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  • A、t._0等于1
  • B、t的类型为Tuple3[Int,Double,java.lang.String]
  • C、val(first,second,_)=t//second等于3.14
  • D、t._0无法访问,会抛出异常


更多 “对于元组valt=(1,3.14,"Fred")说法不正确的是?()A、t._0等于1B、t的类型为Tuple3[Int,Double,java.lang.String]C、val(first,second,_)=t//second等于3.14D、t._0无法访问,会抛出异常” 相关考题
考题 在下面的类定义中,横线处应填入的内容是 class Fred { public: void print(){cout<<data<<endl;} void setData(double d)(data=d;} static int count; private: double data; }; count=0; //静态数据成员的定义A.intB.static intC.int Fred::D.static int Fred::

考题 为使下列程序的正确输出结果为: Now is 2004-7-6 12:12:12 那么应该在程序划线处填入的语句是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class TIME; class DATE { public: DATE(int y=2004,int m=1,int d=1) { year=y; month=m; day=d; } void DateTime(TIME t); private: int year,month, day; }; class TIME { public: TIME(int h=0,int m=0,int s=0) { hour=h; minute=m; second=s; } ______________; //将类 DATE 中成员函数 DateTime 声明为类 TIME 的友元函数 private: int hour,minute, second; }; void DATE: :DateTime(TIME t) { cout<<"Now is "<<year<<'-'<<month<<'-'<<day<< ' '<<t.hour<<":"<<t.minute<<': '<<t.seoond<<'.'<<end1; } int main ( ) { DATE d(2004,7,6); TIME t (12, 12, 12); d. DateTime (t); return 0; }A.friend void DateTime(TIME t);B.friend void DATE::DateTime(TIME 0;C.void DateTime(TIME t);D.friend void DateTime(TIME t);

考题 执行下列程序,显示的结果是______。first="china"second=""a=LEN(first)i=aDO WHILE i>=1second=second+SUBSTR(first,i,1)i=i-1ENDDO?second

考题 使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test37_1,此工程包含一个源程序文件test37_1.cpp,但该程序运行有问题,请改正函数中的错误,使该程序的输出结果为:0149 16 25 36 49 64 81源程序文件test37_1.cpp清单如下:include<iostream.h>template <class T, int N = 100> class Vector{T vec[N];public:void set(int pos, T val);T get(iht pos);/***************** found *****************/}template <class T, int N> void Vector<T, N>::set(int pos, T val){vec[pos] = val;}/***************** found *****************/template <class T, int N> Vector<T, N>::get(int pos){return vec[pos];}int main (){Vector<double, 10> v;int i = 0;double d = 0.0;for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)v.set(i, double(i * i));for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)cout<<v.get(i)<<" ";cout<<end1;/***************** found *****************/}

考题 下面程序的输出结果是【】。 include using namespace std; int x; void funA(int,i 下面程序的输出结果是【 】。include<iostream>using namespace std;int x;void funA(int,int);void funB(int,int);int main(){int first;int second=5;x=6;funA(first,seconD) ;fimB(first,seconD) ;cout<<first<<" "<<second<<" "<<x<<end1;return 0;}void funA(int a,int B){int first;first=a+b;a=2*b;b=first+4;}void funB(int u,int v){int second;second=x;v=second+4;x=u+v;}

考题 下面程序的输出结果是______。 include using namespace std; int x; void funA(int,int);void funB(int,int);int main(){int first;int second=5;x=6;funA(first,second);funB(first,second);cout<<first<<””<<second<<””<<x<<endl;return 0;}void funA(int a,int b){int first;first=a+b;a=2*b;b=first+4;}void funB(int u, int v){int second;second=x;v=second+4;x=u+v;}

考题 为了使程序的输出的正确结果为: Now is 2004.7.10 10:10:10. 那么应在下列程序划线处填入的正确语句是( )。 那么应在下列程序划线处填入的正确语句是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class TIME; class DATE { public: DATE(int y=2004,int m=1,int d=1) { year=y; month=m; day=d; } friend void DateTime(DATE d, TIME t); private: int year, month, day; }; class TIME { public: TIME(iht h=0, int m=0,int s=0) { hour=h; minute=m; second=s; } friend void DateTime(DATE d,TIME t); private: int hour,minute, second; }; ______________________ //函数 DateTime 的首部 { cout<<"Now is"<<d.year<<'.'<<d.month<<'.'<<d.day<< ' '<<t.hour<<":"<<t.minute<<':'<<t.second<<'.'<<end1; } int main ( ) { DATE d(2004,7,10); TIME t(10, 10, 10); DateTime(d,t); return 0; }A.void DateTime(DATE d,TIME t)B.void TIME::DateTime(DATE d,TIME t) constC.friend void DateTime(DATE d,TIME t)D.void DATE::DateTime(DATE d,TIME t)

考题 在下面的类定义中,横线处应填入的内容是 class Fred { public: void print () { cout<<data<<end1;} void setData (double D) {data=d; static int count; private: double data; };______count=0; //静态数据成员的定义A.intB.static intC.int Fred::D.static int Fred::

考题 使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test27_1,此工程包含一个源程序文件test27_1.cpp,但该程序运行有问题,请改正函数中的错误,使该程序的输出结果为;100源程序文件test27_1.cpp清单如下:include <iostream.h>template <class T>class pair{T valuel, value2;public:pair (T first, T second){valuel=first; value2=second;}/***************** found *****************/char getmax ();};/***************** found *****************/T pair<T>::getmax (){T retval;/***************** found *****************/retval = valuel>value2?? value1 : value2;return retval;}void main (){pair <int> myobject (100, 75);cout << myobject.getmax()<<end1;}

