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A pelican hook().

Can be released while under strain


Is used for boat falls


Is used for extra heavy loads


Is used for light loads only


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题A pelican hook().A Can be released while under strainB Is used for boat fallsC Is used for extra heavy loadsD Is used for light loads only” 相关考题
考题 Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called __.A.fakingB.flemishing downC.mousingD.worming

考题 The catenary in a towline is ______.A.a short bridleB.the downward curvature of the hawserC.another name for a pelican hookD.used to hold it amidships

考题 In securing a towing cable,consideration must be given to letting go in an emergency.The possible whip of towlines when released can be overcome by ______.A.increasing the shaft RPM prior to releaseB.using a pelican hook for quick releaseC.using preventersD.using a short chain for the lead through the stern chock

考题 The safest device used to secure the end of the pendant wire when it is initially passed to the anchor handling vessel is a ______.A.Pelican hookB.Hydraulic deck stopperC.Connecting linkD.Shackle

考题 A hook that will release quickly is a ______.A.longshore hookB.margin hookC.marginal hookD.pelican hook

考题 A pelican hook ______.A.can be released while under strainB.is used for boat fallsC.is used for extra heavy loadsD.is used for light loads only

考题 Mousing a cargo hook with marline or small line ______.A.increases the lifting capacity of the hookB.protects the hook from the sling ringC.prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hookD.All of the above

考题 最早发现ABO血型的学者是A.IandsteinerB.WintrobeC.DarwinD.KochE.Hook

考题 Meat Hook的中文是肉锯。

考题 cargo hook()A、吊货索B、吊货网C、吊桶钩D、货钩

考题 一般壳的加载过程是获取壳自身的API地址,(),最后跳转到程序原入口点。A、加密原程序的各个区块,重定位,HOOK-APIB、解密原程序的各个区块,重定位,HOOK-APIC、HOOK-API,解密原程序的各个区块,重定位D、重定位,HOOK-API,解密原程序的各个区块

考题 HOOK的含义为().A、数据B、时钟C、挂机

考题 集装箱拼箱货交接条款是()。A、CFSB、CYC、DOORD、HOOK

考题 在全集装箱船运运输中,通常不涉及()。A、HOOK/CYB、HOOK/HOOKC、CFS/CFSD、CY/CFS

考题 What is the function of the AJB bits on DS1 using Extended Super Frame (ESF)?()A、It is used for signaling on-hook and off-hook statusB、It carries CRC information for error detectionC、It is used for a control and performance informationD、It is used for a frame’s synchronization and alignment

考题 HOOK表示()

考题 单选题A pelican hook().A can be released while under strainB is used for boat fallsC is used for extra heavy loadsD is used for light loads only

考题 单选题HOOK的含义为().A 数据B 时钟C 挂机

考题 单选题货钩()A cargo chainB cargo trayC cargo hookD can hook

考题 单选题can hook()A 吊货索B 吊桶钩C 网吊D 吊杆

考题 单选题What is the function of the AJB bits on DS1 using Extended Super Frame (ESF)?()A It is used for signaling on-hook and off-hook statusB It carries CRC information for error detectionC It is used for a control and performance informationD It is used for a frame’s synchronization and alignment

考题 单选题In securing a towing cable,consideration must be given to letting go in an emergency. The possible whip of towlines when released can be overcome by().A increasing the shaft RPM prior to releaseB using a pelican hook for quick releaseC using preventersD using a short chain for the lead through the stern chock

考题 单选题A hook that will release quickly is a().A longshore hookB margin hookC marginal hookD pelican hook

考题 单选题The latch of a safety hook().A increases the strength of the hookB prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook if the strain is abruptly easedC prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook if there is a strain on the sling ringD All of the above

考题 单选题Mousing a cargo hook with marline or small line().A increases the lifting capacity of the hookB protects the hook from the sling ringC prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hookD All of the above

考题 单选题吊货索()A cargo fallB cargo runnerC cargo lightD cargo hook

考题 单选题The catenary in a towline is().A a short bridleB the downward curvature of the hawserC another name for a pelican hookD used to hold it amidships

考题 单选题Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ().A fakingB flemishing downC mousingD worming