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There was a river with a small town on either side of it.The towns were linked by a bridge.
One day,a hole appeared in the bridge.Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended.However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it.Each town thought that it had a better?reason for the other to mend the hole.The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the left-bank town should mend the hole.The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that?all the traffic came to the right-bank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge.
The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole.The more it went on,the more the hostility?between the two towns grew.
One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg.People from both towns questioned him?closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the?right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident.But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night.
Some time later.,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole.Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but?was merely passing through.The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not?mended.
On hearing the reason,he declared,"I′11 buy this hole.Who′s the owner?"
Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole.
"One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it."
"How shall we prove it?"asked both sides.
"That′s simple.Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it.I′11 buy the hole from?whoever mends the bridge."
People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver?changed the axle.They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole.
"What hole?"The traveler looked surprised."I can′t see any hole.I′ve been looking for a?hole for several years now.I′m prepared to pay a good price for it,but there′s no hole here.Are?you pulling my leg or what?"
He got into his car and drove off.

In"Are you pulling my leg or what?",the phrase"pulling my leg"refers to__《》()

A.trying to stop me
B.laughing at me
C.putting me in trouble
D.making fun of me


解析:【考情点拨】词语理解题。【应试指导】从文章中我们可以看出,这个过路人原先提出要买这个洞,而现在洞已被补好,没有了,所以他也不用再付钱了一倒数第二段内容为这八人的辩解之辞.所以“pulling my leg”应为“开玩笑”之意
更多 “There was a river with a small town on either side of it.The towns were linked by a bridge. One day,a hole appeared in the bridge.Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended.However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it.Each town thought that it had a better?reason for the other to mend the hole.The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the left-bank town should mend the hole.The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that?all the traffic came to the right-bank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge. The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole.The more it went on,the more the hostility?between the two towns grew. One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg.People from both towns questioned him?closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the?right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident.But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night. Some time later.,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole.Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but?was merely passing through.The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not?mended. On hearing the reason,he declared,"I′11 buy this hole.Who′s the owner?" Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole. "One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it." "How shall we prove it?"asked both sides. "That′s simple.Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it.I′11 buy the hole from?whoever mends the bridge." People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver?changed the axle.They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole. "What hole?"The traveler looked surprised."I can′t see any hole.I′ve been looking for a?hole for several years now.I′m prepared to pay a good price for it,but there′s no hole here.Are?you pulling my leg or what?" He got into his car and drove off. In"Are you pulling my leg or what?",the phrase"pulling my leg"refers to__《》()A.trying to stop me B.laughing at me C.putting me in trouble D.making fun of me” 相关考题
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考题 They,the former opponents,were sitting talking side by side.I thought my eyes were playing tricks( )me. on

考题 Janet as well as the other young people who ____ sent abroad by government ___ brought up in the small town. A. was;was B. was;were C. were ;were D. were ;was

考题 Janet as well as the other young people who__________sent abroad by the government __________brought up in the small town.A.was:was B.was;were C.were;were D.were;was

考题 There was a river with a small town on either side of it.The towns were linked by a bridge. One day,a hole appeared in the bridge.Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended.However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it.Each town thought that it had a better?reason for the other to mend the hole.The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the left-bank town should mend the hole.The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that?all the traffic came to the right-bank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge. The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole.The more it went on,the more the hostility?between the two towns grew. One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg.People from both towns questioned him?closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the?right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident.But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night. Some time later.,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole.Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but?was merely passing through.The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not?mended. On hearing the reason,he declared,"I′11 buy this hole.Who′s the owner?" Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole. "One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it." "How shall we prove it?"asked both sides. "That′s simple.Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it.I′11 buy the hole from?whoever mends the bridge." People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver?changed the axle.They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole. "What hole?"The traveler looked surprised."I can′t see any hole.I′ve been looking for a?hole for several years now.I′m prepared to pay a good price for it,but there′s no hole here.Are?you pulling my leg or what?" He got into his car and drove off. The man who had fallen into the hole failed to answer any questions because he__________。《》()A.had one of his legs broken B.was busy changing the axle C.had drunk too much wine D.was afraid to blame anybody

考题 There was a river with a small town on either side of it.The towns were linked by a bridge. One day,a hole appeared in the bridge.Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended.However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it.Each town thought that it had a better?reason for the other to mend the hole.The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the left-bank town should mend the hole.The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that?all the traffic came to the right-bank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge. The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole.The more it went on,the more the hostility?between the two towns grew. One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg.People from both towns questioned him?closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the?right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident.But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night. Some time later.,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole.Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but?was merely passing through.The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not?mended. On hearing the reason,he declared,"I′11 buy this hole.Who′s the owner?" Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole. "One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it." "How shall we prove it?"asked both sides. "That′s simple.Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it.I′11 buy the hole from?whoever mends the bridge." People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver?changed the axle.They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole. "What hole?"The traveler looked surprised."I can′t see any hole.I′ve been looking for a?hole for several years now.I′m prepared to pay a good price for it,but there′s no hole here.Are?you pulling my leg or what?" He got into his car and drove off. Both towns rushed to mend the hole in order to prove that__________.《》()A.they owned the whole bridge B.they had the right to sell the hole C.they were able to mend the hole D.they could afford to mend the hole

考题 There was a river with a small town on either side of it.The towns were linked by a bridge. One day,a hole appeared in the bridge.Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended.However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it.Each town thought that it had a better?reason for the other to mend the hole.The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the left-bank town should mend the hole.The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that?all the traffic came to the right-bank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge. The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole.The more it went on,the more the hostility?between the two towns grew. One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg.People from both towns questioned him?closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the?right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident.But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night. Some time later.,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole.Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but?was merely passing through.The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not?mended. On hearing the reason,he declared,"I′11 buy this hole.Who′s the owner?" Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole. "One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it." "How shall we prove it?"asked both sides. "That′s simple.Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it.I′11 buy the hole from?whoever mends the bridge." People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver?changed the axle.They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole. "What hole?"The traveler looked surprised."I can′t see any hole.I′ve been looking for a?hole for several years now.I′m prepared to pay a good price for it,but there′s no hole here.Are?you pulling my leg or what?" He got into his car and drove off. What did the two towns quarrel about?《》()A.Which of them should mend the hole. B.Whether the hole should be mended. C.Why there was a hole in the bridge. D.When they should mend the hole.

考题 单选题A chart projection depicting the poles and a small area on either side of a connecting meridian,that is sometimes used for star charts,is the().A Azimuthal gnomonic projectionB Lambert conformal projectionC Transverse Mercator projectionD Polyconic projection

考题 多选题The ______ of sediment in the river caused concern among environmentalists and industrialists alike; the water levels in the river were being reduced almost daily.AaccretionBdisposalCdepletionDalienationEethnologyFaccumulation

考题 单选题A stretch where the channel changes from one side of the river to the other is called a ().A bifurcationB transitC crossingD changeover

考题 填空题By this time next year my family (live) ____ in this small town for 20 years.

考题 单选题Clouds that form as small white flakes or scaly globular masses covering either small or large portions of the sky are().A cirrusB cirrostratusC altostratusD cirrocumulus

考题 单选题A lot of old buildings in the town were ruined during the earthquake, but they were beautifully()soon by the local people.A recoveredB restoredC resumedD returned

考题 单选题The vessel’s quarter is located().A abeamB dead asternC just forward of the beam on either sideD on either side of the stern