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70. A Hearing     B Touring     C Looking    D Noticing









更多 “单选题70. A Hearing B Touring C Looking D NoticingA AB BC CD D” 相关考题
考题 He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”

考题 [A] audio [B] aural [C] hearing [D] listening

考题 The second man pointed to his glass and asked if the angel 70.

考题 (49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was "superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully."此处译文为:

考题 [A] looking for [B] looking into [C] looking after [D] looking over

考题 The police are________the two missing children. A.looking outB.looking afterC.looking for

考题 The police are________ the two missing children. A.looking outB.looking afterC.looking forD.looking on

考题 We are looking forward with interest()hearing from you. A、withB、onC、underD、For

考题 ____________, they immediately left the house.A、Being heard the noiseB、Hearing the noiseC、They heard the noiseD、They were hearing the noise

考题 17.A. looking, forB. looking afterC. looking outD. looking up

考题 70.使用钻床时 戴手套。

考题 _______, I am also enclosing some of the safety programs I designed so you can see first hand the type of work I am capable of performing to bring about the successful safety programs the government requires in organizations today. Again, thank you for your time. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Bill J. Doe A.Furthers B.Beside C.In addition D.As well as

考题 共用题干 第三篇Deaf and Hearing LossPeople who begin to go deaf in adult life have different problems from those who are born deaf. They have to learn different ways of behaving and different ways of communication一perhaps at a time when learn- ing is not all that easy.A hearing aid is not a complete solution to the problem.The sound perceived by the deaf person through a hearing aid is distorted and appears to have more background noise than is heard by someone with normal hearing. Deafened people have to lipread as well.Lip reading is difficult,demands intense concentration,and an uninterrupted direct view of the speaker's face.No other activities can take place at the same time:the lip reader has to stop eating,stop everything in order to concentrate on hearing. It is not a question of stupidity or bad temper一as it sometimes appears to be一but a question of being very easy to misunderstand when the sound is distorted.Remember what it's like trying to communicate on a very bad telephone line.Frustrating,isn't it?The deaf have to face all the time.A useful way of looking at the problem is to see the deaf person as a foreigner一to treat them as if you were in a foreign country.You would speak more clearly,slowly and raise your voice slightly.And you'd use gestures to make your meaning clear, as well as have no hesitation in using pencil and paper to be abso- lutely certain.You can do all those things with the deaf一as well as making sure you don't obscure your mouth with your hand,a pipe or a cigarette.Another point quite often overlooked is that a hearing aid may be quite efficient and useful in a quite carpeted room一but try it in the high street in the rush hour,in a noisy car,in a railway station ticket office, a cinema or a concert hail and you've got a really difficult problem to distinguish speech.So don't suggest to or encourage deaf people to go to functions which are going to make their disability appear worse一and in- crease their sense of failure.On the other hand careful selection of cinemas with good sound systems is important and you should experiment to find out where the best seats are for hearing,fitting adaptors for radio and television,observing which friends are easier to understand,and making sure that people talking are well-lit and all useful andpositive activities.A person who loses hearing________.A:can hear well with the help of a hearing aidB:can communicate with others by lip reading and at the same time with the help of a hearing aidC:can only communicate with others with the help of pencil and paperD:can communicate easily with others by lip reading

考题 Mary is looking for the book she lost yesterday.A:trying to find B:looking up C:looking at D:finding

考题 I have been looking forward to()from my parents.A、hearB、being heardC、be heardD、hearing

考题 I have been looking forward to()from my parentsA、hearB、being heardC、be heardD、hearing

考题 hearing threshold

考题 Which of the following is not the duty of the sailor on gangway watch? ()A、Noticing rise and fall of the tide.B、Adjusting the mooring line.C、Discharging cargoes.D、Receive visitors

考题 喂,你找谁? ()A、Hello, who are you looking for?B、What can I do for you ?C、Are you looking for anyone?D、Who are you?

考题 听阈(hearing threshold)

考题 单选题70. A trembles B steals C recovers D strikesA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题In the statement of “a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing”, the synonym to the word “hearing” is.A official inquiryB listening caseC auditD audience

考题 单选题Noticing that my daughter was shy, our hostess went out of her way making her feel at home.A NoticingB went outC makingD at home

考题 单选题This advertisement is aimed at _____.A foreigners who are new to ChinaB experts who study history and citiesC kids who were born in other citiesD people who are interested in touring

考题 单选题70. A real to B true with C true to D true onA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题70. A But B Nevertheless C In spite D FurthermoreA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题70. A of B with C out D forA AB BC CD D