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更多 “单选题_____A pickB chooseC findD receive” 相关考题
考题 He ran all the way up to the station () that the train had left fifteen minutes before. A.in order to findB.so as to findC.only to findD.such as to find

考题 These( )should explode the myth that men spend their conversations “solving the world's problems”, while women gossip in the kitchen. A. findingsB. findingC. findD. found

考题 20.A seeB.askC.findD.tell

考题 使用正则表达式时,使用()设置匹配规则。 A、MatcherB、PatternC、findD、group

考题 Don’t worry, you can ( )the file to your email. A、addB、putC、findD、attach

考题 Did anyone () the traffic accident yesterday afternoon? A、sawB、lookC、findD、witness

考题 在VB中常用的条件分支语句有 ( ) 。 A、If ..... thenB、ChooseC、Select caseD、For ..... next

考题 If you try all kinds of jobs, not only will you find out what you want to do, but you will also ___________ up a surprising amount of useful information as you go along. A、pickB、equipmentC、drugD、director

考题 In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can _____ by law. A. receive completely free educationB. receive parly free educationC. receive no free education if their families are richD. receive no free education at all

考题 It’s up to the young man himself to _____________ a career. A.electB.chooseC.pickD.get

考题 Youarelookingforanexecutablefilefoo.Selectthecommandthatwouldsearchforfoowithindirectoriessetintheshellvariable,PATH.() A.locateB.whichC.findD.queryE.whereis

考题 在给定文件中查找与设定条件相符字符串的命令为( )。A、grepB、gzipC、findD、sort

考题 19.A.knowB.seeC.findD.keep

考题 We were astonished _______ the temple still in its original condition.A.findingB.to findC.findD.to be found

考题 With the villager __________ the way, we had no trouble __ the cottage. A.to lead; finding B.to lead; to fred C.leading; to find D.leading; finding

考题 With our new Quick Pay system, your monthly subscription fee will be debited automati-cally from the bank account of your__________.A.choice B.choose C.choices D.chose

考题 He dived from the bridge to rescue the drowning child.A:help B:drag C:find D:save

考题 收到;接受;选择(  )。 A.receive;accept;choice B.receive;choice;accept C.accept:receive;choice D.accept;choice;receive

考题 If you want to telephone him,you'11 have to__________up the number in the book.A.look B.see C.find D.search

考题 下面()标记不能达到筛选数据的作用。A、xsl:ifB、xsl:chooseC、$lt$D、xsl:comment

考题 Which three flow-control port states lead to enabled link flow control? ()A、 Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: EnabledB、 Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: DesiredC、 Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: DisabledD、 Receive port: Disabled, Transmit port: DesiredE、 Receive port: Desired, Transmit port: Desired

考题 迭代标签包括()A、;c:ifB、;c:chooseC、;c:forEachD、;c:forTokens

考题 以下属于Linux系统基本命令中的“查找文件”的指令是()A、psB、lsC、findD、df

考题 Linux系统基本命令中的“查看系统进程”的指令是()A、psB、lsC、findD、df

考题 要从指定记录集内获取特定字段的值,应该使用的内置函数是()A、DLookupB、ChooseC、SwitchD、Trim

考题 UNIX操作系统中,为查找文件中的字符,应使用的命令是()A、catB、grepC、findD、diff

考题 单选题You are looking for an executable file foo. Select the command that would search forfoo within directories set in the shell variable, PATH.()A  locateB  whichC  findD  queryE  whereis

考题 单选题"编辑"菜单中"清除"的内部名称为().A _MED_SLCTAB _MED_CUTC _MED_FINDD _MED_CLEAR