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考题 单选题______A out B on C forward D through

考题 单选题No sooner had he seen the horrible sight while he stood motionlessly.A than B beforeC whenD as

考题 问答题中国印度经贸关系取得新进展  近年来,中国印度双边关系发展顺利。2005年温家宝总理访问印度时,两国宣布建立面向和平与繁荣的战略合作伙伴关系,2005年3月,双方完成了《中印全面经贸合作五年、规划》联合研究,该规划也成为中印经贸关系发展的指导性文件。2006年是中印友好年,也是中印交往史上具有里程碑意义的一年。  近年来,两国贸易发展较快,贸易额持续保持高速增长。中印双边贸易额由2000年的29.14亿美元增长到2005年的187.03亿美元,年均增长45%。2006年,双边贸易额达到249亿美元,提前实现两国领导人确定的目标。根据中方统计,2006年印度是中国第10大贸易伙伴。根据印方统计,2005/06财年,中国已成为印度第2大贸易伙伴。  近年来,印度大力发展基础设施建设,尤其是大量私营企业积极投资,计划新建公路、桥梁、铁路、港口和电站等一批基础设施,工程承包市场巨大。中国企业在上述领域具有一定优势,经过多年开拓,中国企业在印度工程承包市场特别是现汇或业主融资项目取得重大进展。

考题 单选题John Adams, one of the American Revolution’s most devoted patriots, was the lawyer who successfully defended the British soldiers charged with murder after the Boston Massacre.A disloyal B daring C dedicated D persuasive

考题 单选题The author of this passage tries to __________.A present certain facts of how the development of a person’s attitude can be influencedB show that our society is not doing enough to help children shape their attitudesC point out that teachers are the only people who can influence the children’s attitudesD prove that speeches and books are the only factors to indoctrinate children

考题 单选题If a businessperson wants to be promoted, the most important thing that is required of him or her is __________.A overseas experienceB high-tech communications equipmentC a foreign languageD English

考题 单选题The word “tanked” underlined in Paragraph 1 means_______.A shrankB protectedC coveredD boomed

考题 单选题______A contextB textureC extentD exterior

考题 单选题We are beginning to learn that we __________.A can control our physical environmentB can never control our biological environmentC have no control over our physical environmentD can control both our biological and physical environments

考题 单选题______A income B conscience C responsibility D willingness

考题 问答题信息时代  伴随着信息量不断增长的是技术的发展,这些技术使得人们能够比过去以更快的速度往更多的地方储存和发送更多的信息,这在以前是不可能的。计算机技术使人们可以把大量的数据储存到机读文件里,通过计算机编程找到某一信息,快速便捷地对信息进行处理。不久之后,电信技术的发展使人们能够通过电视、无线电和电子邮件发送的大量信息,对人们实施信息轰炸。人造卫星拓展了通信能力,可以对事件进行现场报道。通过远程会议,人们能在全世界分享专业知识,解决有争议的问题,而不需放下工作、别离家人,大老远去开会了。技术促进了信息分享、信息存储和信息传递,这就使更多的人能得到更多信息。  在这个多变而又复杂的世界里,对信息的要求最为重要。那些利用准确、可信、最新信息来解决日常问题以及他们工作、社会和家庭生活中出现的重要问题的人将会生存下去并取得成功。“知识就是力量”是再正确不过了,获取信息也许是所有人最迫切的要求。

考题 单选题The word “it” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to __________.A the experimentB economic motivationC the Western Electric Hawthorn plantD the Hawthorne effect

考题 单选题______A groupB individualC personnelD corporation

考题 单选题______A activelyB peacefullyC warmlyD positively

考题 问答题中国的旅游业  中国是一个地域辽阔,有着数千年悠久历史的多民族国家,有着秀丽的自然风光、众多的名胜古迹和丰富多彩的灿烂文化,旅游资源十分丰富。改革开放以来,中国经济以年平均近10%的速度持续增长,各项事业蓬勃发展,人民生活水平显著提高,为旅游业的兴旺奠定了坚实的基础。中国政治稳定,经济发展,市场繁荣,中国政府坚持对外开放积极发展与世界各国的关系,也为旅游业的发展创造了极为有利的条件。中国政府十分重视旅游业的发展,将旅游业作为第三产业的重点,不断开发旅游资源,改善旅游设施,提高服务质量,促进了国际国内旅游业的快速发展。随着中国人民生活水平的提高,我国到国外旅行的人数也逐年增多,为国际旅游业的发展增添了新的活力。

