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Practice 1Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should:1) describe the situation the drawing indicates, interpret its meaning, and2) give comments on this phenomenon.You should write no less than 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2.


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更多 “问答题Practice 1Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should:1) describe the situation the drawing indicates, interpret its meaning, and2) give comments on this phenomenon.You should write no less than 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2.” 相关考题
考题 Now more people are buying lottery tickets. Study the following charts carefully and write an article on the topic of lottery. In your article, you should cover the following points: 1) describe the phenomenon; 2) analyze the phenomenon, and give your comments on it. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

考题 Directions: Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing.2) interpret its meaning, and.3) support your view with examples. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)

考题 When we write, we must write as()as we can.AcarefulBcarefullyCmore carefulDmore carefully

考题 When we write, we must write as()as we can.A、carefulB、carefullyC、more carefulD、more carefully

考题 问答题Practice 7  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 2Directions:A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in 150 words.B. Your essay should meet the requirements below: 1. Interpret the graph. 2. Suggest counter-measures. 3. Give advice for job seekers.

考题 问答题Practice 1Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 150 words about the title of Increase of Farmers’ Income. You should study the following chart carefully, then write a composition to:1. describe the changes of farmers’ income in the past three years;2. give at least two possible reasons for the changes.

考题 问答题Practice 20Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic: Why I Want to Buy a Car. Study the following outline carefully and write your composition on the COMPOSITION SHEET.Outline:1. Owning a car has become a common desire for most young and middle-aged people;2. The advantages and disadvantages of having a private car;3. Your suggestions on how to improve the sales and use of private cars and the public transportation in big cities.

考题 问答题Practice 6  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Some people believe that these environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with, while others think that individuals should take some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 3  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from other sources (such as the Internet and television). To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 13  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  —In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience.  —W.B, Prescott  Assignment: Which is a more powerful force of social change: power or patience? Write an essay in which you answer this question and support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.

考题 问答题Practice 3  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 12  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  I have learned that success is to be measured not so,: much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.  —Booker T. Washington  Assignment: Is the struggle endured to achieve success more important than the accomplishment itself? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

考题 问答题Practice 2  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  Being truly human as a member of a society means seeing injustice and working to fix it. The human mind is endowed with not only the ability to perceive the world and act instinctively, but to visualize a better future and endeavor to realize it.  Assignment: What is one great injustice in the world, and how should it be addresed? Write an essay in which you answer this question and explain the reasons for your choice. You may draw inspiration and support from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.

考题 问答题Directions:  Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should  (1)describe the situation the drawing indicates, interpret its meaning, and  (2)give comments on this phenomenon.  You should write 160-200 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2.

考题 问答题Practice 1  You have read the following advertisement on the Morning Post, an English newspaper.  Write an application letter to the hotel manager. Your letter should include:  (1) reasons for your application  (2) a request for an interview  You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin” instead. You do not need to write the address.

考题 问答题Directions:  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should  (1)Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.  (2)Give your comments

考题 问答题Practice 2Write an essay in about 150 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1. Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.2. Give your comments.

考题 问答题Practice 1Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should:1) describe the situation the drawing indicates, interpret its meaning, and2) give comments on this phenomenon.You should write no less than 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2.

考题 问答题Practice 6  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 5  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  If a product is of good quality and meets people's needs, people will buy it, Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment, To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 4Directions:A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET.C. Your essay should cover the following points: 1. General situation of crime victims in the U.S. 2. The most frequent victims of crimes and their implications. 3. Your comments.

考题 问答题Directions:  A. Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of at least 120 words.  B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:  (1) describe the picture and interpret its meaning;  (2) point out the problem and give your comments.

考题 问答题Directions: Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should  (1) describe the drawing,  (2) interpret its implications, and  (3) give your comments.  You should written at least 120 words.

考题 问答题Practice 2  ● Your manager is considering fostering team spirit among the staff. He has asked you to write a report concerning this.  ● Write the report for your manager, including the following information:  ● the current state of teamwork among co-workers,  ● the importance of teamwork for the effective management,  ● the practices that could foster team spirit,  ● write 200-250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 2Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the following picture. Please write an article entitled “Our Disappearing Countryside”. You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

考题 问答题Practice 3  ● Your manager is considering whether to purchase or to rent a new company premise. He has asked you to write a report concerning this.  ● Write a report for your manager, including the following information:  ● what you know about the premise,  ● why it is good for you to take the relevant action,  ● how your company would benefit from it.  ● Write 200-250 words.

考题 问答题Practice 3Directions:A. Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET.C. Your essay should cover these three points: 1. Effect of the country’s growing human population on its wildlife. 2. Possible reasons for the effect. 3. Your suggestions for wildlife protection.