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( ) we need more practice is quite clear.






更多 “ ( ) we need more practice is quite clear.A.IfB.WhatC.ThatD./ ” 相关考题
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考题 48 A. much B. still C. hardly D. quite

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考题 The book was()interestingthat I read it in two hours. A.veryB.soC.suchD.quite

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考题 执行以下(C)命令,在文件 practice050119 中查找首字符为“1”到“5”中任意一个数字的记录。A.awk ‘/[^1-5]/’ practice050119B.awk ‘/^[1-5]/ practice050119’C.awk ‘/^[1-5]/’ practice050119D.awk /[^1-5]/ practice050119

考题 如果想要打印在文件 practice050120 中字段总个数不为 2 的记录,需要执行(A)命令。A.awk ‘!(NF==2) {print}’practice050120B.awk ‘!(FS==2) {print}’practice050120C.awk ‘!(NR==2) {print}’practice050120D.awk ‘!(OFS==2) {print} practice050120

考题 通过()命令即可执行脚本文件 practice060103。A.../practice060103B../practice060103C.do practice060103D./. practice060103