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  • A、prices("sticker")//等于1
  • B、(prices+("shoes"->30))("shoes")?//等于30
  • C、(prices-"pen")("book")//等于5
  • D、prices("sock")//等于0


更多 “对于valprices=Map("book"-5,"pen"-2,"sticker"-1)结果说法错误的是?()A、prices("sticker")//等于1B、(prices+("shoes"-30))("shoes")?//等于30C、(prices-"pen")("book")//等于5D、prices("sock")//等于0” 相关考题

考题 对于平均动脉压( MAP)计算方法正确的是A、MAP=舒张压+1/3(收缩压-舒张压)B、MAP=舒张压+(收缩压-舒张压)C、MAP=收缩压+1/3(收缩压-舒张压)D、MAP=收缩压+(收缩压-舒张压)E、MAP=收缩压+2/3(收缩压-舒张压)

考题 程序 include void main() { char str[][10]={ ”ok!”,“pen”,”book”,”desk”}; int i; for(i=1;i A.ok! penB.pen bookC.ok! pen bookD.ok! pen book desk

考题 the artist( )the book with pen-and-ink drawings. A. expressedB.publishedC. putD. illustrated

考题 Excel 2003的默认工作表分别命名为()A:Sheetl,Sheet2,Sheet3,Sheet4,Sheet5B:Book1,Book2,Book3,Book4,Book5C:Table1,Table2,Table3,Table4,Table5D:List1,List2,List3,List4,List5

考题 对于平均动脉压(MAP)计算方法正确的是A.MAP=舒张压+1/3(收缩压一舒张压)B.MAP=舒张压+(收缩压一舒张压)C.MAP=收缩压+1/3(收缩压一舒张压)D.MAP=收缩压+(收缩压一舒张压)E.MAP=收缩压+2/3(收缩压一舒涨压)

考题 在Excel2003中,打开两个工作簿BOOK1和BOOK2,在工作簿Book1中引用了工作簿Book2的Sheet1工作表中的第5行第3列单元格,可用( )表示 A.Sheet1!C5B.Book2:Sheet1!C5C.C5D.[Book2]Sheet1!C5

考题 Where can you find an area code map of the US?A. On the first page of the telephone book.B. At the end of the telephone book.C. In the front of the white pages.D. Right after the white pages.

考题 ()是单元格的跨工作簿引用格式。A、sheet1!A5 B、[book1]sheet1!A5 C、sheet1.A5 D、[book1]sheet1.A5

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK x= book;Bstruct BOOK *x=book;Cstruct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);Dstruct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK *x=malloc(book);Bstruct BOOK x={"C++ Programming",27.0};Cstruct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));Dstruct BOOK *x=book;

考题 英语名词的复数形式一般是加上词尾s或es表示,但()组词不能这样类推。Aknife man leaf womanBchair pen book friendCpound bag sort weekdayDhero pig room source

考题 电动机外壳保护线,对于TN-C系统应与()相连,对于TN-S系统,应将电动机外壳与()相连。A、N线B、PE线C、PEN线

考题 对于Map("book"-5,"pen"-2).map(m=m._1-m._2*2)结果说法正确的是?()A、Map("bookbook"-5,"penpen"-2)B、Map("bookbook"-10,"penpen"-4)C、Map("book"-10,"pen"-4)D、Map("book"-5,"pen"-2,"book"-5,"pen"-2)

考题 下列元素定义中正确的是()。A、book/BookB、BOOK/bookC、book/bookD、Book/bOOK

考题 Which one of these class maps was configured to match traffic for CS5?()A、CIS 1# show class-map forward Class map match-all forward ( id 3) Match ip dscp 18B、CIS1#show access-map block Class map match-all block (id 4) Match ip dscp 43C、CIS1# show class-map real-time Class map match-all block (id 5) Match ip dscp 16D、CIS 1# show class-map pass Class map match-all real-time (id 2) Match ip dscp 40

考题 If you can improve your price by 3%,we shall be prepared to()for 5,000 metric tons.A、book with you an orderB、book your orderC、be in the marketD、place a order with you

考题 对于PEN导体最小的截面积铜为10mm2,铝为16mm2。

考题 英语名词的复数的语法意义一般是加上词尾s或es表示,但()组词不能这样类推。A、knife.man.leaf.womanB、chair.pen.book.friendC、pound.bag.sort.weekdayD、hero.pig.room.source

考题 Given: 11.% java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap(); 12.request.setAttribute("map", map); 13.map.put("a", "true"); 14.map.put("b", "false"); 15.map.put("c", "42"); % Which three EL expressions are valid and evaluate to true?()A、${not map.c}B、${map.d or map.a}C、${map.a and map.d}D、${map.false or map.true}E、${map.a and map.b or map.a}

考题 单选题英语名词的复数形式一般是加上词尾s或es表示,但()组词不能这样类推。A knife man leaf womanB chair pen book friendC pound bag sort weekdayD hero pig room source

考题 单选题英语名词的复数的语法意义一般是加上词尾s或es表示,但()组词不能这样类推。A knife.man.leaf.womanB chair.pen.book.friendC pound.bag.sort.weekdayD hero.pig.room.source

考题 单选题()是单元格的跨工作簿引用格式。A Sheet1!A5B [book1]sheet1!A5C Sheet1.A5D [book1]sheet1.A5

考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK *x=malloc(book);B struct BOOK x={C++ Programming,27.0};C struct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));D struct BOOK *x=book;

考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK x= book;B struct BOOK *x=book;C struct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);D struct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 单选题以下哪种形式是单元格的跨工作簿引用格式:()A sheet1!A5B [book1]sheet1!A5C sheet1.A5D [book1]sheet1.A5

考题 单选题What condition should be met to book a group-study room?A A group must consist of 8 peopleB Three-hour use per day is the minimumC One should first register at the universityD Applicants must mark the room on the map