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Tom succeeded in getting a()of $3,000 from the bank to buy a new house.

  • A、debt
  • B、found
  • C、loan
  • D、payment


更多 “Tom succeeded in getting a()of $3,000 from the bank to buy a new house.A、debtB、foundC、loanD、payment” 相关考题
考题 Please accept my greeting from New York.I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studies here at this university. It is the third week of classes now. My roommate, Tom, is also a graduate student like me. He is studying biology (生物学). He is from Houston. We are now on good terms.Our dormitory m going to buy one this afternoon. The view on the window is pleasant, and the weather is hot in the summer right now. It is about 38 degrees outside the room. But we have air conditioning in the room, so I feel OK.How are you getting on? Are you still working on your paper now?Please say "Hello" to those who have taught me. I miss all of you very much.LoveWang Hui6.Wang Hui is writing to her former teacher.A.TB.F7.From the passage, we know that Wang Hui is a new graduate student in New York.A.TB.F8.Tom is from Houston.A.TB.F9.Wang Hui thinks her dormitory is too big.A.TB.F10.Wang Hui is going to move to another room.A.TB.F

考题 I asked the bank for a _____. A.loafB.loadC.loanD.loam

考题 Why does the woman plan to go to town?A.To pay her bills in the bank.B.To buy books in a bookstore.C.To get some money from the bank,

考题 Why does the woman plan to go to town?A To pay her bills in the bank. B To buy books in a bookstore. C To get some money from te bank.

考题 BToday is Alice's birthday. All her friends are in her home. They're Ann, Tom and Lin Tao. Look! These presents on the table are for her. This new computer is from her father.The beautiful dress is from her mother. The toy car and the toy boat (船) are from Tom and Lin Tao. These flowers are from Ann They're red, green and yellow. Alice is very happy.( )26. Whose birthday is it today?A. Alice'sB. Ann'sC. Tom’sD. Lin Tao’s

考题 How can the seller receive immediate payment if the draft is made payable on a future date?A.He can send the draft to the correspondent bank for immediate payment.B.He can present it to the bank against which it is drawn for payment.C.He can ask the buyer to pay the money.D.He can discount the draft at his bank and get money immediately.

考题 The terms of payment are important for both the seller and the buyer. For the seller, the best terms would be full payment ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu cash at the time of sale. But the buyer would prefer to have the goods before making payment. Importers and exporters are separated from each other by ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu?of miles. This adds to the difficulties of ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu an agreement of payment. However, exporters and importers usually meet each other half-way and agree to payment by a Letter of Credit. A letter of credit (L/C) is a banker’s guarantee that payment will be made, if all the required shipping documents are presented. * In this way, exporters receive a guarantee not only from importers, but also from a bank. * On ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your buhand, importers are given the guarantee that the bank will not make payment unless all the shipping documents are presented. Nevertheless, the exporter can further require an ________letter of credit. That means the guarantee of payment cannot be cancelled either by the opening bank or the importer.

考题 Tom succeeded________(save) the girl from being drowned.

考题 I broke Tom's teacup yesterday, so I had to buy him _______. A.a new oneB.an new oneC.the new oneD.one new

考题 It ______ him a lot of money to buy a house.A、takeB、takesC、tookD、taking

考题 听力原文:The encashing bank forwards the cheque to the drawer's bank for payment and reimbursement.(5)A.The paying bank sends the check to the remitting bank for repayment.B.The remitting bank sends the check to the paying bank for repayment.C.The collecting bank sends the check to the remitting bank for repayment.D.The remitting bank sends the check to the collecting bank for repayment.

考题 In the foreign exchange market, which is made up of banks' traders and brokers, prices (61) every minute (62) to supply and demand. For safety's sake, a branch will get a rate from their traders for a big transaction. Therefore the traders give their branches lists of exchange rates (63) they may buy and sell notes and payments in the main currencies.Whenever a bank in Britain makes a payment in foreign currency, or makes a payment in sterling to a non-resident, the payment has first to (64) under British exchange control regulations. The bank itself can usually authorize the payment after seeing a document such as an invoice to show that the payment is due; but cases (65) borrowing and lending have to be referred to the Bank of England.(46)A.alterB.varyC.turnD.convert

考题 What is the safer and more normal method for the importer's bank to effect the settlement?A.To issue a banker's draft.B.To arrange for payment by mail transfer.C.To make the payment to its correspondent bank.D.To ask the importer to pay the money on his dollar account.

考题 听力原文:M: I want to cash this check for my mother, but the teller told me to bring it here.W: Yes, Sir. That's an out-of-town personal check. We wouldn't be able to cash it for you until the proceeds are collected from the paying bank.Q: How will the bank deal with the man's check?(18)A.The bank will cash the check immediately.B.The bank will issue a new bank account and deposit the money for him.C.The bank will cash it for him until the proceeds are collected from the paying bank.D.The bank will endorse the check before payment.