考题 单选题______A nameB termsC caseD eyes

考题 单选题The plane was circling over the landing field for l5 minutes when the pilot was told that he should use the Westside Field.A isB Would beC has beenD had been

考题 问答题每天平均睡觉七小时最佳  成年人每天至少需要8小时睡眠才可以保持身体健康,这条真理不再适用,因为越来越多的证据表明少于8小时的睡眠可能更好。  三次大规模的研究发现,每晚睡7小时左右的人寿命最长。日本研究者的最新研究报告中提到,他们在大约10年时间内跟踪调查了104,010位成年人。一开始,参与者回答了有关睡眠方式、健康状况、精神状况和生活习惯的问卷调查,这些因素都可能影响寿命。  分析了上述因素后,发现平均每天睡7小时的成年人的死亡率最低。令人惊讶的是,更少的睡眠时间,甚至少到每晚4小时,都不会显著提高男性的死亡率。而如果女性的平均睡眠小于4小时,她们的寿命则会缩短。但是睡眠时间超过7小时的成年人,特别是女性,很可能在10年内去世。  加州大学圣迭戈(San Diego)分校医学院的睡眠研究者、精神病医生丹尼尔.克里普卡(Daniel Kripke)在《睡眠》杂志上发表评论说,“医生不应该要求所有病人都至少睡8小时。”因为黑暗或其他由长时间睡眠引起的未知生理反应会导致荷尔蒙发生变化,这会影响寿命。

考题 单选题Until about a century ago, the deep ocean floor, was completely inaccessible, hidden beneath waters averaging 3,600 meters deep.A understandableB recognizable C unreachable D unusable

考题 单选题______A similarB longC differentD short

考题 单选题______A gratefulB readyC pleasedD obligated

考题 单选题______A relationship B relation C thing D matter

考题 单选题It was clear that they abused their power and rode roughshod over the people.A hauled B misusedC deceived D acquired

考题 单选题______A right B true C factual D fact

考题 单选题______A idea B concept C trend D situation

考题 单选题______A vivacity B originality C creativity D dynamic

考题 问答题Aid for Africa  The momentum is building ahead of next month’s G8 summit in Scotland where the leaders of the world’s richest nations will debate what they can do to help some of the world’s poorest. Africa is the priority and the politicians will discuss reducing the debt burden, ending trade regulations which put the continent’s economy at a disadvantage, and giving more aid. Mark Doyle, who’s reported from Africa for many years, looks at why aid is necessary, and why much of what’s been donated in the past has not worked.  All around the edge of Africa-along the coastline, near the continents’ ports—are monuments to exploitation. On the island of Goree, for example, just off the coast of Senegal, there’s :the Slave House. This was the last place many Africans saw before being shipped off to a lifetime of slavery in American or, just as often, to death on the high seas.  There are many more places like this dating from the three hundreds and fifty years or so of the African slave trade. When people wonder why Africa is so poor, they need look no further for the start of an explanation.  The end of the slavery was followed by a century of colonialism. Some people argue that colonialism brought limited development—railways and schools and so on—the system was principally designed to turn Africa into a vast plantation and mining site for the profit of outsiders. Of course, some Africans gained from this period. Chiefs who sold their enemies to the European or Arab slavers, for example, and coastal people who creams a little off the colonial trade which flowed through their land.  But on the whole, for almost half a millennium, the general rule was systematic exploitation.  This must, surely, be the basic reason why Africa is poor. You could add that the climate .is punishing, that tropical diseases are fife, and that today’s independent African rulers are far from perfect, all true. But these factors, powerful in recent decades, seem marginal when set against to the pattern that was set for centuries.  The solution, or at least, the project SOLD as the solution to, has been aid. Emergency aid, development aid, agricultural aid, economic advice. Billions of dollars worth of it. The problem with this solution is that, patently, is hasn’t worked.  On the whole, Africa has got poorer.  The failure hasn’t really been the idea of real aid but the misuse of that term. Clearly, if, in the famous phrases, you teach a man to fish you’re probably helping him.  But most aid hasn’t been like that. Most of it has been top-down aid, money that’s given to African governments do the political bidding of the aid givers. A good proportion of it has been creamed off by the recipient government’s officials and another large chunk of it paid back to the so-called donors in consultancy fees, salaries, cars, houses and servants for aid officials, debt repayments and the purchasing of arms.  And yet, to say aid hasn’t worked IN THE PAST is not the same thing as saying aid CAN’T work.

考题 单选题______A lookB perceiveC considerD observe