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Argyll-Robertson pupil


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更多 “名词解释题Argyll-Robertson pupil” 相关考题
考题 She asked the pupil ________ still, but they kept ________ out of class. A.to sit; to moveB.to sit; movingC.sit; moveD.sitting; moving

考题 10. Computers are so popular in our country that every pupil knows________ e-mails.A. how can he sendB. how does he sendC. how to sendD. how sending

考题 以下scanf函数调用语句中对结构体变量成员的引用不正确的是struct pupil{ char name[20];int ageint sex;} pup[5],*p;p=pup;A.scanf("%s",pup[0].name);B.scanf("%d",pup[0].age);C.scanf("%dT",(p-sex));D.scanf("%d",p-age);

考题 “____________ a teacher, one must first be a pupil.“ A. To beB. BeingC. To have beenD. Having been

考题 Argyll-Robertson瞳孔的特征是A、有对光反射,调节反射正常B、无对光反射,调节反射丧失C、有对光反射,调节反射正常D、无对光反射,调节反射正常E、无对光反射,调节反射正常

考题 __________,he is not a very bright pupil.A.As far as his intelligence is concerned B.As far his intelligence is concerned C.So his intelligence is concerned D.As far as his intelligence are concerned

考题 在下面4组字符序列中,只有()中的所有字符序列可以作为VB的变量名。A、Apple、Pupil_Mark、E30B、Ball、5C、φ0C、Car-5、Track、Wm424D、M7K、Product、Sgn

考题 Argyll-Robertson瞳孔()。A、瞳孔散大,仅在暗处强光持续照射才出现缓慢收缩,调节反应很慢B、瞳孔散大,对光反射和调节反射消失C、双瞳孔不等大,对光反射消失,调节反应存在D、瞳孔小、眼裂小、眼球内陷E、瞳孔散大,无光感

考题 Argyll-Robertson pupil

考题 Adie pupil

考题 下述哪项表述符合阿罗(Argyll-Robertson)瞳孔:()A、光反射消失B、调节反射消失C、调节反射存在D、病损位于中脑顶盖前区E、多见于神经梅毒

考题 Argyll-Robertson瞳孔

考题 先天性梅毒的三大体征是()A、基质性角膜炎B、Hutchinson齿C、Argyll-Robertson瞳孔D、神经性耳聋E、马刀胫骨

考题 梅毒所导致的眼部病变有()A、基质性角膜炎B、Marcus-Gunn瞳孔C、Argyll-Robertson瞳孔D、虹膜睫状体炎E、椒盐样眼底

考题 直接光反射消失而集合反射存在,多见于()A、Marcus-Gunn瞳孔B、Argyll-Robertson瞳孔C、Adiee瞳孔D、相对性传入瞳孔阻滞E、调节反应障碍

考题 阿-罗氏瞳孔(Argyll-Robertson瞳孔)最常见的病因是()A、麻疹B、结核C、梅毒D、麻风E、乙型脑炎

考题 名词解释题Adie pupil

考题 单选题Argyll-Robertson瞳孔的特征是()A 有对光反射,调节反射正常B 无对光反射,调节反射丧失C 有对光反射,调节反射正常D 无对光反射,调节反射正常E 无对光反射,调节反射正常

考题 单选题The author argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the pupil's_______.A personal qualities and social skillsB total personalityC learning ability and communication skillsD intellectual ability

考题 名词解释题Argyll-Robertson瞳孔

考题 单选题What is the relationship between the woman and Tom?A Aunt and niece.B Aunt and nephew.C Teacher and pupil.

考题 单选题在下面4组字符序列中,只有()中的所有字符序列可以作为VB的变量名。A Apple、Pupil_Mark、E30B Ball、5C、φ0C Car-5、Track、Wm424D M7K、Product、Sgn

考题 单选题The little pupil took his grandma _______the arm and walked her across the street.A withB inC onD by

考题 单选题The example of the pupils’ learning about Mexico shows that __________.A a child usually learns the right things from their teachersB a teacher can correct a pupil’s wrong ideasC a teacher’s attitude can influence a child’s attitude by teachingD a child’s attitude is very changeable

考题 单选题阿-罗氏瞳孔(Argyll-Robertson瞳孔)最常见的病因是()A 麻疹B 结核C 梅毒D 麻风E 乙型脑炎

考题 单选题In secondary schools every pupil having problems should ______.A know how to ask for helpB be free from any pressure of academic workC be able to discuss his problems in classD be able to discuss his problems with any teacher

考题 多选题下述哪项表述符合阿罗(Argyll-Robertson)瞳孔:()A光反射消失B调节反射消失C调节反射存在D病损位于中脑顶盖前区E多见于神经梅毒