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更多 “单选题A daysB weeksC monthsD years” 相关考题
考题 How many years of experience do you have managing and maintaining a Windows Server 2003 environment? () A. I have not done this yet.B. Less than 3 monthsC. 3-6 monthsD. More than 6 months but less than 1 yearE. 1-2 yearsF. 2-3 years

考题 Each box is an activity; the number it contains is the duration of the activity in days. The duration of the critical path is(75)A.16daysB.14daysC.19daysD.20days

考题 ● Each box is an activity; the number it contains is the duration of the activity in days. The duration of the critical path is (75) .(75)A.16 daysB.14 daysC.19 daysD.20 days

考题 jim,adominoprogrammer,wanttodeterminethenumberofworkingdaysinayear.Whichoneofthefollowingformulashouldheuse?() A.@daysB.@holidaysC.@wokdeddaysD.@businessday

考题 22. They stayed together for________A. one weekB. two weeksC. three weeksD. five weeks

考题 The students’ phone offers its service_______A.every morning during the work-daysB.every morning during the work—endsC.four mornings a weekD.every other morning except Sunday

考题 Smilingisthebestwayofmakingfriends.WhenIwasthirteen46old,myfatherfoundajobinthecity.Somyfamilymovedthere.Ialsocametoa47schoolnearwherewelive.Myoldschoolwasfaraway.Atfirst,Ididnotknowanyoneinmyclass.Iwasverylonely48Iwasafraidtomakefriendswithmyclassmates.I49talktoanyoneaboutmyproblem,andIdidn’twantmyparentsto50me.Thenoneday,somethinggoodhappened.Iwassittingatmydesk51asusualwhilemyclassmatesweretalkinghappilywitheachother.Atthatmoment,52cameintotheclassroom.Ididn’tknowwhohewas.Hepassedmeandthenturnedback.Helooked53meand,withoutaword,smiled.Suddenly,Ifelthappy,livelyandwarm.Thatsmilechangedmylife.Istartedtotalkwiththeotherclassmatesandmadefriends.Daybyday,Ibecame54toeveryoneinmyclass.55thesmile,Ihavemovedontoanewlife.Now,Ibelievethattheworldiswhatyouthinkitis.Sosmileattheworldanditwillsmileback.46__________.A.daysB.weeksC.monthsD.years

考题 22.A.hoursB.weeksC.monthsD.years

考题 It is not necessary to declare ______ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several daysB.fever attended with glandular swellingC.acute skin rashD.glycosuria

考题 What is the period of validity of the SOLAS required Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate?A.12 monthsB.24 monthsC.48 monthsD.60 months

考题 How long will the ship stay in the Caribbean?A.Eight days B.About two weeks C.One month D.About three months

考题 __________How often do you go to the library?A.In two days B.Each third day C.Every a few days D.Every few days

考题 Next week, the German Chancellor will come to China for a___________visit.A.three days B.three-day C.three day's D.three-days

考题 How long will the ship stay in the Caribbean?A.Eight days B.About two weeks C.One month D.About three months

考题 Each box is an activity;the number it contains is the duration of the activity in days.The duration of the critical path is. A.16 days B.14 days C.19 days D.20 days

考题 Wire ropes should be greased ().A、every monthB、every two monthsC、every three monthsD、A or B

考题 In this factory each worker must receive a()training course.A、two-monthB、twomonthsC、two-monthsD、two-months‘

考题 Accordingtoharmonised1988Protocol,thedurationofpassengerShipSafetyCertificateshallnotexceedg:()A、5yearsB、36monthsC、24monthsD、12months

考题 How many years of experience do you have managing and maintaining a Windows Server 2003 environment? ()A、I have not done this yet.B、Less than 3 monthsC、3-6 monthsD、More than 6 months but less than 1 yearE、1-2 yearsF、2-3 years

考题 How many years of experience do you have using any version of Windows Server? ()A、NoneB、Less than 3 monthsC、3-6 monthsD、More than 6 months but less than 1 yearE、1-2 yearsF、2-3 yearsG、3-4 years

考题 单选题Inflatable liferafts shall be serviced at an approved servicing facility every 12 months or not later than the next vessel inspection for certification. However,the total elapsed time between servicing cannot exceed().A 12 monthsB 15 monthsC 17 monthsD 18 months

考题 单选题What is the period of validity of the SOLAS required Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate? ()A 12 monthsB 24 monthsC 48 monthsD 60 months

考题 单选题Each lifeboat must be lowered and maneuvered in the water at least once every().A 2 monthsB 3 monthsC 4 monthsD 5 months

考题 单选题Accordingtoharmonised1988Protocol,thedurationofpassengerShipSafetyCertificateshallnotexceedg:()A 5yearsB 36monthsC 24monthsD 12months

考题 单选题A lifeboat is weight tested by lowering to near the waterand loading to capacity with weight evenly distributed. Itis then lowered into the water and released. This test mustbe done at least once every().A 6 monthsB 12 monthsC 18 monthsD 24 months

考题 单选题The soil regeneration at the Hallside site will take ______.A 60 years.B between 5 and 10 years.C over 60 years.D less than five years.

考题 单选题It can be learned that Methuselah _____.A is an ancient tree about 2000 years oldB is grown from a seed about 2000 years oldC had already become extinct 2000 years agoD has been the food source since 2000 years ago

考题 单选题By regulation,orange smoke distress signals will expire not more than how many months from the date of manufacture?()A 24 monthsB 36 monthsC 42 monthsD 54 months