考题 有下列程序:includeusing namespace std;int main(){void function(double val);doub 有下列程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { void function(double val); double val; function(val); cout<<val; return 0; } void fimction(double val) { vA.编译出错,无法运行B.输出3C.输出:3.0D.输出一个不确定的数

考题 有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;int main(){void function(double val);doub 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { void function(double val); double val; function(val); cout<<val; return 0; } void function(double val) { val= 3; } 编译运行这个程序将出现的情况是( )。A.编译出错,无法运行B.输出:3C.输出:3.0D.输出一个不确定的数

考题 对于数组int[][]t={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}来说,t.length等于3,t[0].length等于2。( )

考题 ______, the second one will start automatically.A.If the first stand-by set failedB.If the first stand-by set failsC.If the first stand-by set will failD.If the first stand-by set doesn’t fail

考题 In order to acquire a second language, learners will subconsciously use their first language knowledge in learning a second language. This is know as language t().

考题 对于元组valt=(1,3.14,"Fred")说法错误的是?()A、t._0?等于1B、t的类型为Tuple3[Int,Double,java.lang.String]C、val(first,second,_)=t?//second等于3.14D、t._0无法访问,会抛出异常

考题 现有元组valt=(1,3.14,"Fred"),关于元组t的说法错误的是?()A、t._0?等于1B、t的类型为Tuple3[Int,Double,java.lang.String]C、val(first,second,_)=t?//second等于3.14D、t._0无法访问,会抛出异常

考题 若t为double类型,表达式t=l,t+5,l++的值是()A、1B、1.0C、2.0D、4

考题 public class Bootchy {  int bootch;  String snootch;  public Bootchy() {  this(”snootchy”);  System.out.print(”first “);  }  public Bootchy(String snootch) {  this(420, “snootchy”);  System.out.print(”second “);  }  public Bootchy(int bootch, String snootch) {  this.bootch = bootch;  this.snootch = snootch;  System.out.print(”third “);  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  Bootchy b = new Bootchy();  System.out.print(b.snootch +“ “ + b.bootch);  }  }  What is the result?() A、 snootchy 420 third second firstB、 snootchy 420 first second thirdC、 first second third snootchy 420D、 third second first siiootchy 420E、 third first second snootchy 420F、 first second first third snootchy 420

考题 变量x、f、d分别为int,float,double类型的,除了f和d不能等于无穷大和NAN以外值可以任意选取,下面表达式为真的是()A、x==(int)(double)xB、x==(int)(float)xC、d==(double)(float)dD、(f+d)-f==d

考题 StringBuffer append(数值类型 t),参数t可以是boolean、int、char、float、double、long

考题 若t为double类型,表达式t=1,t+5,t++的值是()。A、1B、6.0C、2.0D、1.0

考题 Public class Holt extends Thread{   Private String sThreadName;   Public static void main(String argv[]) {  Holt  h=new Holt(); h.go(); Holt(){};  Holt(String s){ sThreadName=s;  Public String getThreadName() {  return sThreadName;} }  Public void go(){  Hot first=new Hot("first"); first.start();  Hot second=new Hot("second"); second.start();  }  Public void start() {  For(int i=0;i2;i++) {  System.out.print(getThreadName()+i); Try{  Thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){  System.out.print(e.getMessage()) ;  } } }  }  当编译运行上面代码时,将会出现() A、编译时错误B、输出first0,second0,first0,second1C、输出first0,first1,second10,second1D、运行时错误

考题 填空题In order to acquire a second language, learners will subconsciously use their first language knowledge in learning a second language. This is know as language t().

考题 单选题变量x、f、d分别为int,float,double类型的,除了f和d不能等于无穷大和NAN以外值可以任意选取,下面表达式为真的是()A x==(int)(double)xB x==(int)(float)xC d==(double)(float)dD (f+d)-f==d

考题 单选题(), the second one will start automatically.A If the first stand-by set failedB If the first stand-by set failsC If the first stand-by set will failD If the first stand-by set doesn’t fail

考题 单选题public class Bootchy {  int bootch;  String snootch;  public Bootchy() {  this(”snootchy”);  System.out.print(”first “);  }  public Bootchy(String snootch) {  this(420, “snootchy”);  System.out.print(”second “);  }  public Bootchy(int bootch, String snootch) {  this.bootch = bootch;  this.snootch = snootch;  System.out.print(”third “);  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  Bootchy b = new Bootchy();  System.out.print(b.snootch +“ “ + b.bootch);  }  }  What is the result?()A  snootchy 420 third second firstB  snootchy 420 first second thirdC  first second third snootchy 420D  third second first siiootchy 420E  third first second snootchy 420F  first second first third snootchy 420

考题 单选题有如下程序:#include struct pair{ int first,second;};struct pair get_min_max(int*array, int len){ int i; struct pair res; res.first=array[0]; res.second=array[0]; for(i=1;ires.second)   res.second=array[i]; } return res;}main(){ int array[5]={9,1,3,4}; struct pair min_max = get_min_max(array,5); printf(min=%d,max=%d, min_max.first, min_max.second);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。A min=1,max=9B min=0,max=9C min=1,max=4D min=0,max=4