC checked out of the library of American quilting and domestic arts includes myths found inD checked out on American quilting and domestic arts was including myths found inE checked out of the library about American quilting and domestic arts includes the myths found in

考题 单选题The nation's economy was _____ up and would certainly show a great improvement in the next five years.A risingB gettingC lookingD showing

考题 单选题A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gift.A is offeredB has offeredC are offeredD have offered

考题 单选题A: Could I trouble you to return these two books for me?  B: _______A It’s no trouble at all.B Yes, please.C Why didn’t you go to the library yourself?D Sure, I’ll be glad to.

考题 单选题Careth: Good afternoon. I’ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out?  Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven’t finished, you can renew them.  Careth: How do I do that? ________  Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return.  Eunice: These two books have been lended.A Why can’t I keep them for a longer time?B Must I visit the library?C How much could I be fined?D Can I lend them to my friends?

考题 单选题______ even a moment’s thought, Birbal replied, “There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, My Lord.”A BeforeB WithoutC ThroughD In

考题 填空题Computers are more prominently displayed than books in the San Francisco Public Library.____