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Given the following requirements:Create a table to contain employee data, with a unique numeric identifier automatically assigned when a row is added, has an EDLEVEL column that permits only the values ‘C‘, ‘H‘ and ‘N‘, and permits inserts only when a corresponding value for the employee‘s department exists in the DEPARTMENT table.Which of the following CREATE statements will successfully create this table?()

A.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY emp_pk (empno), FOREIGN KEY emp_workdept_fk ON (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CHECK edlevel_ck VALUES (edlevel IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)), );

B.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK edlevel VALUES (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘) );

C.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1) CHECK IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY department (deptno) REFERENCES (workdept) );

D.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK (edlevel IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)) );


更多 “ Given the following requirements:Create a table to contain employee data, with a unique numeric identifier automatically assigned when a row is added, has an EDLEVEL column that permits only the values ‘C‘, ‘H‘ and ‘N‘, and permits inserts only when a corresponding value for the employee‘s department exists in the DEPARTMENT table.Which of the following CREATE statements will successfully create this table?()A.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY emp_pk (empno), FOREIGN KEY emp_workdept_fk ON (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CHECK edlevel_ck VALUES (edlevel IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)), );B.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK edlevel VALUES (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘) );C.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1) CHECK IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY department (deptno) REFERENCES (workdept) );D.CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK (edlevel IN (‘C‘,‘H‘,‘N‘)) ); ” 相关考题
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