考题 28. Tom went into a restaurant to _______ .A. buy glassesB. have lunchC. buy some booksD. sell glasses

考题 Why does the woman plan to go to town?A. To pay her bills in the bank. B. To buy books in a bookstore. C. To get some money from the bank

考题 With our new Quick Pay system, your monthly subscription fee will be debited automati-cally from the bank account of your__________.A.choice B.choose C.choices D.chose

考题 What does“down payment”refer to in the passage? __________A.Money borrowed from a bank as a mortgage B.Money paid to a bank before the mortgages is given C.Interest received by a person who borrows money as the mortgages D.Interest charged by a bank on a mortgage

考题 How will Mr. Chalmers remit the payment?A.He will send a check every month B.It will be taken out of his bank account C.It will automatically be deleted from his paycheck D.He will bring cash to the company

考题 根据下列内容,回答211-215题。 A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy.Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a house,so they have to borrow money from a bank.Borrowing moneyfrom a bank to buy a house is called“take a mortgage”.The bank usually lends money or gives a me.gage for twenty—five years.Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as$50,000.In other words,they will have a$50,000 mortgage. How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like.you go to a bank.The bank will research you financial history and decide if they think you are a good risk.They will want to know what kind of job you have,what kind of salary you make and how long you have had the job. They will a]so want to know how much money you have.In addition.the banks will require a down payment.Depending Oil which state you live in,the bank may require as much as 30%of the price of the house as a down payment.The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house.Many people are never able to buy a house because they can not save enough money for the down payment. What does a house mean in the United States.? __________A.It is a dream which many people can hardly realize B.It is so expensive that many people can not really buy them C.It is the most important property that many people try to buy D.It doesn’t belong to people if they can not borrow morley from the bank

考题 John succeeded()what he wantedAto getBto gettingCin gettingDand getting

考题 Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:   The exporter, as drawer of a draft (bill of exchange), hands the draft to his bank, the remitting bank, who in turn forwards it to the buyer through a collecting bank in the buyer’s country. A draft (also called a bill) is a written order to a bank or a customer to pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future a certain sum of money. If shipping documents accompany the draft, the collection is called “documentary collection.”   Documentary collection falls into two major categories: one is documents against payment(D/P); the other, documents against acceptance (D/A).   Documents against payment, as the term suggests, is that the collecting bank will only give the shipping documents representing the title to the goods on the condition that the buyer makes payment.   Where the paying arrangement is D/A, the collecting bank will only give the buyer the shipping documents after buyer’s acceptance of the bill drawn on him, i.e. the buyer signs his name on the bill promising to pay the sum when it matures. In return he gets what he needs – the shipping documents.   Under D/A, the seller gives up the title to the goods – shipping documents before he gets payment of the goods. Therefore, an exporter must think twice before he accepts such paying arrangement. The meaning of D/A is().A、documents against acceptanceB、documents against paymentC、delivery after paymentD、cash against payment

考题 Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:   The exporter, as drawer of a draft (bill of exchange), hands the draft to his bank, the remitting bank, who in turn forwards it to the buyer through a collecting bank in the buyer’s country. A draft (also called a bill) is a written order to a bank or a customer to pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future a certain sum of money. If shipping documents accompany the draft, the collection is called “documentary collection.”   Documentary collection falls into two major categories: one is documents against payment(D/P); the other, documents against acceptance (D/A).   Documents against payment, as the term suggests, is that the collecting bank will only give the shipping documents representing the title to the goods on the condition that the buyer makes payment.   Where the paying arrangement is D/A, the collecting bank will only give the buyer the shipping documents after buyer’s acceptance of the bill drawn on him, i.e. the buyer signs his name on the bill promising to pay the sum when it matures. In return he gets what he needs – the shipping documents.   Under D/A, the seller gives up the title to the goods – shipping documents before he gets payment of the goods. Therefore, an exporter must think twice before he accepts such paying arrangement. In a transaction, if payment is made by collection, then the remitting bank is always located in()A、Seller’s countryB、Buyer’s countryC、Either A or BD、None of the above

考题 () has the first responsibility to make payment for the seller with the L/C payment.A、Advising bankB、Accepting bankC、Negotiating bankD、Issuing bank

考题 单选题John succeeded()what he wantedA to getB to gettingC in gettingD and getting

考题 单选题Tom succeeded in getting a()of $3,000 from the bank to buy a new house.A debtB foundC loanD payment

考题 单选题Bob: What are you reading, Tom?  Tom:It’s this week’s New Scientist, why?  Bob:I was just wondering—______, but I’ve never actually read it myself. Is it aimed at real scientists or can ordinary people like me understand it?A it’s for anyone really B where I can buy itC it seems very expensiveD it looks interesting