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考题 单选题To cope with the difficulty that funeral business faces, SCI has done the following EXCEPT______.A lowering the prices of some funeral goods.B providing various related services.C opening more chain stores.D building a brand.

考题 单选题What is mentioned as a reason why the world market is being globalised?A The developing countries can get goods and services from western countries only.B Some western multinationals are eager to reap profits from other countries.C The developed countries depend more on resources of the developing countries.D The world is becoming more connected through internet and telecommunications.

考题 单选题We get the impression that Virginius is a man of _____.A harmless vanityB profound knowledgeC high aspirationD immovable confidence

考题 问答题感到孤独和在生活上不能自理,他们会经常想家和情绪低落。更重要的是,由于他们在学习上没有打好坚实的基础,不能适应外语环境下的学习。由于他们缺乏独立学习的能力,所以就不可能取得所期望的进步。  于是,许多人便不得不半途而废,放弃来之不易的学习机会。因此,过早地送小孩子到国外学习不一定是件好事情。

考题 单选题What is the premise of “customer satisfaction level”, according to the passage?A Good service and quality.B Different treatments to different customer groups.C Making money.D Full understanding of customer needs.

考题 问答题Where did the movies begin? It is often said that they are an Americaninvention, and this is not entirely true. The motion picture has been the most   (1) _______international of the arts. Before the dawn of 20th century, inventors in      (2) _______France, England, and the United States were among the dozens of men whoare trying to develop ways of using photographs to create the effect of motion.   (3) _______  Soon after 1889, when the famous American inventor Thomas Edisonat first showed motion pictures through a device called the Kinetoscope,      (4) _______other device for the same purpose appeared all over the world. Edison        (5) _______had solved certain problems, make it possible for other               (6) _______inventors move ahead with their own devices. Another important contribution     (7) _______by Edison was the introduction of 35 mm for the international standard film     (8) _______width. Before it became possible to use any 35 machine for showing movies    (9) _______from any part of the world, the international trading of films could begin.Fewer than 10 years after the birth of the movies, American pictures        (10) _______were being shown on the same program with short films from England,France, Germany, Italy, and Denmark, and in as many countries.

考题 单选题According to this passage, some people believe that eventually______.A human societies will be much more cooperativeB man will live in a highly organized worldC machines will replace manD living beings will disappear from Earth

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考题 问答题如果静思太久,觉得孤独了,不妨翻开你可爱的书,书会使你轻松让你充实。在静静的空间里读一本好书,如同冬日里围坐一盆炭火与挚友谈心。平日,因工作太忙,或交际太繁,你难得与古今中外的智者交谈。而今,你却可以凝神倾听他们的教诲了。在静心的阅读中。你的学识逐渐得到增长。你也可以依随自己的爱好,去干任何一件感兴趣的事。静静地听一段音乐,专注地画几笔画,认真地摆一盘残局,甚至翻翻往日影集。想念一番遥远的朋友。这些,无一不是人生的快乐。

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考题 单选题Which of the following statements about scientists is true?A Scientists tend to approach non-scientific problems in a more objective way than common people.B Most scientists believe arts and literature are of little use and hence think little of them.C Scientists are against the concept that science means a way of looking at the world partlyD All scientist are totally in line with the government of their country.

考题 单选题What was the most difficult part for Nightingale’s work at the hospital?A There were disasters of cholera.B There were too many injured soldiers.C The financial condition was very bad in the hospital.D There were prejudices and pressure from the hospital.

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考题 单选题In his early years of writing practice, the author mainly focused on the ability of______.A description.B critical thinking.C communication.D note-taking.

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考题 问答题圣经在英语的发展过程中对英语的影响可谓深远。它不仅对英语词汇的补充和习惯用语的形成功不可没,人们在日常交往中对其的引用更是无处不见。美国有位词汇学教授曾经说过,难以想象一个没有读过圣经的人能够学好英语。我们无意去讨论这位教授的话对错与否,但我们对圣经对于英语学习的作用却是肯定的。本栏目借此一角,以中英文对照的形式向广大英语爱好者提供原汁原味的圣经故事。

考题 问答题What is the danger of the confusion in the meaning of science?

考题 单选题In her husband’s eye, Victoria has all the following qualities EXCEPT _____.A delicacyB beautyC humblenessD intelligence

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考题 问答题她问起我的小说,我说讲的都是发生在上海这个后殖民情调花园里的混乱而真实的故事。“有一篇译成德文的小说,如果你有兴趣,我可以送给你。”我情真意切地说。那还是在复旦读书时一个读德文的男生爱上我翻译的,他是个优等生,没等毕业就去了柏林留学。  她对我微笑,那笑像叫不出名的花儿开在春风里。她把一张写有电子信箱,电话,传真,地址的名片递给我,“不要丢,以后我们还会有机会见面的。”她说。

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考题 单选题Dr. Bruce Charlton would probably prefer to see a more formal relationship _____.A among doctorsB among managersC between doctors and managersD between doctors and patients