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Consumption 消费


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更多 “名词解释题Consumption 消费” 相关考题
考题 What are the factors pre-disposing to stroke? () A、Hypertension.B、Diabetes.C、Cigarette smoking.D、Excessive consumption of alcohol.

考题 Jane's friends in school---Helen dies of consumption.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Henry cannot resist the lure of drugs.A.abuseB.flavorC.temptationD.consumption

考题 Many people see pollution as only. part of______.A. the environmental balanceB. our daily lifeC. the consumption of goods by manD. the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods

考题 价格--消费曲线(Pric-consumption curve)

考题 Consumption and investment, meanwhile, accounted for 4.5 and 1.2 percentage points of first-quarter growth_______. A respectful ;B respectable ;C respectively

考题 consumption habits(短语翻译) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Text 3Investment in the public sector, such as electricity, irrigation, public services and transport (excluding vehicles, ships and planes) increased by about 10%, although the emphasis moved to the transport and away from the other sectors mentioned. Trade and services recorded a 16%~17% investment growth, including a 30% increase in investment in business premises. Industrial investment is estimated to have risen by 8%. Although the share of agriculture in total gross in vestment in the economy continued to decline, investment grew 9% in absolute terms, largely spurred on by a 23% expansion of investment in agricultural equipment. Housing construction had 12% more invested in it in 1964, not so much owing to increased demand, as to fears of new taxes and limitation of building.Total consumption in real terms rose by close on 11% during 1964, and per capital personal consumption by under 7% ,as in 1963. The undesirable trend towards a rapid rise in consumption, evident in previous years, remained unaltered. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13% ,there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy. Once again consumption patterns indicated a swift advance in the standard of living. Expenditure on food declined in significance, although consumption of fruit increased.Spending on furniture and household equipment, health, education and recreation continued to increase. The greatest proof of altered living standards was the rapid expansion of expenditure on transport (including private cars) and personal services of all kinds, which occurred during 1964. The progressive wealth of large sectors of the public was demonstrated by the changing composition of durable goods purchased. Saturation point was rapidly being approached for items such as the first household radio, gas cookers, and electric, refrigerators, whereas increasing purchases of automobiles and television sets were registered.31. the author thinks that the trend towards a rapid rise in consumption was "undesirable" because ______.A) people saved lessB) people were wealthyC) people consumed lessD) expenditures on luxuries increased

考题 请解释何谓“消费函数之谜(Consumption Puzzle)”?请问莫迪利安尼(Franco Modigliani)如何用生命周期假说( Life Cycle Hypothesis)来解释短期消费函数和长期消费函数的不同?

考题 翻译:speed and consumption

考题 Consumption 消费

考题 Which of the following processor specifications should be used to reduce power consumption?()A、45WB、65WC、75WD、95W

考题 单选题A supercharged diesel engine when compared to a similar naturally aspirated diesel engine, will develop an increase in ()A ignition lagB engine horsepowerC lube oil system pressureD specific fuel consumption

考题 单选题What is in common between Sweden and Finland on alcohol issue?A They have the same alcohol culture.B Both have a decline in alcohol consumption in recent years among the youth,C Increase in alcohol consumption is partly due to import from their neighboring countries.D There was once a tax cut on alcohol in both countries.

考题 单选题When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder,().A the exhaust will be clearB fuel consumption will be lowC all the fuel will be burned at top dead centerD fuel consumption will be high

考题 名词解释题价格--消费曲线(Pric-consumption curve)

考题 单选题All personnel on board a vessel should be familiar with the rescue boat’s().A boarding and operating procedureB maintenance schedulesC navigational systemsD fuel consumption rates

考题 名词解释题主要消耗(Main Consumption)

考题 单选题What is the best indication of the loading of a diesel engine?()A Oil temperatureB Manifold pressureC Exhaust gas temperatureD Fuel consumption

考题 问答题翻译:speed and consumption

考题 单选题All OSV personnel should be familiar with survival craft().A boarding and operating proceduresB maintenance scheduleC navigational systemsD fuel consumption rates

考题 判断题Currently, there are about two thirds of the world’s population living in countries where water supply falls short of consumption.A 对B 错

考题 单选题Fuel oil transfer systems used onboard diesel propelled vessels are required to have ().A two fuel oil transfer pumps provided where one is to be independent of the main engineB two fuel oil transfer pumps, with a combined capacity exceeding the maximum consumption of the main engineC engine driven transfer pumps and only used in constant speed applicationsD the capacity of the engine driven pump exceed the consumption rate of the engine to which it is attached

考题 单选题Which of the following Cool Blue technologies will help energy consumption budgeting of System x servers based upon current actual consumption? ()A IBM Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool (SSCT)B IBM Active Energy ManagerC Rear Door Heat eXchangerD IBM Power Configurator

考题 问答题Topic 6:Can shopping vouchers increase consumption?  Questions for Reference:  1) To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers?  2) What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers?  3) In what way can the shopping vouchers best be distributed? Shall every citizen be given the same amount of shopping vouchers or should the vouchers be limited to the lower-income people only?