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() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.

  • A、One who
  • B、Whoever
  • C、Anyone
  • D、Those who


更多 “() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.A、One whoB、WhoeverC、AnyoneD、Those who” 相关考题
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考题 () comes back first is supposed to win the prize.AOne whoBWhoeverCAnyoneDThose who

考题 You are the network administrator for All network servers run Windows Server 2003. You install Software Update Services (SUS) on one server. You configure the following settings: 1. Do not use a proxy server for Internet access. 2. Synchronize directly from the Microsoft Windows Update servers. 3. Automatically approve new versions of previously approved updates. 4. Save updates in a local folder. You perform a manual synchronization. Now you need to back up the critical information that is related to your installation of SUS. What should you do?()A、First, use the Backup utility to back up the System State data. Then, use the IIS administration tool to back up the default Web site.B、First, use the IIS administration tool to back up the default Web site. Then, use the Backup utility to back up the System State data.C、First, use the IIS administration tool to back up the IIS metabase. Then, use the Backup utility to back up the IIS metabase file, the default Web site, and the content storage location.D、First, use the Backup utility to back up the IIS metabase file, the default Web site, and the content storage location. Then, use the IIS administration tool to back up the IIS metabase.

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